AOC Says She Will Introduce Impeachment Against SCOTUS After Immunity Ruling

She’s pretty upset over the ruling

(Federalist) The Biden Department of Justice’s (DOJ) lawfare against former President Donald Trump hit a massive roadblock Monday after the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that presidents have “absolute immunity” for “actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and “at least presumptive immunity” for all “official acts.” The high court remanded several questions relating to the case against Trump back to the lower court to determine whether they constitute an official act, further delaying Special Counsel Jack Smith’s attempt to have a preelection trial.

The Supreme Court held:

Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts.

The Supreme Court also ruled that immunity does not extend “to conduct in areas where his authority is shared with Congress.” Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, offered guidance for distinguishing between official and unofficial acts, such as prohibiting courts from inquiring “into the President’s motives.”

There’s tons more to this, but, it really is nothing new. Elected officials have always been immune from prosecution for acts that occurred during official business. If the action is bad, then the House files articles of impeachment, and then Senate votes. If they vote to boot the president, then they could be prosecuted, for, say, murder. This likewise applies to Congress, and one can easily make the jump from saying the ruling is about the Chief Executive to members of Congress.

This is one of those “Everything I do not like is Hitler” moments. The court has simply re-affirmed the long standing notion of qualified immunity for POTUS. But, why is she losing what’s left of her mind?

The Supreme Court’s landmark decision Monday means that some of the allegations against Trump must be reexamined in the lower court, while other allegations have been outright rejected by the high court since they are covered by immunity, only further delaying Smith’s case and making a preelection trial unlikely.

This ruling, along with others, deals the lawfare against Trump a serious blow. AOC should remember that this ruling shields Biden for when he leaves the White House. And, now, we await Monday, July 8th, when Congress returns to D.C., to see if she actually introduces impeachment against Supreme Court justices or she’s just blathering.

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32 Responses to “AOC Says She Will Introduce Impeachment Against SCOTUS After Immunity Ruling”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    AOC should remember that this ruling shields Biden

    Seriously. No one is going to prosecute that pathetic old man. Further, prosecuting political enemies is exclusively a Democratic party thing. Republicans believe that the checks and balances on presidential corruption is voting them out.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Further, prosecuting political enemies is exclusively a Democratic party thing.

      Not just a democratic party thing. It’s a feature of all radical leftist parties. Nazis do it, communists do it and Democrats do it. Seems to be a leftist habit. And if prosecuting their enemies doesn’t work the left is simply execute them. Refer back to the same groups.

    • Zachriel says:

      Professor Hale: prosecuting political enemies is exclusively a Democratic party thing.

      Trump called for locking up Hillary Clinton.
      Trump called the media “enemies of the people.”
      Trump called the New York Times treasonous.
      Trump called Democrats treasonous.
      Trump called Obama treasonous.
      Trump called the Justice Department treasonous.
      Trump called former Joint Chiefs Chairman treasonous.
      Trump called for military tribunal for Liz Cheney.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        So? Whatcha getting at, kiddieZ?
        Are you disappointed Trump will no longer be hampered by the coordinated lawfare of the Brandon regime?

        Bwaha! Lolgf

    • Zachriel says:

      L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon!: It’s a feature of all radical leftist parties. Nazis do it, communists do it and Democrats do it.

      Nazis were on the political right. Military police states on the political right prosecute dissidents. It’s related to authoritarianism, which can be found on the political left or on the political right.

      • Edward Brault says:

        The NAZIs were leftists. Also known as: NSDAP, National Socialist German Workers’ Party, National-Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Historians agree that the Nazis were a right-wing movement. In fact Naziism is considered the exemplar for right-wing politics.

          Right-wing movements believe that superior humans have a right (if not the obligation) to rule the inferior humans.

          Slavery of “inferior” races is a right-wing action.

          The Nazis believed their “Aryan” race was superior to Jews, Roma, “Slavs”, Blacks, homosexuals, disabled etc.

          Many American right-wingers still repeatedly insist that America was a better nation when dominated by white, Western European, Christian, “straight”ish males.

          The American right holds that straight, white, Christian males are superior.

          • Flexo says:

            No they don’t, Elwood. Quit lying. Eugenics was a popular idea among the left back before Nazis ruined it.

            Funny how all those communist governments just kept ending up with slavery too…

      • Zachriel says:

        Edward Brault: The NAZIs were leftists.

        Scholars, then and now, have considered fascists to be associated fascism with the political right, drawing their strength from the right. Laypersons, then and now, have associated with fascism the political right.

        Fascists were opposed to liberalism and the political left generally. They advocated for a strictly hierarchical society the very definition of the far right. You will note that ethnic nativist movements in the modern world are also associated with the political right.

        “Granted that the nineteenth century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the twentieth century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy. Political doctrines pass; nations remain. We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the “right”, a Fascist century.” — Benito Mussolini

        • david7134 says:

          Amazing, in one series of post we see that the Z people and Jeff have no idea as to what they are talking about. I strongly suggest that both read a book and stay away from internet sources. Fact is that in Europe, the terms right and left are opposite to those here. If you desire to have an anchor on the different terms pay attention as to how they cater to labor. The Nazis were big on protecting labor so they would be equivalent to our left. The harm that the Nazis caused is most certainly left wing.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Solid argument there, Porter. We’ve come to depend on your insights!!

          • Zachriel says:

            david7134: Fact is that in Europe, the terms right and left are opposite to those here.

            That is incorrect. The right is and has been associated with hierarchism, while the left is and has been associated with egalitarianism. They each have different expressions, and they each have libertarian and authoritarian versions. The center of the spectrum has been moving left for centuries. Where once upon a time, the idea of women’s suffrage was a radical idea, it is now mainstream.

          • david7134 says:

            I don’t doubt that you pick up wrong ideas in our grade schools. But you are wrong. I don’t care to elaborate simple concepts to children.

          • Zachriel says:

            david7134: But you are wrong.

            Powerful argument. Let us know when you can make a substantive response. Here are a few references:

            Griffin, Roger (2000). “Revolution from the Right: Fascism”. In Parker, David (ed.). Revolutions and the Revolutionary Tradition in the West 1560–1991. London: Routledge.

            Kolden, Ingvar (2021). “Right-Wing Radicalism and National Socialism in Germany”. Hamilton Books.

            Lauridsen, John T (2007). “Nazism and the Radical Right in Austria 1918-1934”. The Royal Library.

            Oxford Dictionary: fascism: 1 an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.2 (in general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

            “Granted that the nineteenth century was the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy, this does not mean that the twentieth century must also be the century of socialism, liberalism, democracy. Political doctrines pass; nations remain. We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the “right”, a Fascist century.” — Benito Mussolini

      • david7134 says:

        Z man, child,
        You are likely a communist, most children your age are. Are you aware that communism almost always takes over a government by force with a purging of people over a number of years, until the remaining population are sheep.

        • Zachriel says:

          david7134: You are likely a communist

          Nope. We reject both utopianism and extremism. When combined, they can bring untold misery to humanity.

  2. Dana says:

    How much luck did conservatives have in impeaching Justice William Douglas?

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Impeachment is a hollow threat.

  4. Zachriel says:

    William Teach: Elected officials have always been immune from prosecution for acts that occurred during official business.

    The law applies to elected officials like everyone else (except presidents, apparently).

    William Teach: The court has simply re-affirmed the long standing notion of qualified immunity for POTUS.

    Qualified immunity does not apply to violations of clearly established law.

    Just curious, if the president tried to set up death squads to kill dangerous communists, would he be immune to later federal prosecution?

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Again the kiddieZz resort to their whining hyperbole and hypothetical scenarios.

      Bwaha! Lolgf

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Zachriel asks: if the president tried to set up death squads to kill dangerous communists, would he be immune to later federal prosecution?

      Yes. That would be an official act under the law. Communists wish to destroy America and its Constitution. Recall the Presidential oath: “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States”. The Supreme Court pointed out that a President needs the freedom to do as they need to protect America.

      A strong President could also deport ALL non-citizens.

      Our Constitution does NOT proscribe the use of a militia (death squad) to defend it. Of course, the militia members would NOT be immune to prosecution, although a strong President could order their DOJ not to prosecute.

      • James Lewis says:

        Chicken Little Karen Man

        Zachriel asks: if the president tried to set up death squads to kill dangerous communists, would he be immune to later federal prosecution?


        And then the House would impeach, the Senate would convict and remove and he could be tried and convicted.

        You and Zach are such dummies.

        • Zachriel says:

          [b]James Lewis[/b]: [i]Yes.[/i]

          Under what legal theory? The president would presumably assert that he was acting officially to protect the United States, and his conversations with members of the executive branch would be precluded as evidence, per the same decision, including any evidence of his motives—even if he explicitly stated to his co-conspirators in the government that he did it to get rid of the Jews.

  5. wildman says:

    say aoc, how did you amass 27 million dollars on your salary? any tips for us proles? you in the nancy pelosi investment club?

    • Zachriel says:

      wildman: say aoc, how did you amass 27 million dollars on your salary?

      What is your evidence that she has that sort of wealth? Forbes estimates that the 34-year-old, who often goes by “AOC,” is worth about $125,000, including her retirement savings.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Believe the term is hyperbole.
        The same thing you kiddieZz use quite often.

        #Bwaha! Lolgf

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        That’s good Zachriel, now do Nancy Pelosi. Frankly I don’t think AOC is worth 2 fukin’ cents but that’s just me. I guess you don’t realize that wild man was using hyperbole do you? It’s true, you leftists have no sense of humor whatsoever.

        I assume all three of the arch leftists here are still gonna vote for adolf biden even though he is obviously demented. That just proves that leftist Democrats hate America more than they love their own twisted demented party. What a shame. There used to be a time when they were considered patriots. Well, not patriots after all they did declare war on the United states in 1861. Then they were just plain traitors. Wait that’s what they are now! Never mind.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          L.G., L.G.,

          A commenter said AOC was worth $27 million (as reported by multiple right-wing “news” sites – so hardly hyperbole). That falsehood was corrected. I call it my “One Lie at a Time, Please” approach. Do you admit that the tale about AOC was false?

          Have any Republicans become richer in office?

          Now that that is resolved what’s your beef with Ms Pelosi?

          I might have voted for a moderate Republican, but not a MAGAt and certainly not the vile Trump. The Biden administration is doing fine so they get my vote.

          Right-wing Confederates declared war on America in the hope of maintaining their oppression of “inferior” Blacks. It’s a right-wing thing. Recall that right-wingers, by definition, always feel superior to “the other”, whether Blacks, Jews, women, immigrants, LGBTQs, Muslims etc. So yes, southern Democrats were vile racists back then, but they became right-wing Republicans later.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      According to Ocasio-Cortez’s last financial disclosure — a report required each year from members of Congress — she had savings, checking, brokerage and 401(k) accounts each with $1,001 to $15,000, or a total of $60,000 in assets at most. Her report filed on Aug. 13, 2023, also showed a liability of between $15,001 and $50,000 in student loan debt.

      An instagram post claimed she had a net worth of $29 million.

      • James Lewis says:

        Chicken Little Karen Man

        No matter how much or how little…. AOC is drastically over compensated.

  6. Matthew says:

    As though anything of that level would ever, ever be her call. Laughable, not even eyeroll worthy.

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