Climate Cult Wants Peasants To Shop At Goodwill To Save The Planet

If all the middle and working class folks are shopping at Goodwill, where are the clothes coming from?

Thrift shopping at Goodwill can help combat climate change

Did you know it takes 2,100 gallons of water just to make one pair of jeans? And that it takes 700 gallons of water to make one cotton T-shirt?

According to research by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, textile manufacturing produces more emissions than all international flights and shipping combined and is responsible for more than 20% of wastewater produced globally.

“Hyper-consumerism and fast fashion, you think about the implications that it has on our environment, right?” Libby Castillo, with Goodwill San Antonio said. “Not only, those items are not made very well, but then they go into landfills quicker, but they’re made with a lot of water, a lot of maybe toxic chemicals that end up in our resources.”

More items in the landfills means more greenhouse gases released, which contributes to global warming and climate change.

It’s why thrifting and shopping gently-used doesn’t just save you money, it’s also saving the planet.

The cult elites apparently do not want you buying new clothes. Once they are done with theirs, you’ll be generously allowed to go to Goodwill or other 2nd hand stores to purchase them. Sounds great, eh?

But, I will agree on this a bit: fast fashion is horrible. It is bad for the environment. It is cheaply made clothing designed to mimic high fashion and meant to be disposed of quickly. It won’t last. It’ll be worn a few times and then be disposed of. So, yes, it ends up in landfills and does cause the release of methane, a much more potent greenhouse gas than CO2. I’ve said this many a time that waste needs to be reduced at landfills. The use of fast fashion is terrible, but, has caught on tremendously with younger Millennials and especially GenZ as they use it for all their selfies and videos.

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11 Responses to “Climate Cult Wants Peasants To Shop At Goodwill To Save The Planet”

  1. Dana says:

    I thought that girls were already doing that, to judge from all of the ripped jeans they are wearing!

  2. Dana says:

    It was just 55º F here this morning, so all of those ripped jeans the girls are wearing must have worked in reducing global warming climate change.

    It’s summertime now, so encouraging the girls to wear thong bikinis would mean that they’d be using less fabric, and helping to save Mother Gaia!

  3. wildman says:

    got to hand it to them. its non stop bull shit 24 by 7 for their patrons and clueless clientele to digest. give us money and we can make it all go away, actually they will go away, the weather will still be here.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    I confess to buying a new pair of Wranglers last year!

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Deadly Hurricane Beryl has been upgraded to a Cat 5, and is bearing down on Jamaica on its path to the Yucatan and Cancun as a Cat 1. It may hit the TX coast as a tropical storm.

    Humans are an adaptable species and we’ll adapt to global warming. We have no choice.

    • James Lewis says:

      Chicken Little Karen Man

      The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

      “Are scientists at a point where they can argue confidently that hurricane activity is increasing? Or that global warming is causing an increase in hurricane activity? Right now the answer to both of these questions is no.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Just sit back and enjoy the shit show meltdown.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Chicken Shit Lewis Man(?),

        I’m on your side!! We’ll have to adapt to global warming.

        • James Lewis says:

          Chicken Little Karen Man

          You’re premature. But then that’s what Chicken Little’s do.

          To get a powerful cyclone, favorable atmospheric conditions are essential. Despite warm SSTs, hurricanes won’t form without conducive atmospheric factors. For Hurricane Beryl, low vertical wind shear – the change in wind speed and direction with altitude – allowed the storm to intensify. Interestingly, climate models predict more El Niño events with global warming, increasing vertical shear over the Atlantic and typically reducing hurricane formation.

          In summary, while Hurricane Beryl is impressive, attributing its formation to man-made global warming is misleading. The current scientific understanding points to changes in atmospheric aerosol concentrations and natural variability as more likely explanations. As we continue to navigate hurricane season, it’s crucial to ground our understanding in robust scientific evidence rather than alarmist rhetoric.

  6. MN Steel says:

    Outer-suburb Goodwills used to be great for us poor rural folks. Lots of Tactical Timmys and limp-wristed vets that donate their 511 pants and military gear because the wife is a shrill harpie that had to settle for what she could get with two kids and a wine fetish.

    I stocked up on $5 pairs of 511s, good boots, BDUs and ACUs from the “halloween” racks and still have bins full to use up.

    Let the cubicle people with useless 6-figure jobs that mean nothing take the brunt of the retarded prices now, buy the stuff they have now for pennies-on-the-dollar when their job goes bye-bye and their toys won’t feed the family they despise.

  7. JimS says:

    Great…. so all the folk who see me going into the Salvation Army will now think I buy into this climate hoax… when all it means is that I’m cheap. 🙂 Seriously cheap. 🙂 I got a nice winter coat for $16, with the lift ticket still attached. It’s also a handy place for LCD monitors. I bought them for less than $20 that are fine for the test bench or the PI,
    BTW, The Salvation Army has the reputation of using the highest percentage of it’s income on programs that help it’s clients.

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