LA Times: A Single Cigarette Can Cost $32 In Gaza

The LA Times has run across the most important issue surround the war started by Hamas with backing of the Palestinians

$32 for one cigarette? In Gaza, even a nicotine fix is hard to come by

In wartime Gaza, life’s consolations are scant. Even the momentary solace of a cigarette is all but out of reach.

An acute scarcity of tobacco products has sent prices skyrocketing, leaving smokers in the shattered seaside territory jittery and bereft.

Fathi Sabbah, a 64-year-old father of four and a journalist by trade, said that after Israel took over the Rafah crossing into Egypt in May, he saw single Royal brand cigarettes being sold for 120 Israeli shekels — the equivalent of about $32.

“That is craziness!” he said angrily.

Cheaper brands cost almost $10 for a sole cigarette, but that’s still more than a whole pack before the war.

The thwarted desire for a nicotine fix might seem trivial amid the daily struggle to feed and shelter family, mourn the dead, line up at squalid makeshift toilets and watch children sicken and waste away.

But smokers say the sense of overwhelming despair is part of the circular logic of longing: Sometimes it feels like only a cigarette might help.

The LA Times writers seriously wrote this article. And it’s pretty long. We’re supposed to feel sorry for Gazans or something, even though this a far cry from Hamas attacking civilians at a music festival, raping, torturing, and killing them. Perhaps the LA Times should be more concerned with why almost no one in the LA area has been arrested and charged for attacking Jews and Synagogues.


PFLP terrorist handbook to be taught at Brooklyn community center

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) book will be taught at a Brooklyn community center on Friday, according to the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network Telegram channel.

Samidoun will host a series of group study events on the PFLP document “Strategy for the Liberation of Palestine.”

The document outlines the organization, philosophies, and strategies of the PFLP, and describes its war objective as being “to destroy the state of Israel as a military, political, and economic establishment.”

The PFLP is a designated terrorist organization by the US State Department.

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3 Responses to “LA Times: A Single Cigarette Can Cost $32 In Gaza”

  1. W Wilson says:

    Pedojoe is giving hamas enough money to cover their cigarettes.

  2. Dana says:

    Clearly, Israel’s stop smoking policy is working in Gaza, to help save ‘Palestinian’ lives! Benjamin Netanyahu deserves the Nobel Prize in Medicine this year!

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