For Some Reason, US Taxpayers Will Pay To Deport Migrants From Panama

Biden will barely allow most illegals/migrants to be deported from the United States

U.S. will fund deportations from Panama, expanding migrant crackdown

The Biden administration will begin paying for Panama to detain and deport more of the migrants streaming through Central America en route to the United States, the latest White House effort to curb illegal crossings at the southern border, officials said Tuesday.

The $6 million pilot program is the administration’s first attempt to fund deportations in a foreign country. More than 500,000 migrants entered Panama illegally last year, and officials there have appealed to the United States for help, saying Panama lacks the resources to contend with the influx.

In recent years, the Darien Gap region along the Colombia-Panama border has become a human superhighway, as U.S.-bound migrants from around the world follow a treacherous path through the jungle.

“We’re trying to send a clear message to anyone who is looking for protection or economic opportunity: choose legal, orderly, safe paths instead of putting your lives at risk,” Marcela Escobari, a Biden immigration adviser, told reporters during a briefing on the deportation flights.

Where will they be deported to, though? Back to their home countries? Or, will those flights find their way to the U.S.? Neither this article nor a few others I’ve read have said, though, there are some indications that all those Venezuelans will be sent back to Venezuela, since the nation is not stopping flights from Panama like from the U.S.

Biden officials are eager to keep border crossings out of the news and avoid giving presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump more ammunition to attack the president’s record before the November election.

So, this is pretty much political. Spending your money to make Biden look better. However, even though border arrests are down to 84,000 a month, that’s still way above where they were when Trump was in office.

Immigrant advocacy groups have increasingly condemned Biden’s more restrictive approach at the southern border, as well as the boost in deportations. They say the president’s crackdown has dramatically increased the risk that vulnerable migrants could be deported to nations where they will face persecution or harm.

Biden officials say they have done more than any recent U.S. administration to expand opportunities for migrants to reach the United States legally, including new programs to screen and admit roughly 75,000 migrants per month.

And that’s the reality: Biden wants mass migration to the U.S. Why? He and the Dems want to give them all amnesty, which means they can vote. Who do you think they’ll vote for?

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2 Responses to “For Some Reason, US Taxpayers Will Pay To Deport Migrants From Panama”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Word has gotten around that the US taxpayers will pay for all the normal operations of foreign governments all over the world. Similar to White House staff with massive student loans finding a way for the president to forgive those same loans (transfer the debts to taxpayers), even though they have great paying jobs and come from wealthy families with political connections to the Democratic party.

    Once again, I have to ask the question, when did Congress pass a bill to authorize this?

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Professor the answer to your question is never. The bills laws and spending does not affect the Democrat mind. They are entitled to anything they want just as their voters are entitled to anything they desire. Like sex change operations and abortions for free ( because their health care don’t you know ) or having their college tuition paid for.

      And frankly I don’t care whether they’re wealthy and their families are wealthy or not if they were the poorest people on earth they have no authority to reach in somebody else pocket and steal their money for their tuition. I am so tired of the Democrat idea that people are entitled to rape other people for their money.

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