Good News: Dementia Joe Finally Has A Plan For Food Inflation

Biden and his people have spent several years telling us that inflation is not big deal, so, what is this? Is he going to remove biofuel mandates? Stop dumping money into Ukraine which inflates the cost of fertilizer? Do anything of substance?

There is no price gouging. Calling on companies to lose money always works. Printing money for more SNAP benefits which raises prices. He (well, really, his advisors who are running the country) has no clue it is government policies on top of COVID which caused this to happen. The answer is not “More Government!”

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5 Responses to “Good News: Dementia Joe Finally Has A Plan For Food Inflation”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Right. The problem is price gouging, which didn’t seem to happen during the Trump administration. The problem is not the inflation that the Biden administration created.

  2. ckc2000 says:

    Please don’t , everything you bunch mess with turns to crap. Just leave everything alone for a couple of months then drop dead.

  3. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    They have a great idea let’s try the same thing over again and see if we get a different result. What do you guys think? Do you think they’ll get a different result?

    The insanity and insidiousness of leftism is an amazing thing to watch. They don’t know what they’re doing and they refused to stop doing it. Every communist socialist and Nazi before then tried running the economy and not letting the people run it. They all failed so I have a great idea let’s follow that.

  4. Dana says:

    Only Democrats would think that grocery stores are ‘price gouging’:

    Grocery stores operate on razor-thin profit margins. The industry average is between one and three percent, far below other retail sectors. With such lean margins, grocery stores rely on high sales volume and inventory turnover to thrive.

    The closest thing to price gouging comes not at supermarkets, but the small corner bodegas that you see in urban neighborhoods in which supermarkets choose not to locate, because they don’t want the locals robbing the joint. These bodegas sell a few grocery items, at jacked up prices, magazines, lottery tickets, soda, beer, and sandwiches, items in quick demand, and in places like Philly keep a lot of it behind security glass.

  5. SD says:

    Trump EXPANDS His Lead as Dem Infighting CONTINUES! – Rumble Video

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