Guy Who Takes Lots Of Fossil Fueled Trips Calls Manmade Climate Change Denial “Dumb”

This same guy took two trips in a large, fossil fueled, low MPG limo, surrounded by lots of fossil fueled vehicles for protection Tuesday. On Monday he took many fossil fueled trips. On Saturday many fossil fueled flights in a jumbo jet, trailed by a backup jumbo jet and fighter jets, and the same on Friday. Who knows what he’ll do today

Biden Calls Climate Denial ‘Dumb,’ Announces New Heat Protections for Workers

President Biden on Tuesday called denying the effects of climate change “really, really dumb” and said that extreme heat and other weather disasters fueled by rising global temperatures have cost billions of dollars and thousands of American lives.

“Ignoring climate change is deadly and dangerous and irresponsible,” Mr. Biden said. He warned that temperatures have already shattered records this summer, and are expected to climb, as he proposed new protections for workers exposed to dangerous heat on the job.

Mr. Biden spoke at the District of Columbia’s emergency operations center, where he and cabinet officials were briefed on extreme weather developments across the country. His remarks were some of the most forceful he’s given on climate change, and he used the moment to denounce Republican lawmakers who oppose his policies.

“How can you deny climate change for God’s sake? Mr. Biden said. “They must be living in a hole somewhere.”

“Anyone who willfully denies the impacts of climate change is condemning the American people to a dangerous future and either is really, really dumb or has some other motive,” he said.

Almost no one is denying that the Earth is warming. The debate is on causation. Let me ask: if a person really believes in something but refuses to practice what they preach, are they dumb? If you doctor tells you that you need to lose weight and stop smoking, yet, is clearly overweight and smells like cigarettes, are they dumb? I actually switched doctors because of that exact situation. Is a physical fitness trainer dumb if they are clearly overweight? If they’re just talking about muscle and clearly have some, I’ll listen. I’ll help people on weights, but, not losing weight, since I’m bad at that. If someone tells you we’re doomed from the activities of Mankind making the planet too hot but do everything exactly opposite to save the Earth per their talking points, do you listen? Aren’t they the dumb ones?

Biden’s carbon footprint has to be one of the biggest in the world. He flies to and from Delaware most of his weekends in office.

The regulation, if implemented, would for the first time require employers to monitor workers and provide rest areas and water when the heat index reaches 80 degrees or higher. Employers would also be required to establish heat safety plans. The rule could apply to about 35 million Americans who work both indoors and outdoors. (snip)

The proposed heat rule is already facing opposition from industry groups that say it would drive up costs and would be cumbersome to administer. Opponents have indicated they intend to challenge the legality of the rule as soon as it is implemented, possibly late this year.

Under what duly passed law does this rule come from? Under what authority? I’m not necessarily against it (though 80 is silly, unless you live in Alaska and aren’t used to it), but, is there statutory authority, or, just more Executive Branch overreach? Too bad the elected GOP just do not have the cajones to introduce and vote on a bill that would require Biden to only travel in EVs, and no taxpayer funded flights except for official business.

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8 Responses to “Guy Who Takes Lots Of Fossil Fueled Trips Calls Manmade Climate Change Denial “Dumb””

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    “How can you deny climate change for God’s sake?”
    “Anyone who willfully denies the impacts of climate change is blah blah blah…

    (The same things Rimjob (aka SMF) has been blathering about for years.)
    It would be hilarious if someone would ask the elderly retarded man, “What impacts are you referring to exactly?”

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  2. Facts Matter says:

    Lenin said: A lie repeated often enough becomes the truth.

    Let’s let Roman take you on a fact-filled journey through the Climate Change conundrum and explain why a majority of the world believes it is a problem for other countries to solve.

    16-minute fact-filled video.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      A very interesting video indeed. What it does is points to the same thing pushing crazy climate change that pushes other crazy statements by the left. In other words they came up with an idea that can make them money and they keep pushing that idea until it breaks.

      Since the service of humanity and freedom had such a benefit from the last presidential debate my suggestion would be to have an international debate of scientists pro and con man made global warming and let’s see who comes out on top. We really need to hear both sides of the story together. Being fed a constant steady diet of roll gonna die doom and gloom from the federal government and all the scientists who have money to gain by keeping everybody scared to death is not science. It’s politics and political manipulation effect. We need to stop these people who use political manipulation to twist and contort science to their own desires. They are the real deniers they are the real spreaders of disinformation.

      That’s basically the problem we have in everything political in this country if you’re on the right like I am and you hear something in your mind you Mull it around the things you hear from the left to see which side you are taking seriously. Sadly if you’re on the left like Elwood can you hear something your mind automatically shuts down anything else other than what you hear. Therefore everything that the leftist talking head say on television you will believe it. And if you read elwood’s comments you will see that it’s true. Remember he actually came up and stated a human being is only a human being after birth. So in his mind no compromise at all can be made as to when a human becomes a human. It’s at birth only so if you kill the baby a day before he was to be born it’s OK with Elwood. Either he’s being disingenuous or he’s flat out lying to cover his political beliefs at the expense of science. In other words denying science just like he does with transsexuals. And just like he does with climate. They’re all different branches of science denial and he’s real big into all of them.

  3. Matthew says:

    “…or has some other motive.”

    You mean like money, power and control?

    At least the “other motive” of the realists is a noble one, Joey (or whoever wrote that for you).

  4. James Lewis says:

    “How can you deny climate change for God’s sake? Mr. Biden said. “They must be living in a hole somewhere.”

    1. No one is denying climate change. The argument is over causation.

    2. Mr. Biden? I thought he was President Biden? Is this the start of old Joe being pushed out the door?

  5. Professor Hale says:

    “How can you deny climate change for God’s sake?”

    I wake up every day and go outside, just like I have been doing for over 60 years. If there were a climate changing, I would have noticed it by now.

    BTW, I take the same attitude to most political doom and gloom scenarios: I look out my window. I see the grass and the trees. I hear the birds. I feed the deer in the yard. Then I wonder about all those people choosing to make their own lives so much harder than they need to be.

    There are a great many things that are changing at a much faster rate and with more disastrous consequences than the climate. The difference is that those other disasters are deliberately caused by the Democratic party. Excessive taxation, inflation and interest rates. Persecution of political opponents. Deprivation of civil rights. Ignoring the constitution and running the US government from the shadows with unelected and unnamed people. Starting a war between Russia and Ukraine. Excessive poverty and homelessness. Flooding the country with immigrants from the third world with third world standards of living as if the result will be something other than making the USA into a third world country. Those are just the big ones. Climate? Don’t make me laugh. Whether or not the climate is changing, the political mobilization of climate change is nothing more than a grab for more money by making all forms of energy more expensive and transferring the difference to politically connected millionaires who want to become billionaires. They may as well try taxing the air we breathe. In some places, they already tax the rain that falls from the sky.

    Free clue: If you need experts with satellites (that they paid for by taxing you) and sophisticated instruments (that they bought with your money), and hundreds of years of data (that you cannot verify) to scare you into doing something to fix a problem that you cannot even tell exists, you are being scammed. Kind of like when they told everyone that you had to wear masks you could make yourself from old t-shirts, and stand 6 feet apart, and that new untested Vaccines were safe and effective, even though they knew with certainty that none of that had any evidence to support it. They lied about all of that. They lie about everything. They make a good living by lying and they are going to continue doing it. Only one group of people on the planet have an internal moral compass that tells them cheating other people for personal gain is wrong: Christians. Christians believe that there will be an accounting for our moral failings in this life and that someone is always watching and that justice cannot be escaped. Atheists only fear the law and if they are a part of the group that is above the law, they only fear being expelled from the party.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Everything in your comment above is correct professor. And you probably came close to giving Elwood a heart attack when you said “Only one group of people on the planet have an internal moral compass that tells them cheating other people for personal gain is wrong: Christians.” I wish I could have seen his face when he read that

  6. Professor Hale says:

    …say it would drive up costs and would be cumbersome to administer.

    Such a rule would shut down construction in much of the American southwest for several months of the year.

    It’s as if the people making these rules all live in someplace like Northern Virginia and Maryland and have no understanding at all how things are done in other parts of the country. Similarly, they makes rules for low flush toilets and showers as if they all live in cities with municipal water systems and apartments without individual water meters. To anyone living in the Ohio River valley, the concept of water being in short supply is something they have never needed to consider. It literally falls out of the sky. For a great many union construction workers, they have already implemented rules like this where workers in extreme conditions work for 15 minutes per hour.

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