Ford Big Wig Says Americans Need To Fall In Love With Tiny Cars Again

Which is a weird thing for him to say, considering Ford really doesn’t have small cars. The smallest in their whole lineup is the Maverick, Mustang EV, and Escape. They literally do not have a small car. They consider the Mustang a “sedan”, but, it starts at $40k. You can get a loaded Civic for $30K

Ford chief says Americans need to fall ‘back in love’ with smaller cars

It is time for the US to “get back in love” with smaller cars, according to the chief executive of Ford.

In a wide-ranging interview at the Aspen Ideas festival, Jim Farley said the auto industry needs to focus on smaller EVs and commercial vehicles. He acknowledged that American consumers are in “love with these monster vehicles” but said they need to “get back in love” with small cars.

“We have to start to get back in love with smaller vehicles. It’s super important for our society and for EV adoption,” Farley said. “We are just in love with these monster vehicles, and I love them, too, but it’s a major issue with weight.”

In case Jim missed it, EVs are much heavier than gas powered vehicles of the same size, wearing through tires faster and wearing out roads from their weight. Did the interviewer ask Jim what he’s driving?

Ford expects to introduce a $30,000 all-electric vehicle that will be profitable in roughly two and a half years, breaking a price barrier that has made the adoption of EVs an unobtainable luxury to all but the auto industry’s wealthiest customers.

Are their consumers calling for this?

Farley said Ford would focus on the new vehicle – not larger all-electric trucks and SUVs. Larger vehicles, using internal combustion engines, have traditionally driven US carmakers’ profits, especially at Ford.

“You have to make a radical change as an [automaker] to get to a profitable EV. The first thing we have to do is really put all of our capital toward smaller, more affordable EVs,” Farley said during an interview with CNBC’s Julia Boorstin.

Do consumers want these? Is Ford heading for another bankruptcy, because they are not listening to the purchasers?

But he said the stakes are high for Ford and the other automakers over the next five years, as they seek to compete with Chinese EV makers. Farley said it was crucial for Ford, which lost $132,000 on every EV sold in the first three months of the year, to make profitable EVs in the next five years.

That’s a rather stupid business model. What studies do they have that say consumers want these?

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7 Responses to “Ford Big Wig Says Americans Need To Fall In Love With Tiny Cars Again”

  1. alanstorm says:

    This’s what we call a “target-rich environment”.

    Two low-hanging fruit:

    “We have to start to get back in love with smaller vehicles. It’s super important for our society and for EV adoption,”

    When a corporate official uses the term “super important”, you know he has maxed out the Peter Principle. Did he just get out of high school?

    Farley said it was crucial for Ford, which lost $132,000 on every EV sold in the first three months of the year, to make profitable EVs in the next five years.

    “If we do what didn’t work before, but harder, it’ll work this time!”

    The rest are left to the class as an exercise.

  2. bob sykes says:

    I loved my Miata.

  3. Matthew says:

    “…super important for our society…”

    Translation: We put way too many eggs in this basket but with the current overselling of the climate crisis bullshit and the economy in the crapper by design, we stand to lose our collective shirts not to mention my ridiculous bonus if I can’t do something to pull this boondoggle out of the fire. So, allow me to go on record at least trying something, anything, even a hail mary as pathetic as this one.

  4. Conservative Beaner says:

    Americans have been buying small cars since the gas crisis during the Carter years. Since Ford, GM and Chrysler do not make them, Americans have been turning to Japanese and South Korean manufacturers.

    Ford and GM enjoy the profit margins on Trucks and SUV so they bring out this EV trash so they can meet the CAFE standards.

  5. Brother John says:

    Abolish the EPA and get rid of CAFE and then Ford can start building cars people want to buy. Easy solution.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Our authoritarian government has forced all sorts of unwanted, uneconomic regulations down our capitalistic throats! Seatbelts, airbags, antilock brakes, highway guardrails, speed limits, clean air, clean water, education requirements, Sarbanes-Oxley, child labor restrictions, drug restrictions, catalytic converters, EPA, NOAA, CDC, childhood immunizations, CFC bans, CAFE standards, taxes, pollution controls, truck weight standards, rabies controls, personal Arms restrictions, USDA and FDA food and drug monitoring..
    Our Nation’s Savior, Donald J. Trump, is trying to restore America’s Greatness, but the evil, dark forces of liberals, Dems, negroes, immigrants, gays and mohammedans are United against his plans.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Wow, another outburst of biden palsy. You sound like you’re Lord and God Joe the pedo. Nobody that I know and I know wall conservatives want to disband all that nonsense. You’re just being lazy because you don’t want to address the problems. Do you think all those programs and agencies are perfect? Well we don’t either and we think some of them are down well damaged and we would like to repair them. Do you have a problem with that?

      but the evil, dark forces of liberals, Dems, negroes, immigrants, gays and mohammedans are United against his plans.

      I’ve also pointed out to you, as have others, that we do not agree with that phrase. It’s not the people we object to it’s the radical leftist plans they have for our lives that we object to. It’s the tendency to try and force us to do things we don’t want to do that we believe to be bad for us and to dismiss us is not worthy of making our own rules.

      First of all mohammed’s plans are for America’s extermination so you can take them right off the list unless you’re some kind of a nutjob. But it is amusing how you pile all the people together that you seem to consider better than the rest of us. You always support everything that is anti American and anti Christian why is that? What weakness is there in you that stops you from seeing truth when it’s right in front of your face? We have been telling you for four years that the man you falsely installed in the White House is a moron. Now we’re getting diagnosis from doctors that the man’s actually got Parkinson’s disease. And a specific type at that. But it doesn’t matter to you you’d rather have an incapable moron in the White House that’s a pro communist leftist gonna pro American conservative.

      There’s only one guy on my street that didn’t have an American flag up for Independence Day. But he did have a gay pride flag up. And he did have one of those stupid in my house placards which he decided to take down apparently. So we can guess what he is, probably a relative of yours.

      It’s truly amazing what an insufferable fool you can be even when the degeneration of the man is right in front of your face on television you can see his decline and you still won’t admit that he shouldn’t be in the office. I don’t know if it’s stubbornness or stupidity but it can only be one of the two. I think it’s the latter.

Pirate's Cove