Rep. Joseph Morelle (D) To Introduce Amendment To End Presidential Immunity

Say, I wonder if this amendment will also end the immunity for members of Congress? Because they essentially do have the same thing

A legal doctrine that protects legislators from being sued for all actions taken in the sphere of legitimate legislative activity. The purpose of legislative immunity is to ensure that the legislative function may be performed independently without fear of outside interference.

Legislative immunity is granted to Congress by the Speech or Debate Clause in Article I of the Constitution and has been extended to state and local legislators through the federal common law. Additionally, 43 states have speech or debate clauses in their own constitutions. Legislative immunity also extends to officials outside the legislative branch participating in the legislative process. For example, a mayor presenting a budget to the city council. However, acts that are unrelated to a legislator’s duties (e.g. defamatory statements made during a press conference) and acts that occur without lawful authority (e.g. unconstitutional procedures for enacting legislation or a subcommittee investigator illegally seizing documents without a subpoena) are not immune.

That’s pretty much what the Supreme Court. Did you know members of Congress could be let go if they get in an accident while performing official duties such as rushing to a vote or heading to a meeting?

House Democrat is proposing a constitutional amendment to reverse Supreme Court’s immunity decision

A leading House Democrat is preparing a constitutional amendment in response to the Supreme Court’s landmark immunity ruling, seeking to reverse the decision “and ensure that no president is above the law.”

Rep. Joseph Morelle of New York, the top Democrat on the House Administration Committee, sent a letter to colleagues informing them of his intent to file the resolution, which would kickstart what’s traditionally a cumbersome amendment process.

“This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do — prioritize our democracy,” Morelle said in a statement to AP.

In referring to Donald Trump, Morelle said the former president “must be held accountable for his decisions. I urge my colleagues to support my amendment and stand with me on the front line to protect our democracy.”

Will the House even vote on this? Even if it makes it out of Congress, can they get 3/4ths of the states? Morella does understand that there is a Constitutional measure to deal with bad behavior by Presidents, right? Hey, if we remove immunity we can prosecute Biden for his terrible Afghanistan withdrawal, for drone striking a family, and for the deaths of American service members, right? How about trying him for his border policy, leaving it wide open and allowing unvetted illegal aliens who have hurt and killed Americans, right? Joe could be charged as an accessory to murder for the killing of Jocelyn Nungaray. How about for all his graft while in office?

“This amendment will guarantee that no public officer of the United States — including the president — is able to evade the accountability that any other American would face for violating our laws,” Morelle wrote in a letter to colleagues this week.

Hmm, so, members of Congress will immediately be in legal trouble for what amounts to insider trading for the rest of the citizens? They can be sued for defamation? Anyhow, does he understand this won’t affect Trump at all, because it will takes years if it passes, and cannot be retroactive, per the Constitution.

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6 Responses to “Rep. Joseph Morelle (D) To Introduce Amendment To End Presidential Immunity”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Besides, we all know that “above the law” now means that prosecutors and the AG is from your party.

  2. Brother John says:

    If it’s a crime for us to lie to Congress or the FBI, it ought to be a crime for any of them to lie to any of us. Simple.

  3. Brother John says:

    Just like a Democrat. Don’t like the rules, throw a shit-fit and change the rules.

  4. alanstorm says:

    Hey, if we remove immunity we can prosecute Biden for his terrible Afghanistan withdrawal, for drone striking a family, and for the deaths of American service members, right? How about trying him for his border policy, leaving it wide open and allowing unvetted illegal aliens who have hurt and killed Americans, right? Joe could be charged as an accessory to murder for the killing of Jocelyn Nungaray. How about for all his graft while in office?

    OK, it might be worth doing.

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Nothing is as Constitutional and
    democratic as an Amendment. The Supreme Court recent ruling made illegal acts legal. Legitimate government actions by the president have always been legal. Now, having the military “disappear” a political enemy could be a legal act! We used to be able to rely on the common sense and human decency of a president. No longer…

    • L'Roy White says:

      We also used to have presidents who weren’t out of their mind and installed into office under many doubts. You’re remarkable in the way that nothing changes your mind about anything I’m beginning to think that there’s something wrong with you mentally. You realize how much of his own money Donald Trump gives away each year in the forum of charity? Millions. And nobody ever speaks with it do they? But you’ll sit there and talk about human decency from a man who has done nothing but lie since the time he entered the Senate about everything from his grades in school to a service in the military to his death of his children having his daughter perform oral sex on to whether he won the actual election and you didn’t even have the courage to check out the election to see if it was faulty. He’s weak and you’re afraid. That makes the two of you worthless.

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