Bummer: French Elections Ignore Climate Doom

I don’t know why the Warmist media is always surprised and dismayed at elections usually ignoring global boiling, because that’s the norm. Most citizens, even if they proclaim they are Believers, tend to put real concerns over Hotcoldwetdry

In French snap elections, parties are overlooking the climate change nightmare

st greta carAs a French citizen, the outcome of the first round of the French snap elections is a heartbreaker. As a climate campaigner, it is an absolute nightmare.

Whatever the final result and the final composition of the Parliament, climate and the environment have been blatantly absent from the campaign.

How could it be otherwise when the decision to revoke the current set of MPs was so sudden and with the far right closest to power than at any time since World War II?

Yet, climate change didn’t hit pause over the weekend: the parallel pictures of a “brown” far-right wave taking over the French electoral map, while torrents of mud were taking over alpine towns, in Northern Italy, in Austria, in Switzerland, were properly bloodcurdling.

And each and every day, the planet warms a fraction more, and we lose a bit more natural capital and ecosystems because of uncontrolled human activities. The environmental crisis doesn’t hold its breath as it waits for polling stations to close.

What are the elections about? Well, the inflation post-COVID, the domineering government, and all the migrants streaming into France causing lots and lots of problems, along with a destruction of French society.

The writer of the above, and a long, long piece is Adeline Rochet, who is Programme Leader at the Corporate Leader Group Europe within the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), so, obviously has a lot at stake to keep the climate gravy train going. But, Rochet is wrong, ‘climate change’ is on the ballot. It’s on the ballot in the form of all the taxes that the government has been institution on diesel fuel, private vehicles, and farmers, who raise/grow the food. It’s about forcing citizens to purchase EVs or simply take public transit while the Elites continue with their big carbon footprints. Telling the citizens they cannot take a flight that is less than two hours while the elites, including Macron, fly all over, and definitely “short haul” flights. And more Warmist claptrap. So, yeah, it’s on the ballot, and the middle and working class French citizens are not happy.

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2 Responses to “Bummer: French Elections Ignore Climate Doom”

  1. Dana says:

    When you have entire neighborhoods turned into no-go zones for real citoyens, and potentially rape and death areas for the citoyennes, yeah, perhaps they would have greater concerns than how warm it will be in 80 years.

    • Professor hale says:

      French people voted “no” on sending (more) French troops to die in ukraine when they have nothing at stake there and really don3t care about in estments by aristocrats. Franch has a history of killing their aristocracy. Macrones buddies should take a lesson.

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