June Was Hottest In Human History Or Something

It’s a cute little headline from WION, and the “human history” is supposed to capture your attention over “recorded”, which is their cop-out

Hottest June in human history recorded as Earth continues to bake, data shows

European Union’s climate monitor on Monday (Jul 8) revealed that last month was the hottest June on record across the globe. The global average temperature recorded last month broke the previous June record set in 2023.

Since June last year, the world has baked for 12 consecutive months, setting a streak of unprecedented global heat, as per the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). The data suggests that 2024 could pip 2023 as the hottest year since record-keeping began.

See, they tried to play a game with the headline, but

Humanity has been around for 7 million years, so, no. That’s from climate.gov. Again, they play a shell game and switch to recorded, which really doesn’t go back that far. It was clearly warmer during several previous Holocene warm periods. Regardless, this is all your fault, so, you need to give your money and freedom to government so they can do nothing but redistribute your money and control your life. Even if it is the hottest, that doesn’t prove it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind. Just that the Earth is in a warm period.

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37 Responses to “June Was Hottest In Human History Or Something”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Our Earth has been much warmer than today, and we humans are still around, better than ever!

    How did humans survive 500 million years ago? 100 million years ago? !0 million? 1 million? There are few relics of destroyed human cities from just 100,000 thousand years ago. Just maybe global warming doesn’t affect humans that much!!! Hoax!!

    Mr Teach points out it has even been warmer earlier in the Holocene! So where are the flooded remnants of New York City, Miami, Sydney, LA, New Orleans, Dublin, Lisbon, Rio, Buenos Aries, Shanghai, Tokyo? No? Since it was much warmer 10,000 years ago shouldn’t the so-called scientists find the flooded remains of these cities?? Doesn’t this prove that higher temperatures don’t cause major coastal flooding?

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      It has been pointed out that humans were not yet on Earth 500, 50, 10 million years ago. My apologies.

      God planted humans in the Levant only some 10-12 thousand years ago and only 2 of them at that. So, it was impossible that they had built major coastal cities like New York, Shanghai, Rio, Miami, Alexandria, Athens, Constantinople etc with millions of citizens each. My apologies.

      • James Lewis says:

        Chicken Little Karen Man

        You’re always wanting examples of what causes climate change…

        Read this and educate yourself… I possible…


        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Destiny Media?? Nothing to read there.

          Can you make the point yourself… I possible?

          • James Lewis says:

            Chicken Little Karen Man

            Well, since you are too lazy to look it up or afraid of information….

            Variations in the earth’s orbit around the sun and tilt of its axis cause climate change.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Chicken Shit Lewis Man(?),

            That’s it? Milankovitch cycles.

            Do you have a genuine, accessible citation that supports that changes in obliquity, axial precession and eccentricity are causing the current bout of global warming?

            A bit o’ advice, take it or leave it. Facebook, instagram, tiktok, youtube, X or Truth Social are NOT credible sources for information. People can post or type anything there, just as we do here.

          • Zachriel says:

            James Lewis: Variations in the earth’s orbit around the sun and tilt of its axis cause climate change.

            Milankovitch cycles amplified by feedbacks (CO2, water vapor, albedo) explain the oscillation between ice ages and ice-free ages over the last few million years. However, Milankovitch cycles predict a slight cooling Trent, not the rapid warming observed.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Where would Rimjob (aka SMF) be without all his rhetorical questions?

      BTW that is rhetorical. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    June better not get too cocky! July just said, “Hold my beer!”

  3. Delmar Jackson says:

    I am going to start getting worried about climate change and global warming when I start reading stories about an immigration moratorium to stop people from countries with a very low carbon footprint moving to western countries with very high carbon footprint

  4. Zachriel says:

    William Teach: It was clearly warmer during several previous Holocene warm periods.

    The scientific evidence is that “that both the rate and magnitude of modern warming are unusual relative to the changes of the past 24 thousand years.” See Osman et al., Globally resolved surface temperatures since the Last Glacial Maximum, Nature 2021.

  5. Jl says:

    Problems with Osman paper? See WUWT “Osman et al 2021: a flawed Nature paleoclimate paper?” At the end of the article-
    Since writing this article a new Holocene study, Thompson et al. (2022), has been published in Science Advances (open access). Using the same GCM as Osman 2021, it shows that adding forest cover in the Sahara and mid-latitudes (partial at 3 kyr BP) and (except at 3 kyr BP) in the Arctic, to match pollen records substantially increases simulated GMAT at 3, 6 and 9 kyr BP. The difference at 6 kyr BP is 0.72°C, with the resulting GMAT being well above the preindustrial level. Osman 2021’s simulations incorporated this greening only partially.[29] Even with all these regions greened, the model simulation (prior) 6 kyr BP GMAT was still well below that of the Osman 2021 proxy-only reconstruction. These facts suggest that Osman 2021’s model prior may be particularly unsatisfactory, spatially as well in the global mean, during the Holocene.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Oh, so the kiddieZ “forgot” to include that part.
      One can be sure the omission was not intentional on their part.
      Or maybe the assholes were caught lying again. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif

    • Zachriel says:

      Jl: Thompson et al. (2022)

      First thing we’ll note is that three of the authors are the same as on Osman (2021), including Jessica Tierney. Thompson doesn’t contradict Osman, which concerns proxy data, but shows how a better fit to model projections can be had by including more detail on vegetation changes. Thompson (2022) shows that the models are largely correct, and anomalies resolved when accounting for vegetation changes, concluding: “Our results demonstrate that vegetation is an important driver of temperature change during the Holocene, and other mechanisms, such as dust, ice cover, orbital forcing, or GHGs cannot produce early and mid-Holocene warmth without the changes in NH vegetation.”

      Thompson (2022) does not impact the original claim about the rate and magnitude of modern warming.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        You lied.
        Fuck you. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

      • Jl says:

        Sure it does. “Our simulations indicate that the expansion of NH vegetation 9k and 6k years ago warms the earth’s surface by 0.8 and 0.7 degrees, producing a better match with proxy-based reconstructions”. Proxy only data, including Osman 2021 and Vinos 2022, both show the Holocene Climatic Optimum as warmer than today. It’s only when Osman combines models with proxy do the findings change.
        The findings of the original article WUWT “Osman 2021: a flawed paleoclimate paper” are not changed by Thompson.
        Your own quote says much the same-“mechanisms such as dust, ice cover, orbital forcing or ghg cannot produce early to mid Holocene warmth without the changes in vegetation”. So accounting for the vegetation changes warms the globe more in line with the proxy only data, which shows a warmer Holocene period than now

  6. Zachriel says:

    Jl (quoting): “Our simulations indicate that the expansion of NH vegetation 9k and 6k years ago warms the earth’s surface by 0.8 and 0.7 degrees, producing a better match with proxy-based reconstructions”.

    But nowhere near current warming. See Figure 1.

  7. Jl says:

    As said, Vinos 2022 shows the HCO warmer than now and even Osman 2021 shows the same thing when using only paleo data. Models can be used to make any outcome one wants. That was the theme of the “Osman 2021:a flawed Nature paleoclimate paper” article. That article has a paleo only graph from Osman showing the HCO warmer than now

  8. Zachriel says:

    Jl: Osman 2021

    Osman proxy-only does not show it warmer now. Figure 4b on the Osman pre-print shows global mean surface temperature well lower than now. (Current warming does not show on the graph, of course.)

    Have no idea of any climate research by “Vinos.” All we can find is a popular book by a cancer researcher named Javier Vinós, but not any original research. You might provide a valid citation.

    • Jl says:

      Nope-fig 1 from the “Osman 2021: a flawed Nature paleoclimate paper” shows proxy only data and the HCO being warmer than now. And nothing so far has refuted the concerns the article has about Osman 2021. Vinos 2022 is from Javier Vinos “Climate of the Past, Present and Future” p. 49. It’s a peer-reviewed book. Either way, there’s proxy evidence showing a warmer HCO than now. As said, models can be made to show anything.
      See also “The IPCC AR6 report erases the Holocene” from WUWT .

      • Zachriel says:

        [b]Jl[/b]: [i]Nope-fig 1 from the “Osman 2021: a flawed Nature paleoclimate paper” shows proxy only data and the HCO being warmer than now.[/i]

        Fig. 1 doesn’t show current warming. The proxy data from Osman is relative to the 1000-1850 CE average. The instrumental data is well above that level.

  9. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    One can buy Javier Vinós “groundbreaking research” for $2.99 on Amazon!

    • Jl says:

      One could try to refute Vinos instead of focusing on irrelevant subjects like the price. Many papers are free on the internet.

      • Zachriel says:

        Jl: One could try to refute Vinos

        You never provided an actual citation to a research paper. All we found was a book aimed at the popular audience, not scientific peers.

        • Jl says:

          “A book aimed at a popular audience…” That’s the best you can do? The data matters, not who it’s allegedly aimed at. As said, it’s a peer-reviewed book, and it’s data shows the proxy data well above the instrument data

  10. L'Roy White says:

    It amuses me that you folks put so much trust into peer reviewed papers and articles and things like that. You don’t realize these things are paid for by people and organizations with vested interest in the outcomes and the ones that don’t agree with them are thrown out. In fact these papers are worth no more then the opinions of say Teach. In fact they’re probably worth less since Teach has no vested interest in the outcome. He’s just looking at opinions and trying to figure the best results for humanity in general not for his business or anything like that.

    • Zachriel says:

      L’Roy White: It amuses me that you folks put so much trust into peer reviewed papers and articles and things like that.

      Peer review is just the start of the scientific conversation. Even the best papers can be in error. Scientists publish for their peers. But the data is the data. And misrepresenting a paper’s findings is not a valid argument, in any case.

      L’Roy White: In fact they’re probably worth less since Teach has no vested interest in the outcome.

      Sure, because the uninformed opinion of a layperson is worth just as much as the opinion of experts working in many related scientific fields from many different cultures, people who build and launch satellites, conduct expeditions to the polar regions or tropics to collect data and test hypotheses, and the statisticians who help analyze that data. Yet, even then, an argument based on evidence can trump even the most established expert opinion. Which is why we are happy to discuss the evidence.

      “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” — Isaac Asimov

  11. L'Roy White says:

    The good argument zachariel. At least better than Isaac asimov’s. Since my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge and in a democracy because if there are two of us ignorant and one of us knowledgeable we have no choice, the knowledgeable or outvoted and they lose. That’s why I don’t like democracy. It’s just a cute way of having a dictatorship. Which is all wonderful as long as the dictatorship is going the way you want it but as soon as the other gets in there you’re in trouble.

    The problem as I see it comes when people like Asimov or even you start opining about subjects you are not experts in. I also take a little resentment to the attitude that many elitists like yourself take is that you’re better than everyone and therefore get to tell everyone what to do. Sooner or later the pitchforks come out and you wish you didn’t have that attitude.

    Take Elwood for example. He’s an expert on everything, he’s never wrong about anything, he’s one of the most immoral people that comment here and yet he never apologizes or says he’s wrong. Do you always starts with his weasel words and his excuses or else just ignores or forgets everything. Quite frustrating when you deal with them over a long period of time which is why I basically cut out discussing things with him. I’ve watched the way he treats teach, dana and LG Brandon.

    • david7134 says:

      I don’t know if you have been introduced to the Z people. But I will give you the low down. They change about every quarter, maybe less. They are grade school children in a debate club. They have a common folder of references and live by the authors opinions on papers with out any ability to formulate their own opinions. All think they are lawyers and they are solid socialist or communist. Basically they are fairly dumb, even for children. They are here to formulate responses for their debates. They have been banned by most blog sites, especially Legal Insurrection.

    • david7134 says:

      Elwood or Jeff has not demonstrated his true obnoxious capabilities. He reached a top when he wished a commenter death as he was facing lung transplant. Then, he called the commenters wife a whore, sensing that the commenter had a very high regard for his wife. He is a real piece of work.

    • Zachriel says:

      L’Roy White: The problem as I see it comes when people like Asimov or even you start opining about subjects you are not experts in.

      We don’t claim expertise. We refer to actual experts, or to the data.

      L’Roy White: Since my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge and in a democracy because if there are two of us ignorant and one of us knowledgeable we have no choice, the knowledgeable or outvoted and they lose.

      In a healthy democracy, there is an interplay between expert opinion and the concerns of the people. No one is an expert in everything, so everyone reasonably relies on experts. Or do you think the consensus of several doctors (1st, 2nd, 3rd opinions) concerning that lump in your breast has the same value as the opinion of your pizza delivery guy? Sure, all the doctors could be wrong and the pizza guy right, but the odds are that you should be considering your options if the doctors say you have cancer.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Mr White,

      You too can do research! But you must be careful about whom you cite as an expert. Many so-called experts have a clear bias. You do not have to be an expert on elections to know that Trump has no evidence to back his claims.

      It also helps to have a background the sciences and an open mind (but not an open head!).

      I try not to repeat lies, and don’t apologize for opinions. For example, my opinion is that President Biden is a much better man and president than Trump is, was or ever can be.

      • L'Roy White says:

        Many so-called experts have a clear bias. You do not have to be an expert on elections to know that Trump has no evidence to back his claims.

        A lot of experts show a clear bias on their claims. The problem I have is that people from the left tend to make everything political it doesn’t matter if it’s a COVID virus or a suspicious looking election they twist everything into a political position. Just like those 51 experts that claimed Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation and now we find out it isn’t, had nothing to do with Russia it was all fake.

        Even after three years and all the deceitful and suspicious activities five or six of the people here are pointed out to you you weren’t even curious enough to question the honesty of the election let alone the outcome. Why? Because you were happy with the outcome. You didn’t wanna rock the boat. That in itself is dishonest. And the main problem I have with you is that if you can’t admit when a baby is a person and should be protected as such or you can’t admit that a little boy is a boy and shouldn’t have his pecker cut off on the altar of transsexualism or merely teaching about Judeo Christianity in the context of our forefathers is not the establishment of a religion then you’re dishonest and most likely amoral.

        If you think for one instant that Biden is a better man than Trump you have a character flaw. Just the start with I could point out that Trump is a very generous man in his life and he’s helped many many people financially whereas Biden never parts with a penny of his own he is a very selfish individual. If you ever seen trump in action you would know how kind and friendly and nice the guy is on the other hand Biden is a bully. Maybe that’s what you like about him.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          L’roy, might want to tell Rimjob (aka SMF) and the kiddieZ check the facts on their own.
          Or not. They both lie.
          Fuck them.

          A recent ClimateRealism Fact-Check June 2024 article addressed the climate science data unsupported claims by climate alarmist media that hyped phony temperature “records” (shown below) have occurred in June across the U.S. which the article establishes as being completely false.


        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Mr White,

          I was unhappy when Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, Bush II and Trump won but didn’t storm DC because of it. Is there a chance the election was stolen? Sure, why not. Please show us the best evidence you have. That’s all I ask.

          As I’ve said many times, a fetus is a person once born. It’s very simple. The American people were comfortable with the guidance of Roe v Wade where the state could intervene once a fetus was viable unless the continued pregnancy was a serious risk to the woman. That’s my opinion.

          Conservatives claimed they were only interested in the Constitution and turning those rights back to the states. Well now you have it! So why aren’t you happy about abortion now?

          I believe the conservatives were fibbing to us.

          American teachers cover the founding fathers in great detail! Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Hamilton, Burr, Monroe, Franklin. They cover the Declaration and the Constitution. They cover the reality of slavery, the evolution of the cosmos, of Earth and of plants and animals. Why do you want them to teach your religion?

          Are you so insecure in your beliefs that you must force them on to 6 year olds?

          Some little boys and some little girls feel different from how they are identified. Some boys feel like a girl inside. It’s most likely related to the complex interplay between hormones, gene expression other exposures in the womb, to where they have the hardware of a boy, but the software of a girl. You can call them sick or freaks. You can force them to dress in a way to make YOU more comfortable. And they will be miserable. Why do you care? The Taliban won’t put up with that shit and neither should we, right?

          Why do conservatives want everyone else to change to make conservatives more comfortable?

          Yes, Mr Biden is a better man than Mr Trump. But that’s not important. Mr Biden is a better president than Trump. That’s just my opinion, your mileage may vary.

          Best, mate…

  12. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr White,

    Hope you’re having a pleasant summer. Was in S Jersey last week and even had a Donkey’s Place Philly cheese!!

    The scientific enterprise is complex. Scientists are human with all the associated foibles, greed, pride, arrogance, desire for recognition… Public scientists, i.e., most academic researchers receive research funds from their university, private foundations (e.g., Michael J. Fox Foundation), private for-profit companies and governments. The pay for university professors is set by the school and is typically $100,000 to $200,000 per year. Professors may get added compensation for being a dept chairman, etc. Some consult with external organizations or even sit on corporate boards! Taking research funds for personal use is a felony. Scientists who cheat usually do it for recognition.

    Most published scientific papers include the source of funding and a description of any conflicts of interest, if any.

    The NIH Office of Research Integrity (ORI) governs every institute receiving NIH funds, even private companies with a grant.

    The core of science is the repetition of results. The journal Nature published a paper by a French researchers supporting the concept of “water memory” – that pure water exposed to a particular drug “remembered” the molecular shape of the drug and could replicate the efficacy of the drug even when the drug was diluted out of existence. This is the cornerstone of homeopathy – that like treats like. No one other than the original lab could replicate the results.

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