Surprise: SCNY Is Putting Most Illegals In Mostly Poor Neighborhoods

No one really thought the high and might citizens of the Sanctuary City Of New York who advocate for unfettered illegal immigration would actually allow them in their own neighborhoods, right?

NYC’s poorest ZIP codes forced to bear brunt of migrant crisis, confidential docs reveal

Some of the Big Apple’s poorest ZIP codes are being forced to bear the greatest brunt of the city’s migrant crisis — including a Queens neighborhood saddled with more shelters than any other part of the five boroughs, internal data kept from the public but obtained by The Post reveal.

Long Island City is home to a staggering 23 government-run migrant shelters — 12% of the 193 operating in New York City, according to data tallied off a confidential list of shelter sites used by city agencies.

“The city dropped a bomb on us,” said Queensbridge Houses resident Danny Beauford, whose 11101 ZIP code includes a 24th shelter in neighboring Astoria. “The [migrants] are taking over. They’re taking over all the parking with their 8,000 scooters. They’re disrespectful — peeing in front of everybody. We do that one time, and we’re going to jail for a long time.”

Three of the top five most shelter-saturated ZIP codes — which cover parts of the Jamaica, Queens and East New York, Brooklyn— are among the poorest areas in New York City, with median incomes below $37,300, according to Data Commons.

I’m sure AOC and Chuck Schumer, and, hey, how about the mayor, will allow illegals in their neighborhoods, eh?

Mayor Eric Adams’ office on Saturday told The Post the number of city shelters is now up to 217, but declined to reveal the additional locations.

None of the city’s 193 migrant shelters reviewed by The Post are located in the top five ZIPs by median income in New York City, which covers Tribeca, Battery Park City and other parts of Lower Manhattan, as well as Lincoln Square, records show.

In LIC, the divide is especially stark, where the nearly two dozen shelters are clustered around two public housing projects.

Yet the adjacent 11109 ZIP code in LIC – a skyscraper-filled community that offers spectacular waterfront views of Manhattan’s skyline and has among the NYC’s priciest real estate – doesn’t have a single shelter.

I bet this same thing is occurring in Boston, Denver, and Chicago, among other sanctuary cities being overrun with illegals. At what point do poor and working class liberals, heck, even middle class liberals, start realizing that their beliefs in Democrat policies is actually bad for their lives and well being? Ever?

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2 Responses to “Surprise: SCNY Is Putting Most Illegals In Mostly Poor Neighborhoods”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    So? Poor migrants have always flocked to poor neighborhoods where they could afford to live. Democrats voted for this policy and will do so again, and again, and again. They are incapable of connecting the dots between their votes and the inevitable outcome of policy.

  2. Dana says:

    I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked!

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