Well, hey, you never know what kind of progress will happen by 2045. Think of how fast airplanes changed in less than a 100 years. Moving from records to cassettes to CDs to streaming. Changes to computers, TV, phones, and so many other things. But, those were all driven by the market and research, not government and NGOs nagging and demanding and mandating
California must retire gas-guzzling trucks to meet 2045 emissions targets: Study
California must retire existing heavy-duty trucks to meet the state’s 2045 carbon neutrality goals, in addition to promoting the purchase of zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs), a new study has found.
Stricter policies that cover both the rollout of zero-emissions trucks and the early retirement of gas-guzzlers could slash cumulative greenhouse gas emissions by 64 percent, according to the study, published on Monday in Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.
Such a move could also reduce half of the state’s pollution-related mortality, particularly within disadvantaged communities, the study authors determined.
Well, good luck without a massive breakthrough. Trucks without fossil fuels just cannot do the jobs of those with fossil fuels. Everywhere from pickup trucks to 18 wheelers to commercial trucks.
“While ZEV sales mandates are effective, it is clear from our analysis that they will not be sufficient for reaching zero emissions on the desired timescales,” lead author Eleanor Hennessy, a postdoctoral scholar at Arizona State University, said in a statement.
“Accelerated retirement programs will be critical for California to reach emissions targets by 2045,” Hennessy added.
Here’s a question: why is this any of her business? She’s in Arizona. Why is she trying to dictate what goes on in California? She’s one of the authors of the “study”: I’m not seeing information on the other authors, but, do they live in California? Going to that statement link
While focused on California, the study’s insights are applicable globally. Numerous states such as New York, Washington, and Louisiana have similar carbon neutrality goals, as do countries such as those in the European Union. The research findings are relevant to any government aiming to decarbonise their vehicle fleet.
Why do Warmists always think they can dictate how Everyone Else lives their life? Sounds kinda, you know, Fascist.

It’s good practice to have targets.
Have targets, to support the climate hoax? Why? Trace gases have no influence on climate.
Chicken Little Karen Man
Such a move could also reduce half of the state’s pollution-related mortality, particularly within disadvantaged communities, the study authors determined.
Is the same “study” that said a bunch of stuff that has never happened.
And why is the “disadvantaged” effected more than others??
And what are the bad things that will happen if the state does what is recommended? Has anyone studied that??
She has her hand in that sweet, sweet activism trough. The University-Activist-Government triangle only funds research that boldly gives them the answers they want. Arizona universities are getting about 12 BILLION dollars just from leftover Covid money to do whatever they want.
Meet the Jews who are voting Republican for the first time and feel abandoned by Democrats! Re-Post
The USA is sitting on a mountain of WEALTH.
NO, it is not rare earths needed for EVs and green energy but rather fossil fuels.
There is ZERO doubt, and this has been proven, that RUSSIA and CHINA are behind funding the GO GREEN worldwide initiative so that the USA ends up in poverty.
The Climate NAZIS are doing their damnest to turn the USA into Venezuela with massive inflation, poor education, escalating college costs and the inability to produce anything of value. We even sell our farms, ranches, and food processing plants to CHINA.
America never got to try the Communist experiment or even the socialist one, so now is their chance. Turn out the lights. This party is over because the only thing standing in their way is the GOP, and those guys and gals are too busy scooping up big paydays for the short term to think or fight for what is past next Wednesday.
BAN THE INTERNET is the only real solution but it will never happen. The next best thing is to put in jail those who do not group-think the correct 1984 Orwellian mantra.
Mr Teach asks: Here’s a question: why is this any of her business? She’s in Arizona. Why is she trying to dictate what goes on in California?
All the authors of the report are associated with Stanford University which is in California.
Eleanor M Hennessy (1,2,7), Madalsa Singh (1), Sarah Saltzer (1,3) and Inês M L Azevedo1, (4,5,6)
Author affiliations:
1 Stanford University, Department of Energy Science & Engineering, Doerr School of Sustainability, Stanford, CA, United States of America
2 Arizona State University, School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, Tempe, AZ, United States of America
3 Stanford Center for Carbon Storage, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States of America
4 Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States of America
5 Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States of America
6 Nova School of Business and Economics, Carcavelos, Portugal
Rimjob (aka SMF) with his pedantry again.
Such a clown.