Daily Archives: July 11, 2024

CNN Seems Upset That Tractor Supply Is Blowing Off It’s Climate (scam) And DEI Agenda

You have all sorts of companies, states, towns, and colleges ending DEI, because, really, it’s simply racist and isn’t about putting the best people in the positions. One would think those being picked due to DEI would be upset that they’re being told they get the job because of their skin color, not their qualities. […]

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea swamping buildings, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on NYC discovering garbage cans.

Biden To Have “Big Boy” Press Conference At 530pm Thursday

Update: they’ve moved it to 630, which gives him an out to bolt at 645pm to get ready for bed. He’ll still probably be 15-20 minutes late Seriously, a “big boy” press conference. He should be booted simply for his people dubbing it that Embattled Biden to give high-stakes press conference US President Joe Biden […]

Could Montana Overturn The Youts Climate Win?

I think it would be more fun to make all the kiddies live a carbon neutral life. No fossil fueled buses, AC up to 86, heat down to 60 in schools. End the use of WiFi in schools for anything other than schoolwork. No meat served in schools. For starters Montana might overturn its landmark […]

Stop: GOP Run House Oversight Committee Wants Biden Aids To Testify On Biden Mental Fitness

They really should be taking a page out of Napoleon Bonaparte’s book on this one House Oversight Committee Subpoenas Biden Aides over Mental Fitness House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) on Wednesday subpoenaed three aides to President Joe Biden over his mental fitness. The probe will keep the pressure on Democrats who are in […]

Pirate's Cove