Biden To Have “Big Boy” Press Conference At 530pm Thursday

Update: they’ve moved it to 630, which gives him an out to bolt at 645pm to get ready for bed. He’ll still probably be 15-20 minutes late

Seriously, a “big boy” press conference. He should be booted simply for his people dubbing it that

Embattled Biden to give high-stakes press conference

US President Joe Biden will Thursday give his first press conference since his debate disaster against Donald Trump, in a pressure-cooker moment that could seal the fate of his reelection bid.

The eyes of the world will be on the 81-year-old at a NATO summit as he tries to calm growing calls from his Democratic party to step aside over his age and health.

The White House has dubbed it a “big boy” press conference, and Biden will be under severe pressure to show he can handle what has become a rare unscripted moment in his presidency.

Any missteps by Biden at the 5.30 pm (2130 GMT) event at a Washington DC conference center could turn the trickle of Democrats who have so far urged him to abandon his 2024 election bid into a flood. (snip)

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has repeatedly promised Thursday’s “big boy press conference” — a phrase first used by a journalist that she has since adopted — will feature multiple questions.

A poor performance will pour fuel on the flames of the concerns about Biden’s age and health that were sparked when he appeared listless and often incoherent against Republican Trump, 78.

How the White House correspondents haven’t laid into her with derision and laughter is beyond me. It’s treating Joe like a child about to give a speech to a city council. If Biden has to have a make or break PC to prove he’s not feeble minded it’s a pretty good indicator that he’s feeble minded. Are there conditions for this PC? Will he be given the questions in advance? Will he have answers on note cards? Will he only call on uber-friendly reporters? How many questions will he actually take?

Seriously, how sad is it that the White House is making a bid deal out of the POTUS doing a press conference? Joe has been in office all but four years since 1973. Remember, they mostly hid him during the 2020 election season. You almost hate to see this, trotting this man up there to do a PC. It’s elder abuse. But, people will be watching this for the same reason they watch car races: crashes.

People says he was saying “talking to your wife”, but, you listen and decide how bad the slurring was. Two more below the fold

I’m almost afraid to tune in to the PC. I hate watching cringe TV shows and movies. I always loved the way Psych would often get right to the edge of going cringe, then back off. I’ll give it an 80% chance this does not go well. If it does, he should be immediately drug tested.

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24 Responses to “Biden To Have “Big Boy” Press Conference At 530pm Thursday”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Pretty obviously said “Talking”, not the other word.

    The Warsaw Pact ended in 1991, over 30 years ago. For thirty years, it has outlived its usefulness, just like Biden himself. It is just another bloated European bureaucracy, filled with petty aristocrats pretending they are still militarily relevant when in actuality, they have been depending on the USA for their military security for thirty years, just like Canada. When they start paying their own bills, their opinions on international security might matter.

    BTW, the people of the NATO countries overwhelmingly want the war in Ukraine to end, while NATO “leaders” are pledging to keep it going. Tell me again how you are supporting democracy around the globe. The main thing that would bring Putin to the negotiating table is taking Ukraine membership off the table, and that is the one thing NATO “leaders” are saying is “inevitable”. Say good-bye to another 100K Ukrainian men. Ukraine is going to be a great place to vacation in five years with all those young single Ukrainian women running around. Their country and economy will be a shambles for decades to come and they will be looking for ANY ticket out of there.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Commenter: When they (rest of NATO) start paying their own bills, their opinions on international security might matter.

      NATO guidance is for every member country to invest 2% of GDP on their defense. There are no “their own bills”. The United States, having the world’s greatest GDP (and greatest everything!), spends more on defense than any nation. This year 23 of 32 nations meet the 2% target. Two nations, Poland and Estonia invest a higher percentage of GDP on their defense than does the US.

      The United States retains approximately 60-70% of the military capacity of NATO. Even the least of NATO, Spain, spends 1.3% of their GDP on defense. Russian neighbors, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania spend on average 3.2% of GDP/year. New member Finland spends 2.4%.

      NATO was formed in 1949 to discourage Soviet aggression.

      If Ukraine had been a member of NATO, the murderous Putin the Terrible would not have dared to invade.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Whatever happened to all those anti-war groups that used to protest when Bush was president? Seems they have been really quiet lately. Perhaps they never really were anti-war, just anti-Bush.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Then-president Bush was sending American troops into Iraq under false pretenses. Are you saying you DIDN’T oppose that??? The Bush administration manufactured reasons for the US to invade Iraq. 4,431 Americans were killed and 31,994 wounded plus spending some $2 trillion to find and destroy WMDs that didn’t exist.

      President Biden has not sent Americans into battle, but IS sending American manufactured materiel to Ukraine to help in their defense against the murderous Putin’s invasion. Many, many Americans support the defense of Ukraine.

      There was no reason to invade Iraq. There are, arguably, appropriate reasons to support the defense of Ukraine. Do you not see the difference? In terms of troops AND treasure there is no comparison.

      • James Lewis says:

        Chicken Little Karen Man

        Your memory is short.

        Powell: Violations justified war
        Asked if Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States at the time of the invasion, Kay said, “Based on the intelligence that existed, I think it was reasonable to reach the conclusion that Iraq posed an imminent threat.”

        Although his team concluded that Iraq did not possess large amounts of weapons of mass destruction ready for use, that does not necessarily mean it posed no imminent threat, he said. “That is a political judgment, not a technical judgment.”

        So we now know that we were wrong.

        But Biden et al has learned nothing. We are wrong again.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Regardless of how feeble President Biden is, Americans understand that Trump is even worse!!

    Biden and Big Donnie are still tied in the latest polls.

    In 2020 Governor Mel Carnahan (D-MO) ran against sitting US Senator John Ashcroft (R-MO) for Ashcroft’s Senate seat. Twenty days before the election, Governor Carnahan was killed in an airplane crash but still beat Ashcroft soundly. The sitting Republican Senator lost to a dead man.

    What’s it say about Crazy Donnie that he could lose to feeble Biden.

    • Brother John says:

      This tells you that (a) people are stupid and (b) party is more important than anything else to Democrats.

  4. James Lewis says:

    Chicken Little Karen Man

    What’s it say about Crazy Donnie that he could lose to feeble Biden.


    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      James Lewis, I think our little Nazi Adolf Dowd is so nervous and unhinged about having their wings clipped that he’s beyond words he’s just now he’s counting anomalies from years ago. He must have dug out his books of silly stupid shit to bring out when you’re losing an argument to an American. I think that’s ended after all the Democrat slash communist slash Nazis in the country nowadays. I noticed a lot of them have even referring to it over the last week.

      Adolf Elwood has the vapors 24 hours a day now with trump getting closer and closer. It doesn’t matter how they try and cheat and what they try and do it keeps screwing up and losing points.

      They’re fixing to steal the election already I can see everything lining up. The way they change the order in which they’re delegates get to vote it’s just the beginning.

      Adolf Elwood is scared to death and he should be. Once trump gets into the second term and everybody realizes that every single thing that Democrats have been saying for eight years is nothing but lie on top of lie on top of lie but then the democrat/nazi party is all but dead. Just watch all the Democrat heads on television twist and squirm. They’re just like Adolf Elwood trying to figure out ways to make it not sound as bad as it is. Of course even they are not stupid enough to resort all the way back to the Ashcroft carnahan stupidity. That’s why Democrats vote early and vote often it’s the fun of the cheat the fun of the steal plus if somebody dies they win.

      • Professor Hale says:

        One way to limit the steal would be establishing roadblocks on election night around major cities to search incoming vehicles for bulk ballots.

        • david7134 says:

          Around here they bring in the voters on busses with refreshments and each voter gets $50.

          Best to have poll workers heavily armed.

      • James Lewis says:

        LGB, Yes Elwood is scared.

        And I pray that his fright comes true.

  5. drowningpuppies says:

    Apparently Joey ain’t the only one shitting his pants.

    Bwana! Lolgf

  6. drowningpuppies says:


    “Do I have to say his name? I don’t want to, but more than likely, it’s going to be Trump,” one man in the group said.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      That’s not necessarily true drowningpuppies. If the Democrat Nazis are smart enough to get adolf Biden to leave and what camel toe become president she’ll make up the black vote. Of course they’re gonna lose a big share of the white vote but they can either lose this election honestly or as honest as a Nazi Democrat can get and stay a viable party or they can just crush the entire party and say goodbye. But that didn’t even happen when they committed treason as a party against the United states and started the civil war. Ohh those Nazi democrats have been pulling this crap for decades. Slaveholders, plantation men, traders, KKK members. Whatever they are they’re always out for themselves and nobody else and they have spent over a century convincing the naggers that they’re on their team.

  7. drowningpuppies says:


    “And now I want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin.”

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  8. drowningpuppies says:

    Hell of a “big boy” presser there, Joey.

  9. drowningpuppies says:

    Run Joey Run!

    Rep. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) highlighted what he described as a persistent issue within the Biden campaign, whereby the “narrative that the President simply had one bad debate performance reflects a continuing pattern of denial and self-delusion.”
    “The President did not just have one ‘bad debate,’” he explained. “The reality we saw with our own ‘lying eyes’ is evidence of a deeper challenge.”

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  10. drowningpuppies says:

    “I defeated Medicare.”

  11. drowningpuppies says:

    Past performance is no guarantee of Trunalimunumaprzure.
    Attaboy Joey!

    Bwaha! Lolgf

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