CNN Seems Upset That Tractor Supply Is Blowing Off It’s Climate (scam) And DEI Agenda

You have all sorts of companies, states, towns, and colleges ending DEI, because, really, it’s simply racist and isn’t about putting the best people in the positions. One would think those being picked due to DEI would be upset that they’re being told they get the job because of their skin color, not their qualities. Now we have Tractor Supply

Tractor Supply warned climate change and a lack of diversity would hurt business. Now it’s ignoring those risks

As recently as February, Tractor Supply Co., known for selling animal feed, pet food and lawn and garden equipment to hobby farmers, told investors that climate change was a significant threat to its business.

Any delay or failure to meet its goals of cutting emissions 50% in six years and achieving net zero emissions by 2040 could hurt “public perception of our business, employee morale, customer or stockholder support” and its financial performance, the company said in its annual report.

Tractor Supply also warned that it could suffer similar business consequences if it did not meet its five-year diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) plan to increase spending by 35% with diverse suppliers and boost representation of people of color at manager levels and above at the company by 50%.

Hal Lawton, the chief executive of the Brentwood, Tennessee-based company, had said these initiatives “make great business sense for Tractor Supply.”

But Tractor Supply has decided that all of those risks are now worth ignoring.

The company announced last month that it will withdraw its carbon emission reduction goals and eliminate jobs and goals focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. It will also stop sponsoring LGBTQ+ Pride festivals and voting campaigns, as well as submitting data to the Human Rights Campaign, one of the biggest LGBTQ+ non-profit advocacy groups in the United States.

Tractor Supply is “trying to thread the needle,” said Nooshin Warren, a professor of marketing at the University of Arizona who studies corporate activism and corporate political culture. “They’re trying to keep both sides happy, which usually never happens.”

Let’s be honest: the majority of Tractor Supply’s customers are against all these things. Think that the companies should just stick to business, rather than Virtue Signaling. Most of the people slurring them now have probably never been to one, never shopped at one, never purchased anything at one. They are not customers. They are mostly not future customers. So, why should TS care? They should care more about their actual customers and what they care about.

Customers matter.

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12 Responses to “CNN Seems Upset That Tractor Supply Is Blowing Off It’s Climate (scam) And DEI Agenda”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Let’s be honest: the majority of Tractor Supply’s customers are against all these things.

    Let’s be honest: The majority of EVERYONE’s customers are against all of these things. Oddly enough, the majority of board members and executives are unanimously for all those things. It’s almost as if they are completely disassociated from the rest of America. As Barack Obama once said, “they didn’t build that” and he is totally right. Modern board members and CEOs seldom built the businesses they run. They got their jobs through connections and they feel entitled to run things and implement their own wonderful counter-intuitive leftist ideas that they learned in their leftist Ivey league colleges, even if it tanks the company. But they didn’t build that company so they don’t care about it. They all have nice executive compensation packages that include easy ways to move onto their next executive gig. No matter how much the company loses, they still get paid.

    • CarolAnn says:

      Why it’s all most like being president of these United States. You can lie straight for six or eight years not only to the American people what about your opponent have them framed put on trial fined perhaps even locked up. You can have hundreds of Americans tossed in jail because they went on a mostly peaceful protest to the capitol. You could even steal millions of money and defraud everybody in the world and still become an elder statesman and settle down at your library for 250 million taxpayers dollars. It’s gonna be good to be Adolf biden. The Nazi who calls everybody else a fascist.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:


      The majority of EVERYONE’s customers are against all of these things.

      Against black employees? Gay employees? Trans employees? Muslim employees? Hindu employees? Hispanic employees?

      LOL. Corporate boards are rarely leftists.

  2. david7134 says:

    Unfortunately, John Deere fell for the hoax and pressured by low ag sales moved to Mexico. Maybe when Trump gets in he can help reverse the trend.

  3. Matthew says:

    They just figured out what “a significant threat” really was vs what the left imagines them to be. I’d like to see some .gov entities figure it out too.

    Lookin’ at you, IC, Military, Congress…

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    This is what’s wrong with the stupidos on the right – all your time signalling your lack of any virtue. Right-wing shitheads hate LGBTQs, negroes, Jews, atheists, immigrants etc. You hate everyone who is not a white christian.

    Tractor Supply is in the business of selling stuff. “Robby Starbucks” is an effeminate entertainer/video maker who makes a living lambasting LGBTQs, negroes, Jews, atheists, immigrants etc. He was a losing House candidate in Tennessee.

    • Brother John says:

      You’re a fucking idiot.

      Nobody over here with our heads outside our asses “hates” anyone who isn’t “us.” Most of us don’t give a rusty fuck.

      We ARE, however, MIGHTY FUCKING SICK of those who define themselves in opposition to the mean and make a pain in the ass of themselves doing it.

      Tractor Supply WAS in the business of selling stuff. Disney WAS in the business of making family-friendly (–ish) entertainment. Now, they’re not. Somebody’s moving investments around to induce these people to abandon their fiduciary responsibility.

      You’re going to mouth off to the wrong person one of these days with this “you hate” bullshit and you’ll be shitting teeth for a week, and you’ll deserve it.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Touch a nerve, tough guy? You also oppose free speech?

        Why the fuck do you care who Tractor Supply hires?

        Commenter: We ARE, however, MIGHTY FUCKING SICK of those who define themselves in opposition to the mean


        • Brother John says:

          First of all, it’s not “who TCS hires.” It’s “who TCS hires to satisfy some goal other than profit for the company and service for the customers in pursuit of some social engineering objective.”

          I don’t support that bullshit from anyone.

          Second, defining yourself in opposition to the mean is disruptive, disunifying, gives the political class ways to divide and rule, and creates “protected” and “unprotected” classes that are in direct opposition to founding principles.

          I refer you to Theodore Roosevelt — a hyphenated American is not an American.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Seriously, why are you so bothered by blacks, gays, trans, lesbians, immigrants, Muslims etc

        Are these men and women a threat to America?

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Simmer down now Rimjob (aka SMF) and have another cold BudLight and stop worrying about why people feel the way they do.
          Everyone isn’t a racist Godless pedo perv like you.
          Bwaha! Lolgfy

  5. SD says:

    WATCH FULL VIDEO: Biden holds news conference as Dems question viability of campaign

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