Stop: GOP Run House Oversight Committee Wants Biden Aids To Testify On Biden Mental Fitness

They really should be taking a page out of Napoleon Bonaparte’s book on this one

House Oversight Committee Subpoenas Biden Aides over Mental Fitness

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) on Wednesday subpoenaed three aides to President Joe Biden over his mental fitness.

The probe will keep the pressure on Democrats who are in disarray following the president’s infamous debate performance.

Those subpoenaed include:

  1. First Lady Jill Biden’s top aide Anthony Bernal
  2. Deputy Chief of Staff Annie Tomasini
  3. Senior adviser Ashley Williams

The aides are low-profile but are reportedly “very influential” within the White House.

“The White House has shielded three key aides from testifying about President Biden’s mishandling of classified documents and now we’ve learned through reporting these same aides are also seeking to cover up President Biden’s declining cognitive state inside the White House,” Comer wrote, according to a statement obtained by Breitabrt News.

No. Stop. Don’t do it. Leave it alone. The point was made during the debate. The point is being made with all sorts of people and organizations calling for Biden to drop out. We WANT Biden in the race. Everything has been geared to running against Biden. Not that anyone else is polling that well against Trump, but, what if Democrats happen upon the right combo? It wouldn’t include Kamala Harris. But, it could be someone who would entice all the Hamas supporters who say they will not vote for Biden and all the Jews who are bowing out of the Democrat vote to come back to the fold.

Just let Biden and his people keep making mistakes. Focus on offering policies that help the middle and working classes.

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One Response to “Stop: GOP Run House Oversight Committee Wants Biden Aids To Testify On Biden Mental Fitness”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Speaking as a likely Republican voter this year, I really wish Republicans in Congress would stop the investigations. Their actions should be focused and meaningful. Democrats have already shown that they will stonewall, lie under oath, refuse subpoenas, and destroy evidence and get away with it. So further expectations of honesty under threat of perjury indictments are futile. Engagement in futile activities is a sign of incompetence and impotence. It is 4 months until the elections and 6 until there is a new administration. They need to do what they can to gain majorities in both chambers.

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