CNN Fact Checks Biden’s Low Energy Press Conference

His very late press conference, which was originally scheduled for 530pm and ended up starting after 7pm (the meds took a long time to kick in), witnessed a lethargic, raspy voiced Biden who was mostly lucid, without all the fade-outs and such. Well, he did get excited and animated when he was talking about giving taxpayer money to Ukraine, probably since he’s ending up with some of it in his own pocket. He yammered on for a while before finally taking some questions. I wondered if he had pre-arranged reporters to call on (who certainly had pre-arranged questions). Well

(Breitbart) “With that, I’ll take your questions. I’ve been given a list of people to call on here,” Biden said at the end of his prepared remarks, which he mumbled through despite reading from a teleprompter.

He managed to call Kamala “vice president Trump.” How bad was it when you have CNN fact checking him in the way they’d fact check Trump or any Republican?

Fact check: Biden’s false and misleading claims at high-stakes news conference


Biden’s Putin-Zelensky gaffe moment

Biden played down a gaffe he made at an event earlier on Thursday in which he had mistakenly introduced Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “President Putin” before correcting himself moments later. Biden said at the press conference: “I said, ‘No, I’m sorry, Zelensky.’ And then I added five other names.”

Facts First: Biden’s last claim was false. He didn’t utter “five other names” after he corrected the Putin-Zelensky mix-up. In fact, after Biden corrected himself, Zelensky said he is “better” than Putin, Biden agreed, and then Zelensky delivered remarks as Biden stood silently beside him.

Biden’s travels

Biden spoke of a need to “pace” himself in his activities. He said, “The next debate, I’m not going to be traveling 15 time zones a week before. Anyway. That’s what it was about.”

Facts First: This is misleading. Biden did not travel abroad “a week before” the June 27 CNN presidential debate in which he performed poorly. In fact, he returned to the US from Europe 12 days before that debate, on June 15.

Amazingly, one of the fact checks is in Trump’s favor

What Trump said about NATO

Biden, criticizing Trump’s position on the NATO military alliance, said, “I think he said at one of his rallies, don’t hold me to this, recently, where, ‘NATO – I just learned about NATO,’ or something to that effect. Foreign policy’s never been his strong point.”

Facts First: Biden’s description of Trump’s comment was indeed inaccurate. Trump did not say at a recent rally that “I just learned about NATO.” Rather, Trump said at the rally that he had not known what NATO was, “too much,” prior to attending his first alliance summit as president in 2017.

They go on to fact check Let’s Go Brandon on him saying that Hamas is no longer popular in Gaza (it still is popular) and being endorsed by the UAW (he was endorsed in January, not “just”). Most of these are really not big things, so, that CNN ran with it shows Biden has lost CNN. They would never have done this a year ago. Six months ago. Excepting the Zelensky gaffe, which is not a minor one, considering how often Joe makes these types of mistakes. These are not misspeaks, errors that happen to us all, even professional politicians. It’s a pattern of saying the wrong thing.

(Fox News) NBC News chief political analyst Chuck Todd claimed on Wednesday a senior cabinet secretary told him in 2022 that Biden couldn’t run again.

The former “Meet the Press” host discussed dwindling confidence in Biden’s campaign on his podcast “The Chuck Toddcast” with Politico columnist Jonathan Martin. While floating potential exit paths for Biden to step down, both criticized Democratic Party members for refusing to publicly voice their concerns.

Todd recounted, “I had a cabinet secretary two years ago, two years ago, out of the blue asked me, ‘Do you really think he’s gonna? He can’t run again like this.’ And I said, ‘Well, you have more action with him than I do.’ And they said, ‘I don’t have a lot of interaction with him.’ This is a pretty senior cabinet secretary. This was two years ago.”

He added, “It’s the classic open secret, the nonversation. It’s the story everybody knows, and that everybody was afraid to talk about.”

And every person in the Credentialed Media should resign or be fired for knowing this and making it a nonversation. It’s their job to broadcast it.

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10 Responses to “CNN Fact Checks Biden’s Low Energy Press Conference”

  1. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    Amused that “so many” people are just realizing that we’ve been lied to for years. They had to know it because they were liars. I mean if you’re gonna lie stick with it look at Adolf Elwood he doesn’t admit it. You could put electrodes on his nuts and he would not admit to anything that he says is a lie. He still believes all that crap with COVID was real. How lucid is that?

    The problem with being a contemporary Democrat is you’re not: what you are is a contemporary Nazi using the name Democrat to get political to get political power in a country where the word Nazi doesn’t go over real well. But they all believe that we don’t realize what they are and we don’t realize that they’re liars and that they’ve been lying to us all this time.

    Bill dropped back to the old trope about trump lied here and trump lied there. Sure he did he’s a politician they all lie. But the Nazicracts have gotten it into a way of life. They got everybody lying on their team Not just the politicians but the bureaucrats, the educators, the media, the entertainment industry, even the damn militay’s lying now. And millions of them walk around in this stupor like herr Elmwood denying and not admitting to the lies. And still believing that we don’t see them.

    Will be interesting to see when Biden comes up with 103 million votes in the next election how many on our team are finally fed up and revolt. And I don’t mean that BS that they called the insurrection at the capital I’m talking about a real revolt. That January 6th nonsense was just another one of their massive lies. Nobody has an insurrection when they’re not carrying guns. That’s a demonstration not an insurrection. They know it and we know it and they know we know it which is why they won’t let it go to court. Liars all liars

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    President Biden answered foreign policy queries that Felonious-T couldn’t begin to answer. BTW, El Lardo last night entertained Austrian strongman/authoritarian Victor Orban at Mar-a-Lardo!!

    CNN finds a few mistakes by President Biden but ignores Fat Donnie’s repeated lies! LOL

    Fat Donnie’s butt-boy, aka Kid Abortion aka L.G., relays Adolf Trumpf’s message outloud – Achtung!! If we lose this time we come out shooting!!

  3. Professor Hale says:

    CNN wasn’t fact checking Biden. They were covering for him by walking back some statements. They never corrected Biden’s outright lies. Just another example of having his back and being in the tank for him.

    Though it does look like the word has gone out from the Obama team that it is OK now to think of alternatives to Biden. Once again, the “democratic” party will demonstrate that their primary elections are just a sham when they appoint someone new to run as their candidate. The people in the smoke filled room make all the decisions for Democrats.

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    Thanks Joey for clearing up everyone’s misconception.Another query Brandon answered.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    And what a lie CNN corrected!!

    Trump said: Rather, Trump said he had not known what NATO was, “too much”.

    President Biden said, “I think he said at one of his rallies, don’t hold me to this, recently, where, ‘NATO – I just learned about NATO.’

    What lies HAS Fat Donnie, Mobster, told lately: “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.”

    Just as the Trump campaign “didn’t” collaborate with Russia in 2016, the campaign “didn’t” collaborate with The Heritage Foundation on Project2025. LOFL!!

    All Donnie does is lie. He boasts his devotees do not take his lies literally. LOL.

    Here’s a few from the debate…

    TRUMP on Jan 6: “They talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the Capitol and in many cases were ushered in by the police.”

    TRUMP calls the convicted and those who pleaded guilty: “Hostages”.

    TRUMP, on Pelosi, on Jan 6: “Because I offered her 10,000 soldiers or National Guard and she turned them down.”

    TRUMP, on Biden: “He wants to raise your taxes by four times.”

    TRUMP, on his environmental record: “during my four years, I had the best environmental numbers ever” and that he supports “immaculate” air and water.

    TRUMP: “… they (Dems) will take the life of a child in the eighth month, the ninth month, and even after birth, after birth.”

    TRUMP: “What he’s (Biden) done to the Black population is horrible, including the fact that for 10 years he called them ‘super predators.’ … We can’t forget that – super predators … ”

    TRUMP: “We had the greatest economy in history.”

    TRUMP, on Minneapolis protests after the killing of George Floyd: “If I didn’t bring in the National Guard, that city would have been destroyed.”

    • drowningpuppies says:

      See that Rimjob (aka SMF) has a major hard on for Trump after Joey’s disaster of a “live” (where the questions were approved and provided in advance)) press conference.
      Heckuva job.

      Run Joey Run!
      Bwaha! Lolgf

  6. drowningpuppies says:

    From those crazy right wing MAGA nuts at, err, CNN:

    NEW CIVILITY WATCH: Biden Advisors Threaten To “Beat The Shit Out Of” Staffers Who Don’t Keep Quiet.

    OUCH! Like a bunch of Rimjobs.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

Pirate's Cove