Too bad those companies won’t simply stop selling their products to the city of Baltimore, see how the government works without them
Energy companies win dismissal of Baltimore’s climate change case
A Maryland judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit by the city of Baltimore seeking to hold energy giants such as Exxon Mobil, opens new tab, BP, opens new tab and Chevron, opens new tab responsible for climate change, saying the case went beyond the limits of state law by trying to address the effects of gas emissions globally.
Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Videtta Brown’s decision, opens new tab marked the first time that a state court judge has dismissed one of the myriad of lawsuits nationally by state or local governments accusing the companies of concealing from the public the dangers of using their fossil fuel products.
The lawsuit accused the companies of engaging in a sophisticated campaign to deceive the public about the dangers of their fossil-fuel products, which contribute to greenhouse-gas pollution and climate change.
“There is no question that global warming and climate change are wreaking havoc on our environment,” Brown wrote.
But the judge said Congress never intended for lawsuits about global pollution to be handled by individual states, and that the city’s 2018 lawsuit raised questions concerning out-of-state emissions that were beyond the reach of Maryland law. (snip)
But Brown said only federal law can govern claims over such emissions. She called Baltimore’s contention that it was suing under state law only over allegedly deceptive fossil fuel marketing “a way to get in the back door what they cannot get in the front door.”
Baltimore tried to play fast and loose with the law, and got smacked down. They cannot sue for “emissions” arriving from other states: that’s interstate, under the purview of the federal legislative branch. Hey, climate cultists set this standard with all their silly laws and rules and such. I am awaiting when Baltimore bans fossil fueled vehicles from entering the city. When they stop all those fossil fueled ships from entering the harbor. When they forbid all those fossil fueled trains moving goods. All the fossil fueled police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances. When the mayor and city council only travel in EVs. When the city gets rid of the Ravens and Orioles, because they create too much carbon pollution and require enormous amounts of fossil fuels to operate.

CRUSHING IT! Republicans are absolutely obliterating Democrats in new (June) voter registration numbers (106,983 to 1,856)!
Yes, but voters did not decide the outcome last time….ballots did.
Finally evidence to support The Big Lie!!!
Adolf, you and your Nazi-Democrat party tell so damn many lies which one are you referring to when you said The Big Lie? Russia Russia Russia, COVID, abortion, Joe Biden being lucid? I mean you’ve got so many lies.
BTW, do you think Biden will get over 105 million votes this time or are you gonna settle for under 100 million to try and make it at least look real?
Mr Abortion,
86,747,429 Biden/Harris ballots already printed and/or Dominion/Chavez machines programmed.
Get this! Also 86,747,429 Harris/Render* “votes” ready to go if Old Joe should “die of natural causes” before the election!
On Jan 21 2025, Donald John Trump of Florida will be arrested for treason and held without bond. President Biden, with a laugh, called this “his” Project 2025.
BTW, the FBI has “bugged” Mar-A-Largo (recall the raid). Transcripts and some audio files will be released a few weeks before the election. The recorded telephone calls between Trump and Putin are shocking.
*Render: Michael Santiago Render aka Killer Mike is an Atlanta rapper and social activist.
On the Michael Brown killing: “We are human beings. We deserve to be buried by our children not the other way around. No matter how you felt about black people look at this mother and look at this father and tell me as a human being how you cannot feel empathy for them. How can you not feel sympathy for their pain and loss. These are not ‘THOTS, niggas/niggers, hoes, Ballers, Divas.’ These two people are parents. They are humans that produced a child and loved that child and that child was slaughtered like game and left face down as public spectacle while his blood drained down the street…
I care that we as humans care about one another. I care that we see past class, race and culture and honor the humanity that unites our species.”
More bad weather for Baltimore!