LA Times: Infants And Toddlers Victims Of Biden’s Fentanyl Crisis

Of course, the LA Times, being the good little Credentialed Media they are, fails to make the connection between Biden’s open borders and all the drugs flowing in to the U.S., often from China

In the fentanyl crisis, infants and toddlers become unsuspecting victims

(Snip through a story of a child dying form Biden’s fentanyl)

As the fentanyl crisis ravages communities across the country, toddlers and infants increasingly are becoming unsuspecting victims of an opioid that is 50 times more potent than heroin. Adults make up the vast number of fentanyl-related deaths, but public health experts say they are alarmed that more children below the age of 5 are dying or arriving in emergency rooms testing positive for the drug.

The number of drug overdoses nationwide has fallen for the first time in years, but the incidences of children overdosing has surged, doctors say, as they are exposed to opioids and drug paraphernalia at home or by accidental ingestion.

Although West Virginia has the highest fentanyl-related death rate, California has the most deaths overall, with 6,473 in 2022. Officials nationwide are struggling to come up with solutions to prevent young children from dying.

This is followed by many, many paragraphs of stats and stories, but, never delves into where it is mostly coming from. Here’s US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen in December 2023

But this shifted in 2016, when fentanyl and other synthetic opioids became the leading driver of drug-related deaths. Today, the majority of precursor chemicals for illicitly manufactured fentanyl come from China and are synthesized into fentanyl in Mexico. Fentanyl is then smuggled across the border into the United States. This means fentanyl is not just a public health emergency with devastating human and substantial economic costs. The illicit drug trade is also a significant threat to our national security. And it is of course a threat to public safety in Mexico as well.

You certainly cannot stop it all, and agencies like Customs and Border Patrol work hard to stop it, but, they have more luck interdicting ships in port than being able to stop all the illegal aliens bringing it across and under the border. The job is made vastly more difficult due to the number of illegals/migrants crossing the border or declaring amnesty at the border.

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2 Responses to “LA Times: Infants And Toddlers Victims Of Biden’s Fentanyl Crisis”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    But this shifted in 2016, when fentanyl and other synthetic opioids became the leading driver of drug-related deaths.

    Who was President 2017 through 2020?

    Fentanyl is not carried in by those swimming across the Rio Grande but through ports of entry, hidden in cars and trucks.

    Overdose deaths have leveled off the past 3 years with an actual decrease the past year!!!

    The leading cause of childhood deaths (under 17 yrs) is firearms followeb by motor vehicles… drug poisonings HAVE increased in children since 2019. Who was president in 2019? But illegal drug poisoning kill hundreds of children and year and firearms and cars kill thousands. Since 2000, childhood deaths from vehicle accidents have been cut in half (those intrusive safety regulations!!).

    • drowningpuppies says:

      One would guess Rimjob (aka SMF) is implying that Trump caused the increase in the deaths of children during his term as President.
      That’s why Rimjob is known around here as not only dishonest but one Stupid Mother Fucker.
      Bwaha! Lolgf

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