Daily Archives: July 13, 2024

Washington Post Suddenly Big Fans Of Taliban As They Incorporate ‘Climate Change’

You know, when a hardcore extremist, terrorist group is agreeing with your positions, you might want to rethink your positions. And the Taliban is listed as a terrorist group by Canada, the EU, the UN, though, it’s kinda complicated for the U.S. Taliban tries reconciling science and religion in facing climate change When Afghanistan’s Taliban […]

If All You See…

…is an area turning to desert because Other People use air conditioning, you might just be a Warmist The blog of the day is Red State Bonchie, with a post on Biden’s horrible presser.

Federal Judge Puts Net Neutrality On Hold To Allow Lawsuits To Be Heard

While some can point to the pros of Net Neutrality, or, what they are calling “Open Internet” to make it sound better, at the end of the day it turns the Internet into a public utility. In other words, the government sets the rules and terms, just like they did with wired phone service. The […]

Bummer: EV Owners To Pay Much Higher Registration Fees In Pennsylvania

The state has joined the growing number who are hitting EVs up for the lost gas tax revenue Pa.’s electric vehicle owners soon will have to pay fees of $200+ per year A bill that would establish a new annual fee for owners of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles to offset the loss of gas […]

NATO Leaders Say Biden Ruined All Their Hard Work

I think this is how they all felt ???? Watch: Giorgia Meloni rolls eyes at Biden’s tardiness, and pretended to look at an imaginary watch during moment of frustration at this week’s Nato summit #Meloni #NATOSummit #Biden pic.twitter.com/9zeGLAbvWr — The Telegraph (@Telegraph) July 12, 2024 Biden was, by some reports, an hour late. It’s not […]

Pirate's Cove