…is an area turning to desert because Other People use air conditioning, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Red State Bonchie, with a post on Biden’s horrible presser.

…is an area turning to desert because Other People use air conditioning, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is Red State Bonchie, with a post on Biden’s horrible presser.
Another one. Surprise!
Why do they think they can get away with it?

Another DEI. Extinquished.

Bwaha! Lolgf
Didn’t Earn It
Another one! Imagine that.
And Brandon showed up an hour late.
Imagine that.
Bwaha! Lolgf
It appears that someone took a shot at Donald Trump at a PA rally!!!!!
Trump ear was grazed, one attendee killed, one critical. Shooter killed.
Witness counted 7 shots.
Are you happy now, Rimjob?

It’s assholes like you and the liberal media that cause shit like this to happen.
It’s been the right-wing talking about a bloodbath and civil war if they don’t get their way.
No it hasn’t it’s been demo Nazis. You took the term bloodbath out of context from something trump said about elections. And they’ve been blasting bloodbath all over the television for a week now. They even have commercials using the term bloodbath. Stop lying.
The Trump campaign had asked for extra Secret Service protection earlier this month but were denied by the Brandon White House.

Heckuva job Joey.
See what happens when you have a sitting President calling his opponent Hitler and his supporters Nazis?
Fuck Joe Biden.
Oh another DEI hire to head the Secret Service.
Meet Kim Cheatle.
Heckuva job honey.
Of Course Trump Got Shot — It Just Took One Nutjob Taking Democrats Seriously

Happy now, Joey?