Washington Post Suddenly Big Fans Of Taliban As They Incorporate ‘Climate Change’

You know, when a hardcore extremist, terrorist group is agreeing with your positions, you might want to rethink your positions. And the Taliban is listed as a terrorist group by Canada, the EU, the UN, though, it’s kinda complicated for the U.S.

Taliban tries reconciling science and religion in facing climate change

When Afghanistan’s Taliban rulers headed to the country’s first “international climate change conference” earlier this year in the eastern city of Jalalabad, few foreign guests turned up.

Afghanistan remains a global pariah in large part because of the Taliban restrictions on female education, and that isolation has deprived the country of foreign funding for urgently needed measures to adapt to climate change.

“Female education”, like that’s their only problem

So, for now, the Afghan government is largely confronting the impacts of global warming on its own and putting the blame for floods and sluggish governmental aid on foreigners. Some former Taliban commanders view global carbon emissions as a new invisible enemy.

“Just like they invaded our country, they’ve invaded our climate,” Lutfullah Khairkhaw, the Taliban’s deputy higher education minister, said in his opening speech at the Jalalabad conference this year. “We must defend our climate, our water, our soil to the same extent we defend ourselves against invasions.”

While Taliban beliefs are rooted in centuries-old Pashtun culture and an extreme interpretation of Islam, the government affirms that climate change is real, that it’s destroying God’s work and that those in the world who reject the truth of climate change need to get on board. The Taliban has asked imams in Afghanistan’s tens of thousands of mosques to emphasize during Friday prayers the need for environmental protection.

Carbon footprints will weigh heavily on judgment day, said Kabul-based imam Farisullah Azhari. “God will ask: How did you make your money? And then he will ask: How much suffering did you cause in the process?” he said in an interview.

Funny how the Warmists at the Washington Post are commiserating and blowing off the terrorist realities of the Taliban. How they treat women. How they treat gays. And so much more. All because the Taliban is playing with joining the Climate Cult.

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4 Responses to “Washington Post Suddenly Big Fans Of Taliban As They Incorporate ‘Climate Change’”

  1. Professor hale says:

    The taliban, like everyone else in the known workd, knows that under climate change treaties, they will be gaining from donations from the USA, so they have a cash incentive to sign on. Btw, for those who have never been there, afghanistan has a much bigger problem than CO2 in their air: hint, human feces is everywhere. They litereally breathe it in with every breath.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Mr Teach believes that since the conservative, authoritarian, Islamic fundamentalists oppress women and LGBTQs, they can’t recognize the reality of global warming.

    When the Taliban feels someone has offended the regime they murder them. They arrest and torture protesters, activists and journalists. They conduct public floggings and executions. They deny healthcare and education to second class citizens aka girls and women.

    The Taliban is a cruel, ignorant, indecent, murderous regime.

    They say, “We must defend our climate, our water, our soil to the same extent we defend ourselves against invasions.”

    Defend your climate, water and soil all you want. Just don’t expect help from the civilized world.

    • James Lewis says:

      Chicken Little Karen Man

      Defend your climate, water and soil all you want. Just don’t expect help from the civilized world.

      The Taliban’s plans are simple. Turn the rest of the world into a Caliphate and there won’t be all that pasty oil and oil products used.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    And really, did it seem as if the Post had become fans of the Taliban?

    The Taliban punishes women and LGBTQs, complain about the media and reporters, oppose funding education, believe in corporal AND capital punishment. They force to populace to worship their religion.

    Sounds like the MAGAts have a lot in common with the Talibanis!!!

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