If All You See…

…is a perfect place to build a city, high above the coming sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the greatest campaign photo ever.

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16 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    “We’re so beyond f—ed,” lamented a longtime Democratic insider, emphasizing that the image of Trump thrusting his fist in the air, blood dramatically smeared across his face, will be an unforgettable image between now and Election Day.

    “The presidential contest ended last night,” said another veteran Democratic consultant, who spoke with the network anonymously


    • Professor Hale says:

      Foreign press was saying that if this were the 1980s or 90’s America, that would be it and the election decided in a landslide. They went on to say that in modern America, millions of votes magically show up at 4am and so electoral outcomes are not as simple as an obvious choice between a feeble dementia patient and a strong, courageous, experienced opponent with massive popular support. They mentioned that the popular press in America has spent so much energy and time reviling Trump that they cannot walk it back now. You are not allowed to find middle ground with “literally Hitler”. Same reason the Neocons like Jeff refuse to permit any sort of peace negotiations in Ukraine. Once you start drinking the cool aide, you start to like that grape flavor and prefer it to other beverages.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Can you offer legitimate citations to support your “foreign press” statements?

        Also, I don’t agree with Trump being characterized as a “feeble dementia patient”. He does have mental health issues, obviously, but not likely pathological. He’s ignorant and incurious. But hides it with his right-wingpatois and cleverness. He’s manipulative and dishonest. He may have strongman aspirations but he is not a strong person.

        Do you have evidence that “Jeff” can block peace negotiations in Ukraine? It seems a very bizarre claim for a “professor” to make.

        Mr Trump has made clear with with previous time in office and his statements and platform + Project 2025 what he has in store for America.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    I have never seen a pretty girl improved by adding ink. She has made some unfortunate life choices.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    More left wing “violence” toward President Trump…

    “Donald Trump is cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they’ll realize it.”

    The Dems have kept it hidden but then VP candidate said this about Trump:

    “I go back and forth between thinking Trump is a cynical asshole like Nixon who wouldn’t be that bad or that he’s America’s Hitler. How’s that for discouraging?”

    Trump is “Cultural heroin”, “cynical asshole”, “America’s Hitler”!! That certainly adds to the cultural divide!

    Fuck Joe Biden!!!

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Sorry. Forgot to add that it was VP choice J.D. Vance who called Trump “Cultural heroin”, “cynical asshole”, “America’s Hitler”!!

  4. Ouch.
    The assassin didn’t kill Trump, but he did kill this story, which would be a huge story if he hadn’t intervened in history:

    As part of an effort to stop the flow of statements urging him to end his reelection bid, Biden met Saturday afternoon with the Congressional Progressive Caucus and the center-left New Democrat Coalition.
    The latter call was described by lawmakers present as “tense”and a “disaster” for the president, who, they said, was combative in the face of questions about how he plans to turn around his flagging campaign.

    That call came after Biden was told by Rep. Mike Levin (D-Calif.) during a call with Hispanic Caucus members that he should drop out of the race.


  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Speaking of J.D. Vance, his wife Usha Chilukuri, is a “non-Christian”, and a lawyered for Disney Corp and the University of California. She’s the daughter of Indian immigrants. Vance converted to Catholicism 5 years ago.

    On July 7, Vance said he supports the abortion pill, mifepristone, “being accessible”!

    “This tawdry episode informs us that Vance has no principles, at least none that aren’t for sale, and the asking price is cheap,” C.J. Doyle, executive director of the Catholic Action League.

    The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has called for a pathway to legal status and citizenship for the approximately 11 million immigrants who live in the U.S. without legal authorization, emphasizing the obligation in the Catholic Catechism to “welcome the foreigner.”

    Vance will change his position on abortion (child murder).

    You should read Vance’s memoir, Hillbilly Elegy which is empathetic and enlightening. Vance grew up in Ohio Appalachia in a working class family with alcoholism, drug addiction, multiple relationships.

    Vance received nearly a free education at Yale Law for being so poor.

    By almost any measure, American working-class families experience a level of instability unseen elsewhere in the world.this. In France, the percentage of children exposed to three or more maternal partners is 0.5 percent—about one in two hundred. The second highest share is 2.6 percent, in Sweden, or about one in forty. In the United States, the figure is a shocking 8.2 percent—about one in twelve—and the figure is even higher in the working class.

    Vance, J. D.. Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis (p. 228). Harper Paperbacks. Kindle Edition.

  6. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    It’s interesting that a person such as yourself Adolf find it problematic that JD Vance or others like him (including myself change) their minds periodically about things. We are not stubbornly stuck into political dogma like you unable to adapt to the changing world. You are a stubborn pro baby killer. I used to be pro abortion I’m no longer am. No I am pro-life simply because I think life is superior to death apparently you have not come to that catharsis. I imagine you believe that whatever JG Vance opinion was about mifepristone should never change.

    We all know what you are. Intellectually or a one way St. with no U turns permitted. You also have not got the ability to apologize or admit when you’re wrong. That’s why you’re a mediocrity.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Abortionist boy,

      Don’t get me wrong, I like J.D. Vance, a lot. I re-read some of his memoir Hillbilly Elegy last night and the book is well-written and empathetic. I highly recommend you read it. If Trump wins this time (and doesn’t destroy our Democratic Republic), Vance has a shot in 2028.

      But it’s a fact that Senator Vance did a rapid about-face on Trump. He called Trump “America’s Hitler” and now is his running mate, no doubt, looking forward to a Presidential run in 2028. There’s nothing wrong with being ambitious. If I were youse guys I would worry that Vance isn’t as MAGA as he is acting. Unlike Trump and most Republican politicos Vance did not grow up wealthy and privileged, but gained wealth and privilege by going to OSU and Yale Law with oodles of financial help. I can’t belief he’s forgotten how he was helped along the way.

      He is MUCH more intelligent than Trump, and in that is a threat to the boss.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:


        Unlike you, I’m not responsible for even one abortion, much less two!!

        Yet, I’M the baby killer!!

        Do YOU favor an absolute ban on all abortions from the moment of conception?? If not, you’re a lying hypocrite.

        On July 7, 2024 (9 days ago), Senator Vance said he supports mifepristone “being accessible”. Mifepristone, which is only used during the first 10 weeks of gestation, is used in about half of all US abortions.

        Even Mr Trump has floated the idea of a 15 week gestation window for abortions, which would permit over 90% of US abortions!! As you know, Trump is only concerned about getting elected, not governing, so he’ll say anything.

        Do you favor ANY abortions or would you ban them all (if you could)?

        Did you favor the two abortions that you caused years ago? They certainly saved you lots of money and strife.

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        What’s with this abortionist boy stuff? I’m against abortion unless it’s absolutely necessary you idiot.
        You’re the one who believes it should be used for birth control not I.

        I don’t know how smart you think trump is but he happens to be quite intelligent. Not recognizing that could be showing your lack of it. You bigots always have to upgrade one person by down grading another. You really are pathetic. You can’t even say something nice about one guy unless you’re crapping on another.

        ” I can’t belief he’s forgotten how he was helped along the way.” he hasn’t forgotten I’ve read his book and seeing him talk and discuss many times about his hardships along the way about his family life etcetera. What do you expect him to do walk around constantly talking about it? And it’s not just republican politicos who grow up wealthy and privileged. It’s a matter of fact it’s almost a requirement to be a Democrat nowadays. There are a lot more democrat millionaires and billionaires than there are Republicans in case you haven’t looked around lately. That’s what happened when you’re party turned fascist the rich are now the money controlling people that are in your party. They control the wealth which is how they buy elections.

        Now we stand a chance, now we’ve got Elon on our team.

  7. RW says:

    In 1951, there were 1.5 million abortions in the United States, all illegal. Abortions in the Soviet Union were three times that in the US. The statistics are there and don’t lie.

    Read the book ‘Our Bodies, Ourselves’. It’s a book about women and for women. There is a photo of a woman dead on a hotel room floor, a botched abortion did the job, it was illegal.

    There has to be legal abortion, and it has to be a medical procedure.

    During the 1950’s, my mother told me there was a woman in the neighborhood who would routinely perform abortions.

    You can’t legislate morality.

    • Professor Hale says:

      Holy smokes RW. You have said so much wrong in a single post. Let’s start from the top, shall we?

      The statistics are there and don’t lie.

      Yes, they do. They absolutely do. In 1951, there was no hoard of federal and state officers going door to door counting illegal abortions. The number 1.5 million is not a statistic. it’s an estimate… a guess, created by activists so that other activists could use it as a factual argument. But it was never a fact. The fact that they were illegal abortions tells you that they were not being reported through official channels, as if any official channels existed back then. Free clue: those channels don’t exist today either. This is true for everything from mortality rates to carbon emissions.

      The book you reference was propaganda, written by activists, who wanted to overturn the illegality of abortions in the USA. It’s not factual. The picture may have been, but it could just as easily have been staged or been a woman who was stabbed by her boyfriend. Free clue: activists lie as long as it makes their point. Activists on the Left lie more than they tell the truth.

      There has to be legal abortion, and it has to be a medical procedure.

      There doesn’t need to be any such thing. Your view of the world is naive. Abortion has been successfully outlawed all over the globe for the entirety of the human race. I actually agree with your supposition that it is a medical procedure. As such, it should be regulated by the medical community in each state, just like other similar invasive surgical procedures. This position thogh is strongly opposed by the big abortion corporate interests as it would cut into their profits to have to run their “clinics” as if they were real regulated medical facilities.

      During the 1950’s, my mother told me there was a woman in the neighborhood who would routinely perform abortions.

      So? My dad told me that back in the 50’s there were communists in Hollywood. What’s your point? That because it happened once 70 years ago, it should continue to happen? That’s pretty stupid logic. Did your mother tell you that in the 50’s? or did she tell you that much later? You should thank your mother for not aborting you. She obviously knew where that woman was and how to contact her. That implies she used her services.

      You can’t legislate morality.

      That is by far the stupidest thing you have said. All law can be broken down into three parts (we get this from the Bible too): Ceremonial law, Administrative law, and moral law. Administrative law is mostly arbitrary rules that just make it easier for complex societies to exist. It is why we all drive on the right side of the road, but in the UK, Japan, and New Zealand, they drive on the left. Neither way is morally superior to the other, just the principle of doing it in a uniform way. Almost our entire criminal code is the moral law, or, as you put it, “legislating morality”. Thou shalt not kill, comes to mind. Murder is illegal in every jurisdiction on the planet and has been forever. People still get murdered. That doesn’t mean we should repeal all those laws. Similarly thou shalt not steal. Pretty strong moral law there, legislated in every jurisdiction since Hamurabi learned to write. Morality is the best thing to use as a basis for legislation. Anything else is just arbitrary and capricious (like the tax code). It has always been this way, everywhere on the planet. The only thing you can’t legislate is to demand that science and technology will make progress (looking at you CAFE standards).

      • Professor Hale says:

        Oh, it was nice of you to dredge up the pro-abortion lobby talking points for pre-Row v Wade. Most pro-abortion activists depend on more modern talking points from the 90’s. I suspect many people who are new on the internet (like yourself) won’t have seen those particular talking points before. Thanks for sharing.

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