It’s a good thing the news media is impartial and neutral, eh?
We should show grace to Donald Trump – and fight to keep him from office | Opinion
A man who has rarely extended grace to his opponents is receiving grace from his opponents — and he should. He must.
And we must be unified in our horror that 20-year-old Thomas Crooks tried to murder Donald Trump.
There is no wiggle room, no clinging to the safety of partisanship, no giving into our dark angels. The world is watching. Our hearts should ache, our souls shudder. History will judge if we don’t find the compassion to keep the torch lit during a difficult period the way so many others did before us, and judge us harshly.
I wonder about all the nasty things that have been published in the Raleigh News and Observer that I’ve seen since 2015.
But in a country that is just, no man would get to spend years fomenting violence then benefit when that violence visits his front door. Trump is still not worthy of leading this nation. His indecency helped bring us here. To deny that is to deny truth and undermine the greatness we proclaim but often don’t uphold.
And there you go, it’s all Trump’s Fault that someone went batshit insane and took a shot at him.
We should pray for his health just as we should for any victim of violence. We should also continue doing everything we can to ensure he doesn’t return to office. He remains a threat to democracy. The way to beat threats to democracy is with the ballot box, not the bullet.
And that’s exactly the kind of rhetoric that caused someone to take a literal shot at him. Of course, “journalist” Issac Bailey goes on to say that Democrats are selfless and none of this is their fault. Perhaps he should have read his own opinion piece.

I took several days to process what happened before commenting. I read the tea leaves, listened to hundreds of pundits, read what the left and the right were saying about what happened, and, more importantly, what the world was saying about what happened.
To wit:
The very fact they have called Trump Hitler for so long is the same playbook they used against that ELECTION STEALING PRESIDENT GEORGE BUSH. You see the left 100 percent believes GORE was cheated out of the election win in 2000. So their playbook was to go to calling BUSH and Cheney by the name of HITLER/GOEBELS.
By the time GWB left office in 2008, he was the most hated man on the planet because BUSH had no balls to fight back, unlike Trump and MAGA. Hell, even the UN’s WORLD COURT ruled BUSH an evil man that should stand trial.
As a result of the 2000 election onward:
We had the tea party, which was primarily a single-topic protest. Obamacare. Now we have Trump, and we have MAGA because of what happened to BUSH and by inclusion how the right then went after OBAMA for 8 years. You know….payback.
But the worst actors on this stage are those paid by Russia, China, and other nations who would love to see the United States DIE.
It almost happened.
I would caution the left not to wish for Trump’s assassination. I believe, as do so many rational and calm men and women on both sides, that if Trump had been killed Saturday, the USA would be in flames today…literally in flames. Civil war very likely would have spontaneously combusted overnight.
I do not consider the above paragraph as hyperbole. Hell, even the View was shocked(their faces were pale, and their version of hyperbole was relatively subdued) by what had nearly transpired with Trump. Yes, the left hates him with a passion that goes beyond reason, but there is an equal lot that loves Trump and would hold up more than a fist to FIGHT for their version of democracy.
Let us hope and pray that the FIGHT is at the battle box, the ballot box, and not on the streets. The Secret Service needs to give Trump the same consideration they gave Biden in protecting him. He is certainly more critical to the fate of this country ALIVE than assassinated. Even if that would be mentally ill Assassin is a RINO.
The Raleigh News & Observer is yet another McClatchy newspaper, as is my ‘local’ Lexington Herald-Leader, and while I don’t get the N&O, the H-L has been getting ever worse when it comes to doing something really radical like actually reporting the news. The H-L seems to believe that they can shrink their way to profitability, but they are simply giving potential subscribers less and less reason to spend their dollars on the newspaper.
The Raleigh N&O writes: We should also continue doing everything we can to ensure he doesn’t return to office. He remains a threat to democracy.
Mr Teach types: And that’s exactly the kind of rhetoric that caused someone to take a literal shot at him.
It’s doubtful the white Republican and “firearms enthusiast”, 20 yr old Thomas Matthew Crooks, who shot at Mr Trump with an AR-15, reads the N&O.
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said, “We are in a battle between GOOD and EVIL The Democrats are the party of pedophiles, murdering the innocent unborn, violence, and bloody, meaningless, endless wars… The Democrat party is flat out evil, and yesterday they tried to murder President Trump.”
His VP pick, conservative Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH), once called Trump “America’s Hitler”.
But also said Saturday: “Today is not just some isolated incident. The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”
Nonsense. The MAGAtonians want to suppress all criticism of their cult leader.
What caused the Wolverine Watchmen to plot to kidnap MI Gov Gretchen Whitmer?
What caused a man to attack Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer?
What caused a violent mob to storm the US Capitol building on Jan 6?
Trump has been a buttwipe since at least the Obama era.
Anyway, the increasingly strident Republican Party will dial down the vitriol for a day or two. Maybe.
“The way to beat threats to democracy is with the ballot box, not the bullet.”
The American voters must step up to defeat Trump.
@ Doom,
I respectfully disagree. You underestimate the character of the right. Only the Left burns cities, attacks police and shoots politicians. The right accepts defeat gracefully and promises themselves to “do better next time”. It comes from having a core belief of Thou shalt not murder. The Left have the core belief “by any means necessary”.
Since each human heart has a different level of tolerance for depravity, corruption and tyranny before responding with violence, you will know we are getting close when you see a small handful of events like the assassination of judges and political leaders on the Left. Or even a few house fires where Biden-Harris and “Hate has no home here” yard signs are present. We are not seeing anything like that. Only the Left is using violence as a political tool in the USA.
It takes a much higher level of oppression, for conservatives and peaceful Christians to flip that switch to violent response. That oppression needs to be personally felt. Watching it happen on TV to someone else is not enough. We aren’t there yet.
But if you are looking for indicators, sales of 5.56mm ammo are off the charts again. Evidently, there are still people out there who wait for the last minute to stock up before the big civil war.
The good professor is frustrated and angry, so he attacks truth.
Only the left “shoots politicians”, he cries. If only there was an instance where a white Republican voter, a gun “enthusiast” had shot at a politician, with the symbol of our right-wing brothers, the AR-15, we could counter his argument. Maybe if we could point out where a right-winger broke into the home of the Democratic Speaker of House looking for the Speaker and fracturing her husband’s skull with a hammer… Certainly, if that happened no Republican would ever mock the old man and his fractured skull. Trump: “We’ll stand up to crazy Nancy Pelosi, who ruined San Francisco — how’s her husband doing, anybody know? And she’s against building a wall at our border, even though she has a wall around her house — which obviously didn’t do a very good job.” The reliably crooked Dinesh D’Souza claimed the attacker was a “sex partner or male prostitute.”
MAGA went apeshit crazy (with Mr Trump’s urging) when Trump lost in 2020. You may recall a violent mob stormed the US Capitol at the exact time Congress was to certify the election.
IF Trump loses again it will be up to him to prevent MAGA from becoming even more violent. His record on conciliation is, ahem, not good.
We’re guessing Thomas Matthew Crooks didn’t get the memo, “Thou shalt not kill”. Neither did McVeigh 168 dead), Bowers (11 Jews dead), Crusius (23 Hispanics dead), Rudolph (2 dead), Roof (9 Black Christians dead), Gendron (10 Black shoppers dead), Ray (1 Martin Luther King Jr dead), Rudolph/Roeder/Kopp/Hill/Griffin/Salvi/Dear (Up to 3 abortion center employees dead), Breivik (77 Norwegian kids dead), Fields (1 woman dead), Tarrant (51 New Zealand Muslims dead), Carillo (2 officers dead), Page (6 Sikhs dead – in Page’s defense he thought they were Muslim).
Verdict: We adjudge that the claim that only “the left” commits political violence is unfounded.
Your “verdict” is laughable. The preponderance of violence done in America is done by leftists that’s a fact Jack. There is a certain undercurrent of hate and violence in all the leftists through history. But the Democrat party has created access pool of hate and violence.
If uncle Joe Stalin, Mao and Adolf aren’t proof enough try Pol Pot and a dozen others. In America most of the damage in this country is done by leftists at least by Democrats. About 90% of the people in prisons are Democrat about 90% of the people committing murders in America are Democrat. About 95% of the people killing their babies are Democrat. This is just observations of course I don’t bother doing what Adolf Dowd does and wouldn’t even if I had the time.
Giving your unwillingness to admit your own errors, your gross hatred for Jews and Christians white people men and straits, you’re very well known prejudice toward these people and your one sided leftist view of the entire world you are a judging anything is ridiculous. Taking yourself seriously is even more ridiculous.
One can be sure Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray will institute a thorough investigation into the failed assassination attempt of Donald Trump.
“…the greatness we proclaim but often don’t uphold.”
Who’s “we” exactly, Isaac?
Calming the seas repugreactionary style!
“THEY intentionally allowed the assassin access to the site”!!
“Biden failed in his attempt to assassinate Mr Trump!”
Forty Eight Hours After Demanding That Republicans “Lower the Temperature,” Biden’s Back to Calling Trump an Existential Threat to the Country

Of course.
Well that didn’t last long.
Bwaha! Lolgf
*And he’s bringing Hell with him
“Politics ain’t beanbag!”
Trump IS a threat to democracy. That is not a call for murder any more that all of Trump’s claims about how Biden is and will continue to destroy the nation!
Says Trump about Biden: “He’ll bury you in regulations, dismantle your police departments, dissolve our borders, confiscate your guns, terminate religious liberty, destroy your suburbs.”
“This election is a choice between a TRUMP RECOVERY or a BIDEN DEPRESSION. It’s a choice between a TRUMP BOOM or a BIDEN LOCKDOWN. It’s a choice between our plan to Kill the virus – or Biden’s plan to kill the American Dream!”
Trump said during his March rally in Ohio that there would be a “bloodbath” for the automobile industry if he is not elected in November. Trump also used phrase “poisoning the blood of our country” when mentioning immigrants coming into the U.S.
Trump and followers do NOT want to be criticized.
You lie, Rimjob (aka SMF) and you’re stupid too.

You never answered about where that $50M+ @Galera Therapeutics went so why should anybody trust what you have to say about anything?
Jeff has lost it, assuming he ever had it. Trump has never fostered lies, Trump did not put children in cages, yes, that is back. Obama put children in cages, not that I care, they can all go home. Trump won the 2020 election, Biden admitted to voter fraud, end of discussion. Biden and Obama have tried as hard as possible to destroy our country.
Trump has been subjected to arrest and trial for issues that are not crimes and for which no other person has been tried. This is a favorite of Jeff and he clearly does not understand the law, along with all his other issues.
In looking at the kill box set up by the SS, it is beyond clear that a hole was established by purpose or stupidity to allow a kill shot for Trump.
Trump is the best thing we have had in my life and I do hope he can reverse the damage by the Biden/ Obama team.
Jeff, you need not comment as you will only lie.
Well put, david.
Porter G,
You’re so full of shit.
Trump lost the election in 2020, bigly. Only a psycho denies that.
Porter lies that Trump has been persecuted and charged with crimes that no other person has been charged. Trump is a very special politician in his dishonesty and criminal behavior.
He sexually assaulted E. Jean Carroll, then defamed her, now owing her some $100 million! He was found guilty of dishonest business practices and fined $500 million.
A jury of his superiors, unanimously found him guilty of 34 charges of felony dishonest business practices in furtherance of election interference in the 2016 election. Without this cheating (and the Russians) would he still have won in 2016?
Fortunately for Trump, his personally constructed Supreme Court has granted him nearly complete immunity! Aileen Cannon, appointed by Trump in FL, just tossed out his classified documents case on a technicality – that the US Attorney General has no right to appoint prosecutors. BTW Porter, wasn’t Hunter Biden prosecuted by a special counsel, Mr Weiss?
We understand your severe case of Trump Devotion Syndrome. Trump is the sword that will smite your enemies – Negroes, immigrants, gays, lesbians, Muslims, trans, liberals – and this is why you love him so. It’s a cult for white, christian nationalists, such as you, Porter.
The man you adore was the worst president in US history, so far.
Lies Jeff.
Yawn, porter.
Remember when you called black Americans stupid and lazy? Good times.
No need to reply as you always lie.
And unless you’re a complete moron you realize he’s talking about a bloodbath of money pouring out of the auto industry because they’re trying to force everybody on the EV. That’s what the discussion was about. And perhaps a bloodbath I’ve lost employment because of the collapse of the entire section of the economy. That’s what he was referring to stop playing stupid.
When you bring in millions of uneducated disease ridden filthy bottom of the echelon bottom of the barrel illegal aliens from all kinds of countries all over the place you are in fact poisoning the blood of our country. Especially when you’re bringing in millions of non white people and are pouring them into a white country. Their culture, there’s a society, their political beliefs, and their religious beliefs have little to nothing in common with ours and therefore they will be poisoning the blood of our country. If you don’t like it tough titty. Sometimes the truth hurts. You seem to think everybody in the whole damn world is like Americans they are not wake up.
Well that’s kind of stating the obvious. Biden and his followers like you don’t like to be criticize do you? What, do you walk around saying criticize me? Hell you go Batty here when people just disagree with your crazy little political points.
You do realize the more you talk like this the higher Trump goes in the polls. You if you leftist just kept your mouth shut nazi biden would be a lot better off.
Oh, my-he thought “bloodbath in the auto industry” actually meant physical violence? Typical…
I included the quote where Trump said bloodbath in auto industry… You must have missed it.
Abortion Boy typed: he’s talking about a bloodbath of money pouring out of the auto industry
It was in the quote I gave you!! It was no coincidence that Don used the word “bloodbath”.
Poisoning the blood of the nation is straight out of Mein Kampf. You DO know who wrote that tome, right? Hitler spoke of Jews’ blood poisoning the blood of Aryan Germans! Recall that Trumpf kept a translation of Hitler’s speeches on his nightstand. Trumpf denied knowing anything about Hitler, just like he knows nothing about Project 2025 largely written by his staff, LOL
The right’s efforts to blame the Biden and Dems for the assassination attempt is to SUPPRESS all criticism of Trump.
Trump knows exactly what he’s doing reaching deep into the id of his devotees, frightening them with bloodbaths, poisoning of the blood, disease, replacement, hatred of the “other” (Negroes, fags, lesbos, trannies, immigrants, Muslims, atheists etc). It’s his genius. You’re afraid that those “others” will overwhelm all us nice, decent, civilized white folks, aren’t you?
Do you belief that a zygote is a human from the moment of conception??
Funny-I know you included the quote of bloodbath in the auto industry. If you supposedly knew he meant it figuratively, why even quote it? It’s irrelevant
Or is it “Trump said the word ‘bloodbath’, so he’s Hitler!”
Trump uses words effectively.