Of course, Wendy’s won’t do things like get rid of meat, and their frosties that are made with milk from Evil moo cows, stop serving sugary drinks, and stop using fossil fueled trucks to bring in product
Fast food just got a whole lot sunnier.
Wendy’s is partnering with community solar provider Ampion Renewable Energy to help its restaurants source clean, renewable energy.
This exciting development means nearly 140 Wendy’s locations across New York, Illinois, and Massachusetts will now get a significant portion of their power from the sun, according to Solar Power World.
The enrolled Wendy’s restaurants will source 30-100% of their energy from solar projects in their communities without needing to install a single solar panel.
As more solar capacity comes online, Wendy’s plans to enroll even more of its company-operated and franchise restaurants in Ampion’s innovative program.
All this means is that the cost of doing business is going to go up, so, they’ll have to increase their prices
For Wendy’s, this solar partnership is a major step toward meeting its goal of cutting pollution by 47% per restaurant by 2030. It’s also a huge win for the planet, with the enrolled restaurants’ solar energy totaling an impressive 27.5 million kilowatt-hours per year. That’s equivalent to taking over 4,000 gas-powered cars off the road.
How many cars drive to Wendy’s and idle for the drive thru?
Even more exciting, this partnership demonstrates how going solar is one of the best ways for businesses to save money on energy while fighting atmospheric pollution. By sourcing clean energy through Ampion’s community solar program, Wendy’s and its franchisees can lower their utility bills and operating costs.
Is there anyone who actually believes that? We’ll how this works out over the next year or two. Oh, and how do they operate on cloudy days and at night? How will this work for the massive coolers and ovens?

In other words, they aren’t really going solar. They are just paying indulgences to a company so that they can SAY they are going solar. This really is a total scam. Shame on Wendy’s for falling for it.
Does Wendy’s seriously believe that their stores can discriminate which electrons are used by their stores?
For Christ’s sake just make the friggin’ food.