Chicago Mayor To Remove Washington Statue From City Hall

Remember when Progressives were all about removing statues and plaques and renaming buildings and roads and military bases, and Republicans and other sane people wondered where it would end? And they said “no, no, all we want to remove are the Confederate stuff.”

Johnson to remove George Washington statue from outside his City Hall office

Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration plans to remove the George Washington statue from outside the mayor’s office, his spokesman confirmed Tuesday while hinting at instead honoring a Black Chicagoan with a City Hall display.

Fielding questions at an unrelated news conference after reports of the statue’s impending removal, the mayor would not address his reasoning or explain plans for a replacement. But his spokesman, Ronnie Reese, later confirmed to the Tribune that the statue would be moved because “we’re just making some updates to some areas in and around City Hall.”

Reese denied the reason was because of the first president’s legacy of owning slaves: “No, it’s literally just moving a statue.”

Reese did not answer questions about when it would be moved, the cost of the move or the fate of the Washington statue, which he said was on loan from the Art Institute of Chicago and remained in City Hall late Tuesday afternoon.

But he floated names of local Black historical figures as alternatives, among them Ida B. Wells, Jean Baptiste Point DuSable and Harold Washington — the city’s first Black mayor whom Johnson invoked throughout his mayoral campaign.

They couldn’t, you know, add the statue without removing the Washington one? We all know that Progressives feel that George Washing is “problematic”, just like most of the Founders of this nation and the people who fought to free the Colonies from England. Nice that Johnson and his people have time for this stuff while the city is over-run with illegals and suffering from crime and shootings. I sure hope the GOP will be mentioning the removal of the statue once the Democrat convention starts.

Of course, perhaps George Washington would want his statue out of Chicago considering what an embarrassment it is.

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