Scientists Want To Dump Chemicals In Ocean To Stop Climate Doom

What could possibly go wrong with this? Seriously, I read enough science fiction books and watch enough scifi movies and TV shows to know that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. And some scientist screwing around with things better left alone. Especially when you’re dealing with a most fake issue

Scientists Seeking Permit to Dump Chemical Into Ocean in Experiment to Fight Climate Change

Researchers at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution want to dump 6,600 gallons of sodium hydroxide, otherwise known as caustic soda or lye, into the ocean off the coast of Cape Cod in an effort to slow climate change.

The unusual plan will likely face significant headwinds, not just from US regulators but from local fishing communities and environmentalists as well, as local news station WBUR reports.

The idea is deceptively simple: by diluting extremely basic chemicals in the waters, they’re looking to increase the ocean’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide from the air above, a process known as ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE).

It’s just one of several geoengineering efforts aimed at slowing the advancement of climate change, but whether these efforts will pay off in the long run remains to be seen — and critics remain skeptical and concerned about the possible risks involved.

You know, like ocean killing and then Earth killing doom

The team of Woods Hole researchers maintains that the sodium hydroxide won’t have any lasting negative effects on marine life.

“We care about the environment, too,” co-principal investigator and recently retired Woods Hole scientist Dan McCorkle told WBUR. “We wouldn’t be doing this if we thought there was going to be a big impact [on marine life].”

Yeah, well, just keep playing in the laboratory, buddy. The entire ecosphere of the oceans is a bit more complicated. As far as “lasting negative effects”, that sure sounds like there will be some immediate negative effects.

The team is adamant that we must act now before it’s too late.

“Given our seeming inability or unwillingness to rapidly shift away from fossil fuel burning, which we absolutely have to do, it may be important to start studying whether any of these methods really are going to be helpful,” McCorkle told WBUR, “whether they’re going to help get carbon out of the atmosphere.”

The opposition to their plan, however, is already building, with the Massachusetts Lobstermen’s Association arguing in a recent letter to the EPA that more work needs to be done “before truckloads of liquid alkaline can be dumped in the ocean.”

Have you ever hear the term slow is smooth, smooth is fast? Take your time, kiddies. By the time you get it right the Earth will probably be entering a Holocene cool period.

OAE on the other hand aims to slow down the oceans’ waning ability to absorb human-induced CO2 emissions. When the gas is dissolved in seawater, the resulting carbonic acid causes the ocean’s acidity to increase, which can have devastating impacts on marine life.

The added sodium hydroxide is meant to reverse this process, or at least mitigate it.

The problem they’re missing is that there have been multiple warm periods since the end of the last glacial age, ones that were just as warm if not warmer than the current one, and the oceans and life have done fine. Don’t mess with things.

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8 Responses to “Scientists Want To Dump Chemicals In Ocean To Stop Climate Doom”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Communists have been dumping their chemicals into the oceans for decades. Not to fight climate change, but just to cheaply dispose of them.

  2. drowningpuppies says:

    Dumping chemicals and killing owls.
    But they’re just trying to save the environment, you fascists.

  3. Woody says:

    Can we ask how they plan to transport the chemicals to the dumping area? How long do you think it will take to row or sail out there? You want to slow the use of fossil fuels so you don’t plan on using them yourself do you?

  4. Polimath says:

    I read some research they were doing by dumping tons of powdered iron oxide in the warm waters to stimulate a cool down of the ocean. Technically it worked, but the sheer tonnage and logistics would be insurmountable. Good to know it worked though.

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    These <em>geoengineering plans should be left on the drawing boards. Just stop it.

    Adding alkali to the oceans or adding particulates to the atmosphere have many potential downsides. How about giant floating parasols to block the Sun!

    On the other hand…

    Others are working on carbon capture and storage systems where CO2 is extracted from the air and pumped deep underground to solidify as “rock”.

    Occidental Petroleum said it planned to build 100 facilities, each capable of capturing 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide a year. It has struck up a financial partnership with BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager, and made a deal to develop direct air capture plants with Adnoc, the United Arab Emirates’ state oil company.

    In South Texas, it is planning to build 30 of the plants on the King Ranch, funded in part by $1.2 billion the Biden administration last year awarded to direct air capture projects.

  6. SD says:

    J.D. Vance’s Big Debut: LIVE at the Republican National Convention, Day 3

  7. James Lewis says:

    This type of plan is not new.

    Back in the day when the crisis du jour was global cooling it was posited that we should put coal ashes on the snow to help it melt and retain heat.

    Sound stupid? Well we have now graduated into destroying the oceans..

    Stupid is as stupid does.

  8. ruralcounsel says:

    There have been carbon capture tax credits for nearly a decade, and not a single functioning unit has yet been put into service.

    The energy required to run the compressors to liquify and inject carbon dioxide to sequestration depths probably generates more carbon dioxide than they are disposing of. It’s another Rube Goldberg process meant to enrich someone “investing” in the technology by bilking the taxpayers.

    This is why the budget is never balanced and the dollar is worth crap.

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