Biden Receives Brutal Polling From Democrats, As Big Wigs Call For Him To Bow Out

Maybe this is why he “came down” with Wuhan Flu yet again (all those boosters and stuff sure haven’t worked, eh?) and he blew out of Las Vegas early to head home to the beach in Delaware, certain to stay there through at least Sunday

I’m not quite sure it’s even necessary to excerpt any of the article

Nearly two-thirds of Democrats say President Joe Biden should withdraw from the presidential race and let his party nominate a different candidate, according to a new poll, sharply undercutting his post-debate claim that “average Democrats” are still with him even if some “big names” are turning on him.

The new survey by the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, conducted as Biden works to salvage his candidacy two weeks after his debate flop, also found that only about 3 in 10 Democrats are extremely or very confident that he has the mental capability to serve effectively as president, down slightly from 40% in an AP-NORC poll in February.

Oh, I guess there was more information. It’s really not a good thing for that few to think he has the mental capacity. Of course, that 70% will still vote for him. Then there’s this

(Reuters) U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer told President Joe Biden in a meeting on Saturday it would be better for the country and the Democratic Party if he ended his reelection campaign, ABC News reported on Wednesday.

U.S. House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries has expressed similar views directly to Biden, ABC News reported, citing a source familiar with the conversation.

In a statement, Schumer’s office called the report “idle speculation” and said Schumer “conveyed the views of his caucus directly to President Biden on Saturday.”

Why is he telling Joe? He should be telling Jill, since she seems to be in charge. Oh, and even this Progressive wacko is done, and doesn’t even want Kamala

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22 Responses to “Biden Receives Brutal Polling From Democrats, As Big Wigs Call For Him To Bow Out”

  1. st says:

    RNC Convention Day 3 highlights – JD Vance’s introduction, Trump’s 17-year-old granddaughter’s debut Gold Star Families, 98 yr old WWII Vet and more

  2. Dana says:

    All of the ‘big wigs’ knew that Sundowner Joe was slowly losing his marbles; the evidence was being posted on social media for well over a year, but, of course, only evil reich-wing Republicans believed it. Yet the Democrats in government saw the President frequently, and had to be aware of it.

    Perhaps they weren’t aware of just how badly the guy who’s supposed to be ready to take the 3 AM phone call had declined, but the White House staff had to know, and the First Lady had to know. But, motivated by their own special interests, they let him continue.

    You know who probably didn’t know he was declining? Joe Biden probably didn’t really know, as patients with Alzheimer’s or vascular dementia frequently don’t understand what’s happening to them. When they’re lucid, they think everything is fine, and when they’re not, they don’t understand that they don’t understand.

  3. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    As Republicans as conservatives and it’s die hard patriots we need to fight tooth and nail as hard as we can to keep Joe Biden on the ballot. He never was any good and he was installed as president as any can see now. We all knew that but the Democrats lied and lied which is their want to do. They still won’t admit that the presidency was stolen and that Biden was installed as president not elected.

    Now they wanna get rid of them so they get somebody else in there. Sorry the die is cast folks. Millions of Americans have already voted for him disenfranchising them would not look good. Although disenfranchising never seemed to bother them when it was Republicans that they were eliminating. But now it’s crucial for the Democrats to get this senile husk of a human being out of the White House and it’s just important for us to keep him in.

    We’ve got a lot of work to do to make America the great shining city on the hill that it used to be and bring it back from the abuse and literal rape that the Democrats have foisted upon our nation.

    Did you notice all the Republicans out on the street burning down buildings looting businesses and killing cops when they tried to assassinate trump? Imagine if that had been turd brain biden.

    Things just may be changing folks. We might be entering a new era where being an American is something to be proud about again. We’re having American flag on your house doesn’t mean you’re a Trump supporter it means you’re an America supporter. A new era where Democrats and Republicans can actually meet halfway on some things because it’s not one trying to save America and the other trying to destroy it they’re both working to save it for a change. It would be refreshing.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      You worship Donald Trump and have no understanding of this great nation.

      The MAGAts objective is to change America:

      To ban abortion nationally

      To dictate from Washington what teachers teach

      To reverse decades of advancement of blacks, immigrants, LGBTQs

      To make America an official Christian nation

      To end government support of science, technology and engineering, especially any support to combat global warming

      To end all foreign aid except to Israel

      To completely close the Southern border

      To deport 10-15 million residents (rapists and murderers and job-stealers, oh my!)

      To consolidate MAGAt power.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      The Abortionist typed: Did you notice all the Republicans out on the street burning down buildings

      They were busy plotting the overthrow of the nation. And they did violently storm the seat of American government at the behest of their king, Donald the First.

      The “they” who tried to assassinate Trump was a 20 year old white, Republican gun-fetishist with a Republican AR-15 rifle.

      Are the MAGAts ready to take AR-15s out of the hands of would-be assassins?? If you have no empathy for the families of dead kids, maybe for your fellow MAGAts?

      You can’t type “assassinate Trump” without 3 “ass”es.

  4. Dana says:

    You know who else knew that Joe Biden was in serious decline? William Teach, our distinguished host knew!

    Remember 2020, back when the esteemed Mr Dowd was just Jeffery? Our host had many posts on how candidate Joe Biden and his handlers were putting an early close on his campaign schedule. In the campaign of his life, Mr Biden and his handlers were shutting things down early, on many, many days during the summer and fall.

    • Professor Hale says:

      Jeff Knows too but lying is a a way of life for Jeff. He will just ignore it and tell another lie about Trump. Jeff can only repeat what the Democratic party machine tells him is the approved narrative. Democrats are looking to replace Biden without ever publicly acknowledging the reason is because Biden is suffering from advanced dementia and has been for a long time, and they all knew and did nothing about it because their party power is more important to them than America having a functioning government.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Mr Hale is declining rapidly. Once a thoughtful con, he’s now a full-bore, born-again MAGAt,i.e., a lying fantasist. Sad. The belief is that most MAGAts can be rehabilitated back to patriotic Americans.

        The Democrats have only one objective: to prevent Big Donnie from being re-elected. Thinking Americans recognize the danger of another, and even worse, Trump administration.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      The usually erudite Mr Dana misspelled “deceptive” as “distinguished”.

  5. drowningpuppies says:

    Run Joey Run!

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The point is… President Trump is NOT in decline! He’s already scurd! You know, that scum on the bottom of whale shit! He next declination is a BP of 0/0!

    Porter D is upset that President Biden didn’t even have to campaign to soundly beat ex-president Trump, bigly!! LOL. But then Porter D believes that President stole the election by cheating!!

    And when President Harris takes office next January Porter D will go batshit crazy with violent rage!

    He may also be upset that President Biden was successful following the failed Trump administration.

    People like Porter D worship Trump because he symbolizes their version of a Bad-Ass Jesus. A Jesus who didn’t teach pussy-shit stuff like empathy, compassion, love, understanding, caring, feelings, help, supporting and kindness. A brawny Jesus. They transfer the vile cruelty of the Stone Age version of their god onto their replacement nuChrist, Blonde Donnie! There is time for empathy AFTER the enemies are vanquished!! But not yet. Not yet.

    Donnie of Nazareth brings to life the white-wing vision of dominating the “other” – the blacks, Muslims, immigrants, gays, lesbians, trans, liberals – all those subhuman primates – the way the Old Testament (id) commands.

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The US gov’t is obviously going to execute President Biden permitting VP Harris to ascend to the throne.

  8. Jl says:

    Trump assassination attempt, zero cites burning.
    We are different

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      That’s what I’ve been trying to point out to Elwood these past many years for which I was addressed with all kinds of nasty names from racist and bigot to everything else he could think of.

      We are different and if you don’t like it tough titty. For some reason the left doesn’t like the idea that all the Anglo nations founded by white, Christian people are the ones everybody wants to move to, flee to, emigrate to. Specially the ones that are mostly capitalist.

  9. Jl says:

    Uh, they didn’t “violently storm the seat of government at the behest of Trump” unless you think Trump’s “protest peacefully and patriotically” has some different meaning. Or maybe it was some of the Capital guards opening up the gates, or the photo of the “insurrectionists” calmly walking single file between the velvet ropes in the rotunda..

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