Funny how a government group wants to use the government for more power and money, eh? It’s almost like this has nothing to do with science
Britain Needs to Move Faster on Climate, Monitoring Group Says
An influential government body gave what amounts to strong support Thursday to one of the main planks of the new British government’s plans to revitalize the economy: a crash program to accelerate efforts for dealing with climate change.
In a report to Parliament, the Climate Change Committee, a statutory body that monitors progress on the reduction of greenhouse gases in Britain, warned that the country was “not on track to hit” a 2030 interim target of reducing emissions by 68 percent compared with 1990 levels. Britain is legally required to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.
“The new government will have to act fast to hit the country’s commitments,” the committee said.
Speeding up the building of wind farms and solar farms is precisely what the new government of Prime Minister Keir Starmer wants to do. He also hopes to hasten other measures like replacing natural gas boilers in homes with electric-powered heat pumps.
I suggest the UK government starts by blocking elected members of the national government and all employees from using fossil fuels in their official duties. Turn the AC up to 86 and heat down to 60. No meat served in the government cafeterias. For starters
The committee, which says it is independent, criticized the previous Conservative government, led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, for signaling “a slowing of pace” on measures like the shift to electric vehicles and the adoption of heat pumps. The government also “gave inconsistent messages on its commitment” to the steps needed to achieve net zero, the committee said.
If the NY Times actually did reporting they would have asked all the members of the committee if they were driving EVs themselves and had replaced their home units with heat pumps. It matters. If the Elites ramming this down the throats of the citizens won’t do it voluntarily, why should the citizens?
It made a series of recommendations intended to discourage consumption of fossil fuels and stimulate additional use of electric power, which is forecast to be the main form of clean energy in the future. Among them: cutting electric bills, which would encourage greater use of electricity and the purchase of heat pumps, which Britons have been slow to adopt. The panel suggested removing some items from electric bills, including moving some costs of subsidizing renewable energy to either gas bills or the general government budget.
What is it called when Government forces citizens to do things they do not want to do? Britons are mostly against heat pumps and EVs, as they are expensive, do not work as well, have a shorter lifespan, all to go with already artificially high energy prices due to government actions.
“This report provides a clear path to victory,” Doug Parr, chief scientist of Greenpeace UK, said in a statement. “Now the new government just needs to deliver.”
Remember the days when we heard about “the consent of People”? Now it’s “you will comply”.

Mr Teach opined: What is it called when Government forces citizens to do things they do not want to do?
Tyranny!! That’s what it is. I do not want to pay taxes! I do not want to drive the speed limit! I do not want my plumbing up to “code”. I do not want a catalytic converter, anti-lock brakes, airbags. I do not want to stop selling fentanyl to teenagers! I do not want to stop at stop signs. I do not want to stop dumping used motor oil in the creek. I do not want to stop my pyramid scheme. I do not want to stop making death threats to politicians.
What things are the Governments making you do?

Mandatory covid vaccines!

Kimberly Cheatle.
Minus $50M+ @Galera Therapeutics


Just saw the reason for this on you tube. Seems that Kim baby covered up for the Biden’s when she was in a lesser position. The agents under her kept quit about Biden wondering around naked, accosting any and all women and children and then keeping a lid on his profound dementia.
Chicken Little Karen Man
I do not want the government to….
flood the country with illegal aliens
allow terrorists to enter the country unimpeded
destroy my retirement income by causing inflation
allow my girls to be attacked in their supposedly safe spaces
restrict my movement by demanding that I use only public transportation
Or make us to buy an EV that doesn’t work well
Destroying my freedom of speech by arresting me when I protest government actions
And I could go on but I trust even such a Leftie as you get the point.
WATCH LIVE: President Donald Trump Speaks at Republican National Convention in Milwaukee (7-18-24)