Hotcold Take: Rising Seas Make Days Longer

It’s always some sort of doom with these people

Study: Rising sea levels causing longer days

The melting of polar ice due to climate change is lengthening days on Earth milliseconds at a time, according to research published Monday in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The research indicated that while the pull of the moon’s gravity has caused the gradual, steady lengthening of days every century, the melting of polar ice is slowing the planet’s revolution more by redistributing mass at the equator.

Co-author Surendra Adhikari, who works as a geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, specifically compared the revolution of the earth to “a figure skater,” who will pull their arms inward to skate faster, but spread their arms when slowing down. Similarly, he said, the earth will spin slightly slower when more mass is concentrated at its center.

Adhikari told The Hill in an interview that the moon’s gravitational pull already extends the day slightly more every century. The research, he said, indicates that rising sea levels are already compounding that and could add more time than the moon—up to 2.6 milliseconds—by the end of the century.

Seriously, 2.6 milliseconds in the next 75 years? Maybe? This is about as worthless as so many of those influencer and celeb stories on the Yahoo front page.

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2 Responses to “Hotcold Take: Rising Seas Make Days Longer”

  1. ruralcounsel says:

    Sounds like another academic paper written about a theory for which there is no hard experimental data. Publish or perish, bitches!

  2. James Lewis says:

    …..and could add more time than the moon—up to 2.6 milliseconds—by the end of the century.

    Let me see…. By 2200 the day will be 2.6 milliseconds longer.

    Good heavens! Karen! Run in circles and shout!

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