6th Court Of Appeals Blocks Biden’s Title IX Transgender Rules

Title IX is designed to help women. Biological women. Not biological men with mental health issues who take all sorts of things away from women

Trans students’ rights suffer another blow as appeals court refuses to lift block on new Biden protections

The Biden administration’s attempt to protect transgender students from discrimination hit another roadblock on Wednesday when a federal appeals court allowed the new rules from taking effect in August.

A three-judge panel for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld 2-1 a lower court ruling that paused President Joe Biden’s changes to Title IX that expand the anti-discrimination law to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

The judges claimed that the Department of Education likely exceeded its authority in redefining “sex discrimination” insinuating that Congress would need to approve the change and said the rollout would be difficult to implement before school begins in the fall.

Huh. You mean that the duly elected Legislative Branch is the one who is charge of changing laws and the Executive Branch  enforces those laws? That’s so weird. It’s almost like the Constitution means something

In 2021 the administration unveiled the new rules which redefined “sex discrimination” to include “sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation, and gender identity.”

In other words, the whole point was to redefine males with mental illness as women. Most everything else was a smoke screen.

The new rules were made final in April and intended to take effect August 1 but multiple states sought to interfere.

Wednesday’s decision means the new Title IX rules will not take effect in Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Virginia and West Virginia before the school year begins.

It is the latest blow to the Biden administration’s attempt to enact rules protecting gay or transgender students from rules that force them to use bathrooms or locker rooms, wear a uniform or play on sports teams consistent with their sex at birth.

The court and those who sued are protecting females from crazy people with male genitalia from being in female spaces, as well as taking away their earned sports wins and others. Which could mean the loss of scholarships, not too mention the simple pleasure from a win after a lot of hard work.

Too bad this only applies to those six states. Women should be provided the protection for dudes waving their dangily bits at them in showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms.

(Virginia Mercury) The Biden administration introduced the rules to “build on the legacy of Title IX by clarifying that all our nation’s students can access schools that are safe, welcoming, and respect their rights,” U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona previously said in a statement. The rules also would have rolled back Trump administration changes that narrowly defined sexual harassment and directed schools to conduct live hearings, allowing those who were accused of sexual harassment or assault to cross-examine their accusers.

Yeah, it’s a real shame that those accused of sexual harassment or assault are given their constitutional rights in government schools, rather than being railroaded with no possible way to defend themselves.

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5 Responses to “6th Court Of Appeals Blocks Biden’s Title IX Transgender Rules”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    So? How many army divisions DoJ lawyers does 6th court of appeals have to enforce their ruling? The Biden administration doesn’t obey court rulings. Some unknown person with Biden autopen access will just draft a policy memo telling federal agencies to “do it anyway”.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      That’s what they seem to have done with paying off college loans which are grossly illegal. I’m trying to figure out how all these rules and regulations are treated as laws when in reality laws have to be passed by Congress or whatever legislative body is in authority. The most these rules and regulations can be are suggestions.

      It’s time to end the democrat left’s insane desire to enforce laws they can’t get through the legislature by making up regulations and such from thin air.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Similarly how leftist States and Cities continue to enforce unconstitutional gun rules despite how many times they get struck down in the courts. They know most American cannot afford to defend themselves in court so they have to take disadvantageous plea deals. Or how the Obama administration struck down the Defense of Marriage Act by simply not defending it in court, thus letting a lower court ruling stand to strike it down.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Courts are indicating that Congress would have to pass new laws that President Trump would sign.

    US Presidents push the limits of what is acceptable with their EOs and agency proclamations. Interested parties sue, and the Courts, up to the Supremes, decide.

  3. alanstorm says:

    Trans students’ rights suffer another blow as appeals court refuses to lift block on new Biden protections

    I’m sure they could slant that a wee bit more, with some effort.

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