NBC News: Bidenworld Expecting Biden To Step Aside

Many outlets are running with this, but, is it true? Was COVID just a fake excuse to head home and consider if he wants to continue?

We’re close to the end’: Biden world braces for the possibility that the president will step aside

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden’s political world is collapsing. Top allies have either publicly or privately called on him to step aside. Major donations have fallen off a cliff. Grassroots fundraising is not keeping up with the demands of a campaign that needs to aggressively scale up three months before the presidential election. Members of his own re-election effort have already declared he has no path to victory.

Since a disastrous debate in Atlanta upended the trajectory of his campaign three weeks ago, Biden has again and again attempted to dig in, bucking efforts to dislodge him from power.

But there is now a palpable sense that the ground has shifted underneath him, according to five people with knowledge of the situation, even among some of the president’s most defiant internal backers who now believe the writing is on the wall.

“We’re close to the end,” a person close to Biden said.

But, will Jill and Hunter allow this? They seem to love the high life. Everything that comes with Joe being president. Joe is barely cognizant, so, he’ll go with whatever they tell him. But, if he does step down, what does that look like? Some are saying that Joe won’t name Kamala as his replacement. Many of the Democrat base are pissed off that the Dem big wigs will anoint someone at the convention, and they’ll get no chance to vote on who they want. Of course, how is that possible this late in the game?

There’s lots more info in that top tweet, but, consider: if Biden is too frail to continue to run, he’s too frail to continue to be POTUS. I wonder if Democrats will 25th Amendment him, leaving Kamala as the sitting president, hoping she will be able to beat Trump. But, would the Republicans play ball and refuse to go with this?

A person with knowledge of the projections said the Biden campaign now expects it will raise only 25% of the big donor money it had originally projected to raise in July — that’s a further downgrade from the expectation last week that large-dollar fundraising would be down by as much as 50%. The money has “dried up,” this person said.

Yeah, that’s going to make Democrats super squirrely, because it most likely means down ballot is getting shorted on big donor money.

In an interview that aired Wednesday evening, Biden said that, in addition to being shown that there was no path to victory, there was something else that would prompt him to re-evaluate his campaign.

“If I have some medical condition that emerged,” Biden suggested. “If somebody, if the doctors came to me and said you got this problem, that problem.”

Does his minor case of Wuhan Flu qualify?

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7 Responses to “NBC News: Bidenworld Expecting Biden To Step Aside”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    It will be great to see Jeff released from his imprisonment to the lie that Biden is fit to run for President, let alone being fit to be president for the last 3.5 years. After all, if the party leaders are finally saying it, it would just look pathetic if the faithful party members were continuing the lie.

  2. Doom and Gloom says:

    Surely all the powers that be have someone in mind to take his place. Obama just asked Biden to step aside and Joe immediately bowed down to the REAL GUY running the country and said yes sir.

    I mean, 2/3rds of the White House staff are ex-Obama acolytes.

    Jill Biden likes to think she is in charge, but ultimately, most insiders know that Obama has been calling the shots for the last couple of years now.

    I suspect it’s Michelle and Kamala and the cheating machine in full swing for November. Michelle as VP and Kamala for PRESIDENT…..I mean, they can get 100 million votes easily now since it is two women of color, which will allow them to sell their massive cheating scheme.

    This has always been their plan for the last year as their stupid frivolous lawsuits and every other shit thing they have tried to throw at Trump failed.

    • Professor Hale says:

      It is very unlikely to be Michelle.

      1. Michelle has never held a paying job where she was expected to show up or produce anything. Even the drudgery of campaigning is counter to her history. She can already be treated like royalty without lifting a finger. Why would she change that?

      2. The Democrats know that this election is over. Trump is going to be sworn in in January. There is no way Michelle will sign up to be on a losing ticket.

      3. The Democrats will need to put in someone who doesn’t mind losing to Trump but is credible enough to get the donations flowing again. At this point the Democratic party is going to try and salvage the down-ticket races. My guess is they grab someone from the B team to step up just to gain some name recognition for a 2028 run. Maybe Governors Hochul or Whitmer. I don’t think it will be Newsome. He will be trying to keep his record clean for next time. Plus he gives off a “Romney Vibe” that I think even Democrats will find distasteful. Maybe even an old faithful party man like Terry McAuliffe or Tim Kaine. Kaine won’t care, if he loses, he is still a Senator. Maybe they can even talk Romney or Liz Cheney into it. Just to run a solid Trump = Hitler campaign.

  3. Professor Hale says:

    The Biden campaign could turn this into a real positive if they had some creativity. They could make it a show of Biden strength instead of acknowledging his feebleness.

    1. Biden could step forward and announce that the failures of the Secret Service to stop an Assassin and the over the top Rhetoric his party has been using are both issues where the buck stops with him. So, he is taking full and personal responsibility and is withdrawing from the race.

    2. Biden could announce that despite the loyalty of Party members and “81 million” supporters, he is stepping down from the race because America needs a candidate with more energy to carry his agenda into the future. While he knows he could totally thrash Trump in a boxing match, he knows that what is best for America is a younger version of himself, and he ALWAYS puts what’s best for America first.

    3. Trump is Hitler. Defeat Hitler or Hitler takes Poland and kills all the Jews. If you vote for Hitler, you aren’t a real Jew.

    4. Biden could announce, “Bwahbd shefrna togabwa…” and then Jill guides him back to his chair. Then White House Spokeslesbian says, “President Biden has always been clear on this and he has been consistently clear and we defer other questions about this to a government office that never answers their phone”.

  4. Dana says:

    The only possible replacement candidate would be Kamala Emhoff; the Dems could never get away with nominating a white male while there’s a (supposedly) black female Vice President; they’d lose tremendous amount of the black vote. Worst, it’s not that blacks would vote for Donald Trump, but that they’d just stay home, hitting down ballot Democrats as well. Now that’s something I’d love to see!

    • Professor Hale says:

      the Dems could never…

      Yes, they could. Modern Democrats are completely unmoored from any sort of moral boundaries or conventions. They are literally the party of “by any means necessary”. They perfected the art of the double standard and tossing inconvenient people under busses. The Black vote will do as they are told and they will make up reasons why it’s the right thing to do, especially if Obama asks it of them. Power corrupts everything and the Democrats are very powerful. How many times have we highlighted their hypocrisy on this very blog? Daily? There is literally nothing they cannot or would not do to win and stay in power. Last minute substitutions on ballots aren’t even in the “never been done before” category. Biden should have not run for re-election at all. Everyone around him has known he was senile for years. But the Democrats pulled another Ginsberg and gambled that Joe could squeeze a little more life out of that dying carcass he inhabits. To be honest, the only reason Democrats are considering replacing him is that his polling numbers are so low that the Dems will also lose house and Senate as well as state and local elections on a massive scale. They are seeing the possibility of the past 4 years of “progress” erased. To prevent that, they will gladly reinvent themselves as a reasonable middle of the road centrist party that loves White people and thinks deporting “some” brown people is a good thing. They would even pick another old white guy as their candidate and replace Harris with someone who sounds reasonably intelligent. The Democratic party does have people who could run if Biden-Harris gets out of the way and the shadow government supports them.

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