Far Left Wacko Ayanna Pressley Quotes Glorilla In Climate Doom Speech Or Something

Just when you thought the climate nuts couldn’t get more wacko

Watch Rep. Ayanna Pressley Quote Glorilla’s ‘TGIF’ in Climate Change Speech

Glorilla‘s scorching summer anthem “TGIF” has inspired a much more serious discussion about climate change, courtesy of a prominent Democratic lawmaker.

During the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing last Wednesday (July 10), U.S. Rep. Ayanna Pressley gave a speech about the impact of urban heat islands on lower-income communities. “You know the kids say, ‘It’s 7 p.m. Friday, 95 degrees,’” she said, quoting GloRilla’s track. “And that’s because the climate crisis is here, and it is real,” she started. “Climate change isn’t an abstract problem for people of a far away future to solve. No one knows that better than our youth.”

Glorilla shared Pop Crave’s video snippet of Congresswoman Pressley’s speech on X (formerly known as Twitter) Friday (July 19) and wrote her famous ad-lib from the song, “Ayyyyeeeeee.”

“Famous ad lib”. LOL. Seriously, they had it correct when they mentioned the Urban Heat Island effect.


Environmental group says weekend’s scorching temps ‘hard to imagine’ without climate change

The group Climate Central said this potentially deadly weather should be largely understood as an effect of climate change. Much of the West is accustomed to summer heat, but Climate Central’s Andrew Pershing, who has led development of the group’s tools for measuring climate changes influence on weather events, said “this is an unnatural disaster that society has created over over a century of burning coal, oil and natural gas.”

“Until we get those carbon emissions under control, until we figure out how to adapt our society and produce energy in a clean way, these conditions – it’s not just that they’re going to persist – it’s that they’re going to get worse,” he added.

The group’s Climate Shift Index – a 1 to 5 scale – estimates how much more likely human-caused climate change leads to weather events like this heat wave. They estimate that nearly 40 million people in the region will experience heat made at least three times more likely by the burning of fossil fuels. Parts of Nevada, Utah, Idaho and Colorado are expected to reach a maximum 5 on the index.

“It’s really hard to imagine these conditions, especially the persistence, occurring in a world without human-caused climate change,” he said of those scale-topping estimates.

Well, you can imagine all you want. What’s missing is rock solid proof using the scientific method. And, again, if they really thought it was Mankind’s fault you’d see all these Warmists giving up their own use of fossil fuels and making their own lives carbon neutral.

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2 Responses to “Far Left Wacko Ayanna Pressley Quotes Glorilla In Climate Doom Speech Or Something”

  1. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    And Trump referenced “the late, great Hannibal Lecter” a make-believe murdering cannibal.

  2. MrLiberty says:

    I just love that there is someone out there who purposely called themselves Glorilla. If a white person had given them that name it would have been considered racist. But we can all still laugh and enjoy.

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