Good News: Iran One To Two Weeks Away From Producing Nuclear Weapons Material

Obviously, the Biden regime wants to Blame Trump for pulling out of the nuclear deal with Iran, but, really, according to the deal, they’d be able to start enriching soon, and, all this was based on a promise to not do anything while getting all sorts of money and aid upfront. Trump may have pulled the US out of this terrible deal, but, other countries signed on

US says Iran moving forward on a key aspect of developing a nuclear bomb

Iran is talking more about getting a nuclear bomb and has made strides in developing a key aspect of a weapon since about April, when Israel and its allies overpowered a barrage of Iranian airstrikes targeting Israel, two top Biden administration officials said Friday.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and national security adviser Jake Sullivan, speaking separately at a security forum in Colorado, said the United States was watching closely for any signs that Iran had made a decision to pursue actual weaponization of its nuclear program.

However, Sullivan said, “I have not seen a decision by Iran to move” in a way that signals it has decided to actually develop a nuclear bomb right now.

“If they start moving down that road, they’ll find a real problem with the United States,” Sullivan told reporters at the Aspen Security Forum, which draws U.S. policymakers, journalists and others.

Oh, please, Biden and his people have placated Iran, a country which, by their own words, is a sworn enemy of the US, over and over

“What we’ve seen in the past weeks and months is Iran is actually moving forward” on developing fissile material, Blinken said Friday during a panel talk. Fissile material could be used to fuel a bomb.

He blamed the decision by the Trump administration to pull out of the nuclear agreement. Trump called the deal “defective at its core” when he ended U.S. participation in 2019.

“Instead of being at least a year away from having breakout capacity to produce fissile material for a nuclear weapon, they’re probably one or two weeks away from doing that,” Blinken said, adding that “where we are now is not a good place.”

“Now, they haven’t produced a weapon itself, but … you put those things together, fissile material, an explosive device, and you have a nuclear weapon,” he said.

Deal or no deal, Iran was never going to stop working on making a nuclear bomb.

Iran was suffering under Trump’s sanctions, was damned near broke. Now, they have tons of money. And are using it to also attack Israel, fund Hamas and Hezbollah, as well as the Houthis.

Of course, Iran has been attempting to make a nuclear weapon for decades. They aren’t very good at this.

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19 Responses to “Good News: Iran One To Two Weeks Away From Producing Nuclear Weapons Material”

  1. Titsup says:

    Some food for thought.

    One hour before Trump took the stage, everyone was notified that were unresolved.

    Get this……..on the day of the shooting, several top tier SS agents were given the day off at the same time JILL BIDEN was in the same region doing an event. Backups were sent to protect Jill Biden and not help with the Trump detail. The local police only had seven officers on site, assigned to traffic. There were not police snipers or local police giving the SS assistance.

    The buildings in question were unprotected. There were not police sniper teams inside these buildings.

    The SS director gave a video briefing to the Senate. She said nothing, answered only four questions, including three softball questions from Democrats (not suggesting the Democrats had anything to do with this), and then hung up on the Senate, taking no more questions. A very transparent effort is underway. This will go the way of the LAS VEGAS SHOOTER INCIDENT.

    Drone video of the shooter dead on the roof shows an open window with an even better line of sight to Trump. Per SS policy, NO WINDOWS are to be open with a direct line of sight within 400 meters. This one was 70 feet from where the shooter was killed.

    Audio recordings of the shots clearly show that at least two different weapons were firing. The first was three well-timed thuds, thuds, thuds, followed by five shots in rapid succession, both sounding completely different.

    Days before the gathering, Mike Pompeo told people that he was to be the vice president. He was NEVER on Trump’s list of vice president picks.

    The shooter, who is a dullard working a menial job, had THREE OFFSHORE DIGITAL BITCOIN ACCOUNTS.

    George Soros’s foundation posted a tweet of a bullet and 47 dollars. 47th president.

    Insiders are convinced there was a second and perhaps third shooter and Crooks was a patsy set up to look like a lone wolf loon. He was seen on video wandering around the grounds without a care in the world, most likely not knowing he had been set up to be killed.

    Pictures of him lying dead on a very pristine metal roof show that the roof was only sloped 5 degrees, and there seems to be NO SHELL CASINGS EJECTED from his rifle, which can be seen lying 15 feet from where he lay dead.

    The coup da gra was for Nikki Haley and Mike Pompeao to be put in office after the chaos of Trump’s death and for IRAN to be set up as the fall guy for this assassination. With Ukraine failing, we need a new war. Iran is the perfect target to kill another 100,000 of our boys and girls.

    The deep state. The WEF. Climate Change. Black Lives Matter. These are things that Soros has his hands in, and they are how he made his money. Causing chaos in countries and then buying currency, which rises dramatically when chaos occurs. He stood to make a billion dollars upon Trump’s death based on recent currency purchases.


    Watching the video of Trump being shot at, in the background is a dark-haired lady who keeps looking toward the shooter a minute before shots ring out. Then she covers her face with a Trump sign, and as soon as the shooting starts, everyone ducks but her, who immediately whips out her camera and starts filming.



    The woman has been IDENTIFIED……

    Are you waiting?

    She has been identified as the DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE FBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I guess she knew that the sniper was not going to spray the crowd with bullets to be so stone cold as to whip out her phone and to start filming with bullets still flying. Hmmm…she must have known this sniper was a very accurate shot with one purpose in mind or else amazingly brave with enormous courage under fire.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Thanks, Donald! The REALITY is that the bumbling, fumbling and woefully inexperienced Trump and his brain dead ideologues shat the bed on Iran.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      So Rimjob (aka SMF) do you remember who has been President the last 3 years?
      (“Shat the bed” kinda gives it away.)

      Do you remember what you did with that $50M+ of investors’ money at Galera?

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Please, DickBreath, tell us more.about Galeria!!

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    And who are you accusing of a crime, and what is the crime, CumBreath? Be specific for porter’s sake!! LOL

    • drowningpuppies says:

      So Rimjob (aka SMF) YOU don’t know what happened to the $50M+ that disappeared from YOUR company over a period of 4 years?

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Fill me in. I’ve been retired for years, but started a consulting firm, and my partners and I (6) are the only investors, and it’s hundreds of dollars, not millions.

        So please tell us more of what you think you know, CumGuzzler!

        More importantly, why do you think it’s relevant here? (rhetorical).

        • drowningpuppies says:

          So Rimjob (aka SMF) still denying HIS company lost approximately $50M while he was there. And he still hasn’t offered an accounting of where that money went.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            My obsessed cyberstalker gets it all wrong again!! Keep trying CumGuppy!!

          • drowningpuppies says:

            So Rimjob (aka SMF) still denies HIS company lost $50M in 4 years.
            Do you give consultations on how to lose millions of dollars or on how to promote drugs that the FDA says don’t work?

  5. Zachriel says:

    William Teach: Deal or no deal, Iran was never going to stop working on making a nuclear bomb.

    Iran has eschewed using nuclear weapons, and their strategic thinking has been that just having the capability is sufficient to act as a deterrent. The question then is breakout time.

    The Iran nuclear deal included extensive inspections. There is no inherent difficulty in producing a nuclear weapon. Under the nuclear deal, production of highly refined nuclear fuel was restricted, so breakout time was about a year or so. If Iran then made a move towards a nuclear weapon, it would give the international community time to react. Without the deal, Iran’s breakout time is only a week or so. In addition, pulling out of the deal damaged the credibility of the United States.

    • Brother John says:

      Tell me, what color is the sky in your world?

      • drowningpuppies says:

        The kiddieZ believe the myth that Trump colluded with Putin to defeat Hillary in 2016.

    • Zachriel says:

      Brother John: Tell me, what color is the sky in your world?

      It varies from blues to purples to pastels of all sorts to fiery reds. Let us know when you can make a substantive reply.

      • Brother John says:

        Repeating the propaganda about the Iran deal which is 180 degrees out of phase with the truth combined with the irritating habit of referring to yourself using the royal pronoun doesn’t make any of it true.

      • Zachriel says:

        Brother John: Repeating the propaganda about the Iran deal which is 180 degrees out of phase with the truth . . .

        Saying “Is not” isn’t much of an argument. If you have a disagreement, please be specific.

        Stopping Iran from producing a nuclear device was not the intention of the Iran Nuclear Deal, nor was that even possible. Producing an atom bomb is 1940s technology. The only difficult part is producing the fissile material. Iran gave up tons of refined uranium as part of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Inspections are a matter of record.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Puppy Slayer and JohnBoy with their usual panoply of meaningless responses. Boyz, your lack of serious replies tell everyone all they need to know about you.

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The CumGargler knows NOT how the FDA works! You can’t promote a “drug” before it’s approved! Unless it’s some worthless tripe like OTC Prevagen.
    Please tell me you have more!

    • CarolAnn says:

      You can’t promote a “drug” before it’s approved! Unless it’s some worthless tripe like OTC Prevagen.

      Sure you can if you’re a Democrat. Next you’ll be telling me you can’t promote the government taking your neighbor’s money to pay off your college loans.

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