NY Times Seems A Bit Upset Over All The Illegals Shipped To Democrat Run Cities

Texas governor Greg Abbott has shipped around 120,000 illegals to Sanctuary City New York and other Democrat run sanctuary jurisdictions, causing complete freakouts from Democrats who support unfettered illegal immigration. The Times wonders how we got here

Bus by Bus, Texas’ Governor Changed Migration Across the U.S.

The autumn of 2021 delivered a shock to the state of Texas. More than 9,000 migrants crossed the border on a September day into the town of Del Rio and huddled in a tent camp under a bridge. Thousands more came later that week from countries all over the world, challenging the town’s ability to handle them.

The following spring, Texas opened a new frontier of its own. On April 13, a bus pulled into Union Station in Washington, D.C., carrying 24 migrants who had been offered a free ride from the border city of Eagle Pass, Texas, chartered by the state’s Division of Emergency Management. More buses arrived in the capital over the next several days.

Washington’s mayor, Muriel Bowser, suggested that many of the migrants had been “tricked” into riding the buses by the Texas governor, Greg Abbott. The White House called it a “political stunt.”

In the two years since Mr. Abbott dispatched the first buses from Texas, the busing program has turned into a significant part of the country’s transportation infrastructure for migrants.

The Times positions this as an issue, instead of a boon. Aren’t the Times and other Democrat outlets and officials and groups always telling us that illegals are great and this country couldn’t run without them?

A New York Times analysis of state records, immigration data collected by Syracuse University and records from the destination cities, as well as interviews with dozens of migrants, city officials and immigration organization leaders, show that the Texas program is continuing to expand its reach — new target cities include Boston, Detroit and Albuquerque — and helping to reshape migration across the United States.

Yeah, instead of the illegals staying in areas that are not sanctuary jurisdictions they have been sent to those who say they love illegals. Right up until they had to actually deal with illegals.

While Mr. Abbott did not create the migrant crisis that reached a peak at the end of last year, the analysis showed, he amplified and concentrated it. He took what otherwise might have been the slow diffusion of migrants from the border to cities and towns across the United States, and directed it at just a few places.

“I took the border to them,” Mr. Abbott told a cheering crowd at the Republican National Convention, where drastically curbing migration, a centerpiece of former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign, has been a frequent theme. “Those buses will continue to roll until we finally secure our border.”

And this has given sanctuary city residents apoplexy and created massive problems for budgets of the cities. Anyhow, it’s a long article, in which the four “journalists” who wrote it never once get to a spot where they say “hey, maybe it would be better if the border was shut down as much as possible. Maybe Democrats should stop incentivizing people from around the world to just show up at the border.”

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13 Responses to “NY Times Seems A Bit Upset Over All The Illegals Shipped To Democrat Run Cities”

  1. Tony says:

    Remember those Martha’s Vineyard signs? The ones that said in part, “We stand with immigrants… All are welcome here… Hate has no business here.” Then 50 illegals showed up, the “welcoming” community got a bad case of the vapors and those signs came down overnight. Textbook virtue signaling. It’s easy to claim to support something when you don’t actually have to do it.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      You are a bit confused about what happened with the 49 migrants in Martha’s Vineyard. They received food, shelter and legal assistance. All but five had relocated throughout Massachusetts by late 2022.

      Don’t feel bad. Conservative media circulates and recirculates false accounts.

      From where did you get your false info?

      • alanstorm says:

        All but five had relocated throughout Massachusetts by late 2022.

        So they’re not in MW after all?

        From where did you get your false info?

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Again, Teach…Read and learn. It’s illegal to transport illegal aliens, so Gov Abbott is breaking the law if the migrants are here illegally.

    Domestic Transporting — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(ii) makes it an offense for any person who — knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law.

    Why haven’t the feds arrested Gov Abutt? Is it because those that the dishonest Mr Teach slurs as “illegals” are not aliens in the United States in violation of the law? Bingo, Tex.

    So, in the spirit of détente will Mr Teach agree not to dehumanize these migrants as illegals?

    • JimS says:

      By similar laws, it’s a crime to assist illegal aliens in staying here. Why haven’t the Feds arrested the governors, mayors and on down to the people feeding illegals in every “sanctuary” jurisdiction.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        The most obvious explanation is that they are not illegal aliens, but asylum seekers.

        • JimS says:

          I’ve they’ve come across the border, they’re illegals. period.

        • Brother John says:

          So you’ll use your idiotic sanctimony about “the rule of law” in order to ultimately destroy it.

          Fuck you. Send them all back. And their asshole self-destructive sympathizers like you with them.

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        Perhaps because they’re Democrats and they’re above the law?

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Nobody is dehumanizing these filthy invaders. Believe it or not “migrants” and the “illegals” are human beings ( unless they’re in a pregnant woman) and so are “filthy invaders”.

      Calling a human something they are not like “Abutt” is dehumanizing. But that’s what you Nazis do best dehumanize people so that it’s OK to kill them or/and throw them in prison. We’ve watched you left us do that for 100 years. Longer if you include your former slaves.

    • alanstorm says:

      And Brandon flying illegals around the country was legal? Nice try.

      Why haven’t the feds arrested Pseudo-president Brandon?

  3. alanstorm says:

    You can ALMOST detect my sympathy for the “Sanctuary Cities” with an electron microscope.


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