Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Legacy Is Large But Fragile

It’s almost like Axios thinks Biden has stepped down from being president. But, considering we haven’t seen him or heard him since he blew out of Vegas on Thursday, do they know something? He had Cackles Harris greeting NCAA winners today, something the POTUS usually does. Why come to the White House if not for the President?

Biden Leaves Large But Fragile legacy on climate change, energy policy

President Biden’s work on climate change is unprecedented — but his record is fragile as he steps aside from seeking a second term.

Why it matters: The U.S. is the world’s largest historical carbon emitter and the second-largest today behind China.

  • Future U.S. emissions — and leaders’ success at spurring action abroad — will help sway how much Earth heats up and the damages in tow.

The big picture: “President Biden leaves office with the strongest record on climate change of any president in U.S. history,” said Jason Bordoff, the founding director of Columbia’s Center on Global Energy Policy.

In other words, he spread a lot of taxpayer money to campaign donors and screwed the middle and working classes when it comes to energy costs and life choices.

State of play: He worked with Capitol Hill Democrats to enact by far the largest climate bill in history.

  • The 2022 Inflation Reduction Act provides hundreds of billions of dollars in tax subsidies and grants for low-carbon energy projects, supply chains, electric car purchases and far more.
  • Biden also issued major emissions-cutting regulations; re-entered the Paris Climate Agreement that President Trump had abandoned; and wove climate into the fabric of decision-making across the government.

And none of these would make a damned bit of difference if ‘climate change’ was mostly caused by Mankind

Friction point: The durability of Biden’s work is unclear.

  • Supreme Court rulings in recent months and years curtailed agencies’ powers to regulate without detailed blessings from Congress. Those could spell trouble for Biden’s CO2-cutting mandates on utilities and automakers.
  • Opponents of the 2022 climate law likely lack votes to kill it, but could chip away at pieces.
  • A Trump administration could slow implementation, and more broadly, Trump strongly opposes federal rules and incentives that support electric vehicles.

Strangely, Axios never mentions that Biden used enormous amounts of fossil fuels almost every week so he could fly home from D.C. to Delaware, when he could make the short drive in an EV, like the ones he’s trying to force on Americans

The bottom line: Biden’s legacy is very big — if it sticks.

This is the kind of line the media uses when a president has left office. Or, during their last month in office. Not six months before he’s out.

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6 Responses to “Biden’s Climate Crisis (scam) Legacy Is Large But Fragile”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    He worked with Capitol Hill Democrats to enact by far the largest climate bill in history.

    Giving away boatloads of other people’s money to his supporters is hardly difficult or an accomplishment. In fact, this required no effort on his part at all. Democrats in congress initiated it and carried it across the finish line.

  2. L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

    WHERE IS BIDEN??????????


    • Professor Hale says:

      He may have died already. Frail old guys with dementia can go at any time. Shame on Democrats for lying about his condition for so long. He should have been in a home enjoying his last days instead of out campaigning and pretending to be president.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    A heartfelt message from Brandon.

    Bwaha! Lolgf

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Being the American President is so easy even a Trump did it! Not well, mind you, and he was impeached twice. Finally America’s voters said, “YOU’RE FIRED”!

    Now he’s back defending freedom.

    His own.

    • L'Roy White says:

      Yep trump was impeached twice both impeachments were failures neither impeachment ended and desired result of him being removed from office.

      So the corrupt fascist Democrat machine had to steal an election to get him out of office. The evidence is out there if you look. If you close your eyes put your hands over your ears and go nananana of course you won’t see any evidence. But you’re not children anymore and shouldn’t be doing that. I guess trying to kill him was just what Democrats do after they say you’re fired and he’s no longer in office. Then they just step in and shoot the man. We’re dealing with a corrupt government here folks and it’s the Democrat party that’s doing it if they can’t see it doesn’t mean we can’t.

      Yesterday the corrupt and senile SOB in the White House stepped out of the next election. Within 45 minutes the vice president of the United states swooped down and grabbed all his electoral votes. In other words they just stole the votes of 16 million people who voted for Biden for president this year not one of them voted for dik sucker Harris.

      That’s how people like adolph Elwood save democracy. The same way he’s for gun control for everybody else while he owns AR-15s.

      Hippocrates, wires, grifters call them what you want but the entire Democrat party is made-up of them from the little lowly useful idiots like Adolf all the way up to the president.

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