If All You See…

…is a wonderful bike which Everyone Else should be forced to use instead of fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post tariffs being perfectly acceptable under Republican doctrine.

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13 Responses to “If All You See…”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    The last time Brandon was seen alive was July 17 deplaning in DE. On July 21, a staff-run WH Twitter account announces his withdrawal. 30 minutes after that, the same account announces support for Kamala.

    Still no live announcement from Joey.
    Anyone find this scenario a bit unusual?

    • Professor Hale says:

      Likely he is still alive. Staff wrote the memo of “officially dropping out, signed it using Autopen, and posted it to twitter. Then Megan in the white house communications office tweeter her (Biden’s) support for Harris.

  2. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Ohio state Sen George Lang said that if the Dems win in 2024 it will take a civil war to save America.

    Lock and load “patriots”.

    Why do MAGAts hate America?

    • Kye says:

      If we hated America we wouldn’t be the only ones to traditionally put on a uniform and go out and fight for it. If you recall it was the Democrats who’s the seceded from the union declared war on the United states not those damn white straight Christian Republicans. You, democrats, are the ones that hate America not us so stuff it up your commie ass. Do you wanna say something say something intelligent don’t rattle out something stupid like that. You’re wasting our MF time.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Conservative racists seceded and but fought bravely against America and for their imagined nation.

        Donald did all he could to avoid putting on “the uniform”.

        If MAGAts loved America why did they try to destroy it Jan 6? Why do they want to change America?

        America is an ideal, but it’s also more than an ideal, it’s also a nation of people. You can’t pretend to love America while hating over half the people here.

        • drowningpuppies says:

          Yeah, Rimjob (aka SMF) tells us all about “putting on that uniform”, ya hypocrite (ya know back during Vietnam). https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    MAGAts speculate “they” euthanized President Biden!

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Vice-President Harris called Gov Beshear (D-KY).

  5. James Lewis says:

    Chicken Little Karen Man

    Having lost the lawfare battle the Left started shooting.

    Do you think we are dumb enough to believe the shooter was all by himself?

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Mr Lewis,

      Yes, Trumpists are using lawfare in hopes of stopping VP Harris’s momentum.

      The Trump campaign is claiming that VP Harris is not a natural born
      American. Records show she was born in Oakland California in 1964.

      Trump was born all the way back in 1946!! What a geezer!

      White males have LOST all but one Presidential election. No Black candidate has ever lost!

  6. James Lewis says:

    Chicken Little Karen Man

    Yes, Trumpists are using lawfare in hopes of stopping VP Harris’s momentum.

    Turn about is fair play.

    White males freed the slaves and elected Obama.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      White males have LOST all but one Presidential election. No Black candidate has ever lost!

      You’re telling us that white males have lost all but one presidential election? What do you call George Washington and the other 44 people? The only negro we had was Obama and we’re not sure about his nationality.

      Frederick Douglass was the first black to run for president he was a republican and lost. At the time the Democrats were too busy killing their fellow Americans to keep their slaves.

      Once again in your zeal to denounce your fellow Americans you put your foot in your big fat drooling mouth.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Adolf Brandon,

        Are you sure that Frederick Douglas ran for President. Can you supply the citation. I could be wrong!

        None of the following made the general elections…

        Frederick Douglass was invited to speak at the 1888 Republican National Convention. Afterward, during the roll call vote, he received one vote.

        The The National Negro Democratic League convention selected “Col.” William Thomas Scott of East St. Louis, Illinois, as its 1904 candidate for the office of president, but nothing came of that.

        At the 1968 Democratic National Convention, held in Chicago, Channing E. Phillips, a minister and civil rights leader, was placed in nomination for President of the United States. He received 67.5 votes.

        In 1972, Shirley Chisholm, U.S. Congresswoman from New York, was a candidate for the Democratic Party nomination and participated in the Democratic primaries in numerous states

        In the 1984 presidential election and 1988 presidential election, Jesse Jackson was the first major-party black candidate to run nationwide primary campaigns and to win individual states’ primaries or caucuses. He competed as a Democrat.

        In 1992, Alan Keyes received a vote for the presidential nomination at the Republican National Convention

        BTW, Stephen A. Douglas lost in 1860 to Abe Lincoln, but that Douglas was white.

        So nope. White men lost all the Presidential elections except one, when a white woman (Hillary) lost. Obama won twice.

        You still have questions about President Obama’s nationality, LOL? Even Trump had to give that up.

        Frankly, I have questions about YOUR nationality, comrade.

Pirate's Cove