Republicans Pushing Biden To Leave Office After Dropping Out Of Race

I think this is a bad idea politically. In reality, if Joe isn’t competent to be tried for having classified documents, if he’s not competent enough to run for a 2nd term, he’s not competent enough to be President, and he should resign. We’ve all known that he’s been 5 beer short of a six pack since even before he won the election. He wasn’t that great when he was VP

House Republicans say Biden must resign after ending reelection campaign

House Republicans are calling on President Biden to resign from office after he announced that he would no longer seek reelection, arguing that he should not continue to serve in the White House if he is unable to run for another term.

The comments — several of which were from House GOP leadership — came shortly after Biden said he was withdrawing from the 2024 presidential race, a seismic announcement that rocked the political world and left the path forward for Democrats uncertain.

“If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately,” Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) wrote on the social platform X. “November 5 cannot arrive soon enough.”

“If the Democrat party has deemed Joe Biden unfit to run for re-election, he’s certainly unfit to control our nuclear codes. Biden must step down from office immediately,” House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (Minn.), the No. 3 Republican in the chamber, wrote on X.

Many others are saying the same thing. And they are not wrong. Most likely, Biden will spend the majority of his time either at his homes in Delaware or traveling around the country living it up instead of being at the White House and working….well, as much as can get done between 10-4 M-F. But, unless Democrats start clamoring for Joe to resign, he won’t. Most likely the big donors won’t say it, and Obama probably won’t push it. I’m sure there was a big deal made with Jill and Hunter to give them a cushy lifestyle once Joe leaves office. Does Joe even know about him no longer running?

Hopefully, this push by Republicans is simply a way of saying that Joe is incompetent and link that all to Kamala, who Joe has tepidly anointed. Should make for an interesting DNC, considering all those Democrats who voted Joe, because there was barely another choice. Will they be OK with Kamala as the Democrat nominee?

This though, no, stop

It’s not that she’s wrong. She’s 100% right. But, leave Biden in office, because any policies of his are Kamala’s policies. She’s failed on everything so far, including the border. She’s the VP to a guy who saw big inflation, causing your energy, food, cost of living, etc, to skyrocket. Do you enjoy paying over 20% on average more for food? How about well over $1.30 a gallon more for gas? It adds up. If you 25th Amendment him you turn him into a martyr, and that helps Kamala. Just leave it alone.

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8 Responses to “Republicans Pushing Biden To Leave Office After Dropping Out Of Race”

  1. drowningpuppies says:

    I’m crying.

    “The GOP in general and specifically the Trump campaign have flushed countless millions of dollars into campaigning against Joe Biden, who continued to insist that he would be running for a second term. After he finally announced yesterday that he would be leaving the race, the entire picture changed. This led Donald Trump to take to his Truth Social media platform and posit a question. Should the GOP seek reimbursement for fraud after spending all of that money focusing on someone who clearly was not going to be serving a second term?”


  2. Professor Hale says:

    OK. Who picked, “Biden drops out at the last minute”?

    Sadly, the Democrats had a great opportunity to drag in a totally clean face and instead picked the one person who was neck-deep in everything bad about the Biden administration. Anyone else could have distanced themselves from the Biden administration fiasco and make the incredible claim that things will be different with them as president. In Harris case, she is just running to be the new sock puppet on the shadow government’s hand.

  3. Professor Hale says:

    Does Joe even know about him no longer running?

    The people really running our government are under no obligation to tell him. The Signed statement means nothing with out witnesses of Biden signing it. Everyone knows that the White house has an autopen to sign things for Biden. Has America just experienced another coup where the president was replaced and no one even noticed? Of course not. Americans have been aware for years that Joe Biden was never really running anything. We have the same shadow government in charge today as we had last year, as we had the year before that and as we will have under a Harris administration.

    There is no reason to believe Biden wrote that memo, read that memo, signed that memo, or tweeted out an endorsement for Harris. We all know that Biden’s Twitter account is actually a 25year old woman, so Harris has just been endorsed by an unelected staffer pretending to be Biden.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    The Republicans can get rid or President Biden by impeaching and convicting him. Whining won’t work.

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Maybe Mr T will sue the Biden campaign for damages/reparations. He understands the machinations involved in fraud and misrepresention.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Rimjob (aka SMF):
      He understands the machinations involved in fraud and misrepresention.

      Ya mean like you when you were at Galera Therapeutics?

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Hoi polloi MAGAts are awaiting their barking orders from Donnie, Sean & Tucker before they release their hounds on Vice President Harris. Her mother was an Indian-American scientist and her father a Jamaican-American professor. She was a DA, CA AG, US Senator and now Vice President. She dated black men. She married a Jewish man. Take your pick. DEI HIRE!! WHORE!! DUMB!!

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Kamala/Cheatle- 2024
      Because America Needs More Democratical Incompetence

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