It’s the hottest in recorded history, don’t you know
World logs hottest day since records began — with fresh highs expected in the coming months
The world’s average temperature climbed to its highest level ever recorded on Sunday, according to the European Union’s climate monitor.
The EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) found that the global average surface temperature rose to 17.09 degrees Celsius (62.76 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 21 — marginally higher than the previous record of 17.08 degrees Celsius set on July 6 last year.
“On July 21st, C3S recorded a new record for the daily global mean temperature,” C3S Director Carlo Buontempo said Tuesday.
“What is truly staggering is how large the difference is between the temperature of the last 13 months and the previous temperature records. We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years,” Buontempo said in a statement.
C3S confirmed on Tuesday that Sunday’s average temperature reflects a fresh high, in their records which stretch back to 1940. However, they noted that it is the difference between the temperatures since July 2023 and all previous years that really stands out.
Hmm, why 1940?
July 21 was 20th coolest in the US since 1895. The hottest years were 1901 and 1936. The US is one of very few countries with high quality long term records, where this sort of analysis is possible.#ClimateScam
— Tony Heller (@TonyClimate) July 23, 2024
The 1940’s is a heck of a time for the Warmists to claim recorded history started. Funny how they always cherry pick to make things work out their way. And, even if it was, that’s not proof that it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind. Just that it’s a Holocene warm period
Obviously, not recorded specifically, but, much of the earlier part of the Holocene was warmer, and there were warmer warm periods. That doesn’t help the narrative which is about taking away people’s money and freedom, though.

Trump vs. Harris: MSNBC’s and CNN’s data gurus break down the race – Videos
Teach types: much of the earlier part of the Holocene was warmer, and there were warmer warm periods. That doesn’t help the narrative which is about taking away people’s money and freedom
The solid black line represents the average of the proxies. According to this graph the earlier part of the Holocene was NOT warmer than today – it was cooler. Note the arrow pointing at the temperature in 2016.

Try again, dumbass.
Tony Heller (aka Stephen Goddard) shows the US temp, high on July 21sts!!. The US represents just under 2% of the globe’s area.
Right now. The elites are voting to take away all your freedoms.
WEF…World Economic Forum is attempting to take away your rights.
California has just begun taking away guns from citizens in other states using current RED FLAG LAWS issued by California but imposed on other states.
On and on this stuff goes.
Blackrock is buying tens of thousands of single-family homes each year and renting them out, forcing the market pricing up. How? They are willing to pay a high price for homes just to own them. They have trillions of dollars to invest. They are richer than the US government.
WEF is now being defended by Reuters. It is amazing the amount of power you can wield with the almighty BUCK.
Fact check: The World Economic Forum does not have a stated goal to have people own nothing by 2030
By Reuters
“You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy. What you want you’ll rent, and it’ll be delivered by drone.” This is actually said, but of course, it is not a stated goal of the WEF. Yet Blackrock and other trillion-dollar hedge funders continue to buy up property all over the world and rent it out.
China, meanwhile, continues to use printed money to buy up food-producing farms, ranches, and processing plants worldwide.
Meanwhile, a COUP just occurred in the WHITE HOUSE led by BARRACK OBAMA. How so? All the votes of the Democrats in the primary that were for Biden were just handed to Harris by a select group of people. Now, suddenly, you have state delegates coming out and saying they are for HARRIS while their votes were to be cast for Biden.
The defenders of freedom and democracy have a strange way of showing it as they arrange a COUP for the first time ever in the United States and succeed without a whimper from anyone.
But that’s okay, folks. You go ahead and worry about abortion and the weather while the powers that run the world continue to back door you without lubricant until there is nothing left of your life’s work, except a high rise and a food voucher.
Hell, even England refuses to release its data on vaccines because, in their words,” IT WILL CREATE VACCINE HESITANCY IF WE RELEASE THE DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!” This is after the Czech Republic just released its country’s data showing a clusterfuk from the vaccines and a massive number of deaths of Moderna over Pfizer vaccines. Great. I was forced to take a single Moderna vaccine in order to travel abroad in 2021.
Thank you, Amazon, Blackrock, Moderna, and Pfizer.
We are all FUKED!!