Climate Wackos Sue Britain Over Government Climate Crisis (scam) Plan

It just never seems to be enough for the climate nuts. Sadly, no one asks them if they are practicing what they preach

Britain’s climate change plan challenged in landmark court

Britain failed to set proper objectives in its climate adaptation strategy, environmental campaigners argued on Tuesday in a case which relies on a landmark recent ruling by Europe’s top human rights court.

Friends of the Earth is taking legal action over Britain’s national adaptation programme, which was published last year and sets out what the government and others will do to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

The programme is designed to protect citizens from the risks posed by high temperatures, coastal flooding and extreme weather.

Friends of the Earth’s lawyer David Wolfe argued in court filings that ministers had to set outcomes to address specific risks, rather than “a generic aim simply to reduce risks”.

Government passes law climate wackos demanded, climate wackos demand more. Instead of making their own lives carbon neutral

Friends of the Earth’s case relies in part on the European Court of Human Rights’ April ruling that Switzerland violated its citizens’ human rights by failing to do enough to combat climate change.

Isn’t Britain out of the EU scam? Anyhow, why is it that the climate nuts always demand that Government enforce their cult on everyone else, while rarely doing anything in their own lives?


This also happened at Heathrow, and, since a bunch of climate wankers were just sent to jail for causing issues to lots of other Brits, well, they disrupted planes and left lots of people sitting in the airport in limbo.

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3 Responses to “Climate Wackos Sue Britain Over Government Climate Crisis (scam) Plan”

  1. Dana says:

    Basically, these clowns want a European court to dictate to Parliament how Parliament must vote. They want unelected judges to force the elected representatives of the people to vote a certain way.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      That’s why it seems wherever you go in whatever Anglo country you are in you find the judges are owned by whoever the leftists are in that country. The law has been groomed to be responsive only to left ideology just like they’re grooming children to responsive only this transgenderism.

  2. titsup says:

    Obama and his henchmen just created a COUP in Washington DC against Joe Biden the president of the USA, and the people said… what’s on TV? Are any new games out? Have you seen the latest TikTok?

    In other words they don’t care. Right now boys are refusing to date or get married and 80 percent of those in charge on the LEFT are CHILDLESS…according to a survey just conducted.

    When you gots no kiddos munching your carpet its pretty ez to dictate to those that do. Austerity for no reason. Climate Action is the greatest SCAM every perpetrated on the world.

    And even if the planet is warming we can easily take 50 years to convert to green without throwing everyone but CHINA and RUSSIA and IRAN and NORTH KOREA under the bus.

    But no they have a plan….Hand the world to the Communists Chinese and the wanna be Commie Ruskies and the devout loons of NORTH KOREA AND IRAN and hope for the best, but hey at least there will be no more gluing themselves to the mona lisa since that will be a death sentence under Communist RULE.

    A society that hates people of all colors is a great idea. Just simply awesome. I wonder who is paying for this?


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