Israel Votes To Label UNRWA As Terrorist Organization

I wonder if Reuters will say why

Israeli parliament votes to label UN relief agency a terror organisation

The Israeli parliament gave preliminary approval on Monday to a bill that declares the main United Nations relief organization for Palestinians a terrorist organisation and proposes to sever relations with the body.

The vote against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) is the latest step in a Israeli push against the agency, which Israeli leaders have accused of collaborating with the Islamist movement Hamas in Gaza.

The bill was approved in a first reading and will be returned to the foreign affairs and defence committee for further deliberation, the Knesset information service said.

The bill’s sponsor, Yulia Malinovsky, was quoted as describing UNRWA as a “fifth column within Israel”.

UNRWA provides education, health and aid to millions of Palestinians in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It has long had tense relations with Israel but relations have deteriorated sharply since the start of the war in Gaza and Israel has called repeatedly for UNRWA to be disbanded.

UNRWA has been seen hanging out with Hamas members, providing them aid and support

Israel has said hundreds of UNRWA staff are members of terrorist groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, but has yet to provide evidence to a U.N.-appointed review.

Well, let’s see: the Israeli air force struck a Hamas command center which was under a UNRWA complex. UNRWA helps Hamas govern Gaza, and works to teach Hamas’ radical Islamic view in their schools. They allowed Hamas to skim $1 billion in aid. There are around 108 employees who work with/are members of Hamas. One report says it’s more like 1,200, and at least 12 participated in the October 7th attacks. There’s plenty more. UNRWA doesn’t even designate Hamas a terrorist group, even though the United Nations does. It’s totally unsurprising that the Israel hating media finds no evidence.

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5 Responses to “Israel Votes To Label UNRWA As Terrorist Organization”

  1. Dana says:

    But, but, but, don’t you understand? UNRWA was just fighting to improve the plight of the poor, poor, oppressed Palestinians?

    They left are now combitching that Israel has destroyed the remaining buildings if al-Azhar University in central Gaza, and all of the universities in Gaza. Yet they’ve also told us that Gaza was a big concentration camp. Really? Concentration camps have schools and universities?

    I have been saying for years that the Israelis should have expelled every last Arab following the 1967 war, and the current unpleasantness simply goes to prove that I was right.

  2. bob sykes says:

    The Israeli government is illegitimate. It is a European colonial project, the last and the last remaining. In pursuit of establishing the colony, the Ashkenazi have created a nationalist bolshevist apartheid state, and they are conducting the genocidal removal of the native Christian and Muslim Palestinians.

    • Professor Hale says:

      Sorry. All I heard was, “blah blah blah I’m ignorant”.

      Google “Ottoman empire”.
      Google “population demographics of Israel”.

      I understand that some people hate Jews and some people hate Israel and some people are just angry and hate everyone all the time and latch onto various talking points to help them be angry. None of those things are particularly useful to you unless you found a way to get paid for hating Israel and being angry.

      Cue the “REMEMBER THE USS LIBERTY!!” whackoes.

    • Professor Hale says:

      For the record, Israel’s current government is more legitimate than our own.

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