Chicago Bracing For Thousands Of Illegals In Time For DNC

There are already plenty of reports of Sanctuary City Chicago moving illegals and the homeless away from the area where the DNC will be held, cleaning it up, so that all the attendees, especially the Elites, do not see them, and so they do not show up on TV. What about when the buses start dropping them off in the area of the United Center and McCormick Place for the cameras?

After Texas Gov. Abbott Vows to Keep Sending Buses of Migrants to Chicago, Officials Brace for Surge

City officials are bracing for as many as 10,000 migrants to make their way to Chicago before the Democratic National Convention kicks off in less than four weeks, confident that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott will make good on his threats to cause as much chaos as possible while the city is in the national spotlight.

Deputy Mayor for Immigrant, Migrant and Refugee Rights Beatriz Ponce de León told the City Council’s Immigrant and Refugee Rights Committee Tuesday that city officials were “hyper prepared” for a renewed surge of buses paid for by Abbott to arrive in the Chicago area carrying migrants who crossed the southern border, requested asylum and have permission to remain in the U.S. while their cases are resolved.

“We have continued busing migrants to sanctuary cities all across the country,” Abbott said at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on July 17. “Those buses will continue to roll until we finally secure our border.”

One report states the city is worried that there could be up to 25,000. That would seem a bit difficult, but, even 10K would be a hell of a sight, especially if dropped off where all the reporters and TV news cameras can see them. The city supposedly has around 5,000 beds available, having shipped out lots of illegals elsewhere, which is not very charitable for a declared sanctuary city, eh?

There are fewer than 5,000 open beds in the city’s migrant shelter system, officials said.

Chicago Budget Director Annette Guzman said city officials would have to scramble to cover the costs of caring for a renewed surge of migrants to Chicago.

“Those costs have not been budgeted for,” Guzman said, after presenting committee members with data that estimate the cost of operating a 15,000-bed migrant shelter system through the end of 2024 at $422.3 million.

Hey, you wanted this. How about raising taxes on the rich folks in Chicago? Surely rich Democrats would be happy to pay, right?


(NY Post) Vice President Kamala Harris is touting her time as a prosecutor in her 2024 run, with her campaign saying she has never “shied away from taking on those who harm the American people.”

But as district attorney of San Francisco, Harris ran a program that allowed illegal immigrants arrested for drug crimes to get job training and have their records expunged — all while avoiding deportation because of the city’s sanctuary policies.

Harris touted “Back on Track,” even though one of the offenders she picked for the program — illegal Honduran migrant Alexander Izaguirre — allegedly brutally assaulted a young woman, leaving her with a skull fracture and longterm trauma.

Harris later referred to the attack as, “a huge kind of pimple on the face of this program.”

The DA’s office chose Izaguirre for the program after he was arrested twice in eight months for allegedly snatching a purse and for selling cocaine, the LA Times reported at the time.

Team Trump needs to focus on Kamala’s record. Talk to the middle ground and squishy Democrats, explain just how bad she’s been.

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3 Responses to “Chicago Bracing For Thousands Of Illegals In Time For DNC”

  1. James Lewis says:

    I love it!

    After Texas Gov. Abbott Vows to Keep Sending Buses of Migrants to Chicago, Officials Brace for Surge

  2. Dana says:

    Harris later referred to the attack as, “a huge kind of pimple on the face of this program.”

    “I don’t think it’s fair to condemn the whole program over a single slip-up.” — General “Buck” Turgidson, Dr Strangelove.

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