Funny how the people who make the most noise about Doing Something about the climate crisis (scam) are the least likely to make any changes in their own life, and many have much, much bigger carbon footprints than the average 1st Worlder
UN chief appeals for global action to tackle deadly extreme heat
People everywhere are struggling with the fatal impacts of worsening extreme heat, which is also damaging economies, widening inequalities and undermining green development, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday.
Calling for global action to limit the devastating consequences, the head of the United Nations said “billions of people are facing an extreme heat epidemic – wilting under increasingly deadly heatwaves”. (snip)
In a speech, he noted that heat – driven by “fossil fuel-charged, human-induced climate change” – is estimated to kill almost half a million people a year, about 30 times more than tropical cyclones.
Obviously, no one in the news media is demanding he provide proof
The Secretary-General’s “call for action” brings together ten specialised UN agencies for the first time in an urgent and concerted push to strengthen international cooperation in addressing extreme heat.
The same UN which brings 30K people to the yearly IPCC COPs via fossil fueled travel?
He emphasised the importance of “caring for the most vulnerable” – with those at greatest risk including poor people in urban areas, pregnant women, people with disabilities, the elderly, children, those who are sick and people who are displaced from their homes.
It’s an appeal to emotion, rather than logic.
The UN chief urged a “huge acceleration of all the dimensions of climate action” as global warming is currently outpacing efforts to fight it. That could start to change, he added, as heatwaves, impacts on public health and disasters such as Canada’s wildfires are now hitting the richest countries as well as poorer ones.
“The heat is being felt by those that have decision-making capacity – and that is my hope,” he said.
All those policies end up giving government greater and greater power over their peasants. This way lies Authoritarianism.

Another hitler, instead of jews it’s global warming. Wish someone would have killed hitler before all the dead bodies.
“…global warming is currently outpacing efforts to fight it.”
Holy fifth column Batman!! Who could have possibly foreseen that the billions in research grants to produce ever scarier stories of impending doom would do nothing to deter the climate from the continued, predictable, normal emergence from the little ice age??
We’re obviously past the tipping point! We must give .gov and other useless organizations more money and power, and quickly!
They’re not kidding this time!
Teach typed: Funny how the people who make the most noise about Doing Something about the climate crisis (scam) are the least likely to make any changes in their own life, and many have much, much bigger carbon footprints than the average 1st Worlder
Mr Teach must have evidence that this is true, otherwise he wouldn’t type it.
Who are these people, Teach?
How about His Royal Blackness, who owns a seaside home on Martha’s Vineyard, one of the whitest places on earth, and doomed to be underwater if the nonsense these people talk of are true.
How about all the assholes who fly private jets whilst lecturing us to give up our cars.
Fuck. This is like, low-hanging fruit here. At least make an effort.
Over a hundred countries made commitments at the last COP, commitments that the vast majority were not able to meet, because talk is cheap, while trashing their economies and the livelihoods of their people is harder.
The United Nations, comprised of unelected diplomats, loves the idea that they’ll somehow metastasize into a World Government, but it’s as far from ‘democratic’ as there can be. The representative nations appoint their ambassadors, to represent the individual nations, not the people. The UN, and the League of Nations before it, were ideas of the Classical Liberals of the Western democracies, imbued with all of the cultural ideas of Western civilization, but it is completely contaminated by voting interests of nations which are not Western democracies and have nothing to do with Western civilization.
Over a hundred countries made commitments at the last COP…
Under the proposed climate treaties (Kyoto and Paris), only a small handful of countries pay any costs for this. Most of those hundred countries that sign up intend to get paid for being in it. Of course they are for it.
As the old saying goes, democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner. These climate agreements are always 190 wolves voting on what’s for dinner and getting pissed that the biggest sheep (the USA) won’t cooperate.