…are horrible Bad Weather clouds that could be a carbon pollution driven hurricane, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on the media going wacko over Cackles Harris being “border czar”.

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds that could be a carbon pollution driven hurricane, you might just be a Warmist
The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on the media going wacko over Cackles Harris being “border czar”.
Left wing media talking points about “border czar” is just telling us all what we already knew” Harris has done absolutely nothing as VP.
What do Vice Presidents ever do? Mike Pence headed the Covid taskforce (LOL) and was almost hanged by his boss?
If Mumbles Trump keeps Vance around what will he do? He’s already said he won’t obey the Constitution, which should be to Mumbles’ liking! He certainly won’t challenge Mumbles and risk being lynched by Mumbles’ crazies.
You really are trying way too hard, Rimjob.
There’s really no need to argue about the Biden-Harris accomplishments.
They’re already on record.

[…] Pirates Cove has a blonde on a beach, on a bike, and wearing a bikini…..HMMMMM […]
Distrust, and not just doubt, is the objective of disinformation. To get us to distrust the source of evidence not just to doubt the outcome.
We are made to distrust the ability of the electoral system to conduct a free and fair election.
We are made to distrust the motives of scientists rather than to just doubt the evidence.
Once we’ve lost all faith in the honesty of others to supply valid evidence we have lost the ability to reason.
Who is this “us” or this “we” you’re going on about??
Your deceit and dishonesty is pretty well known around here.
Note that Jeff lies constantly, yet goes on about trust. Can’t wait for his trial.
Hi “david”,
Can you explain in some detail what you expect “Jeff” to go on trial for?
Then explain why the state of LA revoked your license.
Again, your deceit and dishonesty is pretty well known around here, Rimjob (aka SMF).
Jeff constantly lies.
He really should try harder.
What on earth does the honesty of others have to do with our ability to reason? The Democrats and you particularly have been lying to us for at least seven years about everything from the outcome of elections and your refusal to investigate them honestly to making up fake charges and putting in a partisan judge and jury in a partisan location when honest folks would have gotten a change of venue to get convictions on the opponents and there candidate. Just because you lie cheat and steal doesn’t mean we can’t reason.
In fact being able to reason is what allows us do identify you as traitors to this country and as liars and grifters. An entire political party made-up of homosexuals communists Nazis an atheist trying to tell us who’s immoral? Give me a break dunce, you and your kind of the lunatics not us. And if there’s anyone who can’t reason where does certainly you.
david, we’ve asked you repeatedly to dispute what you call “lies”.
You have failed to do so even once.
Please, we beseech thee, challenge even one “lie”!
The Abortionist equates morality with religion, LOL!
Let’s see… the Inquisition, Catholic pedophiles and rapists and the Church coverup of the crimes, Southern Baptist racists and murderers, Islamist murderers, religious wars throughout history, the Crusades, Catholic Church Magdalene Laundries; and hundreds more scandals
Don’t forget the megachurch scandals, TV preacher fuckery… aw televangelists with their license to swindle…
Trump buddy, Jerry Falwell Jr, former head of Liberty University, liked to watch his wife Becki bang young men (and maybe an old one); Jimmy Swaggart liked to consort with prostitutes; Jim and Tammi Fay Baker stole from their marks and Jim raped his secretary; Catholic radio priest and anti-Semite Charles Coughlin; Creflo Dollar claiming God made him buy a $65 million jet; Joel Osteen wouldn’t allow hurricane victims inside his church; Pat Robertson blaming LGBTQs for bringing hurricanes to New Orleans; Earl Paulk; Robert Tilton prosperity gospel; …
How about those NYC Jewish moyles who would suck the blood out of the recently circumcised infants… and the resultant outbreak of Jewish baby boys with herpes? The Mount Cashel orphanage over 300 child sex abuse victims? Anti-gay Pastor Eddie Long sexually abusing teen boys. Lutheran Minister Henry Wingard sexually abusing boys in his church. Pope Benedict scandals.
Anti-abortion attacks, murders and fires!
Anti-LGBTQ attacks!