Yout Groups Want Kamala To Take Away Their Money And Freedom For ‘Climate Change’

Why can’t they all just practice what they preach instead of forcing their beliefs on everyone else?

Youth groups urge Kamala Harris to hold the line on climate change policy

Young climate campaigners are urging Kamala Harris not to soften her position on global warming in a bid to win over swing voters as she campaigns to become the next US president.

“We are watching and waiting to see what kind of vision she puts forward on climate in coming weeks,” said Stevie O’Hanlon, spokesperson for the Sunrise Movement, a youth-led climate organisation that helped elect Joe Biden in 2020, but recently called for him to stand aside.

“When Democrats run away from their progressive stances when they run for president they look like flip-floppers,” said O’Hanlon. “She has a chance to defend the positions she has taken over the last decade and make the case for them.”

The Sunrise Movement said it would allow its members to vote on whether the group should endorse Harris as the Democratic candidate over the next two months.

But its caution about endorsing Harris underscores the political difficulty of generating enthusiasm among young Americans, who proved a crucial part of the Democratic party’s winning coalition in 2020, while also appealing to a wider voter base with more moderate views on climate action.

Kamala has been pretty hardcore on trying to force the peasants to practice the tenants of the Cult of Climastrology, all while using vast amounts of fossil fuels herself. She doesn’t drive an EV for one thing. Will Harris lie about her agenda, ie, soften her stance to get elected? Or, will she stick to her guns? If Trump and Cackles debate he should ask her directly about her climate scam agenda.

Meanwhile, over at Hot Air, since I may or may not get to this

If you thought Joe Biden’s electric vehicle mandates were unpopular (and they are) just wait until you see the even more aggressive plans that Kamala Harris has in store if she manages to be elected to the White House. Rather than giving in to a popular lack of demand, Harris intends to double down, accelerating the schedule for converting the American fleet of vehicles at an even more rapid pace wherever possible. The Democrats still aren’t quite crazy enough to try to make possession of a gas-powered vehicle illegal, but they will bully the automakers to ensure that a full 50% of all vehicles sold are EVs and they will use the regulatory power of federal agencies to enforce their will. It’s almost as if Harris and her party are daring the American people not to vote for them. (Free Beacon)

Many manufacturers are giving absurd deals to dealer employees to get their EVs on the road, because, for one thing, inventory is just sitting there. One maker had an insane one about 6 months ago that also carried over to any employee of the group, though, it was only an 8K mile a year/2 year lease. I usually get a 10K a year lease. It was interesting, the SUV was the size I like, but, no thanks. We are getting offered $299 a month for a 3 year/30K lease on a bigger SUV that is pretty loaded. They drive very nice. Smooth. Enjoyable. Great acceleration. If it carries for at least 2 months I might consider it, though, it is a bit wider than I generally like. A bunch of fellow employees have taken advantage. I’ll see what their opinions are in a month or so (I’m taking a long drive to see the parents in August, don’t feel like making that part of my learning curve, plus, any color I want won’t be in stock till late August/early September).

As I’ve said, it should be a personal choice, not a government mandate. I’m fine with one 90% of the time. The range is about 75-100 miles less than my Civic. If I want to fast charge, the closest is a 15 minute drive away. I do not have a garage, so, leaving it plugged into an outside plug is not optimal overnight. I am interested, though. 8 inches wider than a Civic (heck, 5 inches wider than an Accord), 9 inches longer, though, I’ve had an Accord before, length is not the issue. Width is. The end of the day, it’s not the government’s job to dictate why an American drives.

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21 Responses to “Yout Groups Want Kamala To Take Away Their Money And Freedom For ‘Climate Change’”

  1. SD says:

    Bucks County PA (suburban Phily) flips to the GOP – Was D +15,000 in 2020 now registered Republicans overtake Democrats! Re-post

    • Professor Hale says:

      It may not be important as a trend indicator. There has always been some cross registration in elections. It gets higher when the party nomination is in the bag for your own party (uncontested), so you register as the opposite party to help select someone weak to run against. Democrats know that their own primary is a sham and that their candidates are chosen by party insiders. So their is no benefit to registering in their own party.

      I personally favor a system where if you vote in a primary, your general election vote automatically goes to the winner of that primary. The point of a primary is to help a party gauge the strength that a candidate has and their potential to win in the general election. Allowing unfaithful voters from the other party to help you select your candidate is mindlessly stupid. I’m not against party insiders selecting your candidate. I’m just against fraud and deceit, like telling primary voters that their wishes matter. Open primaries and unaffiliated primaries are just stupid. The political parties should devise mechanisms themselves for selecting their candidates and bear all the costs of doing that, whether conventions, primaries or smoke filled rooms. BTW, the smaller parties don’t bother with primaries.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    “She has a chance to defend the positions she has taken over the last decade and make the case for them.”

    She has no positions. She is the emergency back-up sock puppet for the shadow government that really runs things for when the primary sock puppet fails. She was hand picked to be VP based on her one immutable characteristic: her willingness to do what she is told to get ahead.

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Her one and only immutable characteristic is her ability to suck a dick like she’s trying to get her car keys out.

      • Professor Hale says:

        Graphic and amusing, but likely not true. Most older women stop caring about sex. What works for a younger Harris to advance her career likely doesn’t work for an older and married Harris who is already VP. So, such things are definitely “Mutable”.

        There is a lot to not like about Harris. I recommend Republicans focus on her connection to the Biden administration and being a full partner it all its failures.

        Aside: If her husband came forward and said Harris could indeed pull a golf ball through a garden hose, that would be seen as a positive thing in her favor.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          We fully understand the systemic misogyny and racism of the American right-wing. So it’s no wonder they attack Vice President Harris for being a woman.

          On the other, what of the sexual morality of Donald John Trump?

          Your man-whore from Florida was found liable for assaulting a woman in a department store dressing room and had/has to pay her close to $500 million including for libeling her.

          He also paid off a sex-worker to keep her quiet about their assignation to enable his 2016 election (Oh, Stormy!). Some 20 other women have accused him of sexual assaults. A 13 year old girl sued the man-whore for raping her with the man-whore’s good friend, Epstein, at Epstein’s Manhattan mansion.

          The sex-worker described man-whore Donald Trump’s penis as a stunted mushroom.

          The man-whore’s latest mail-order bride, Melanija Knavs, is a former “model” who posed nude and even in compromising homosexual poses with other women!!

          “Bone Spurs” Donnie described avoiding serious venereal diseases from his obsessive sexual exploits in the 60s as his personal “Vietnam”.

          As far as we know Vice President Harris has not caused a woman to obtain an abortion. Since man-whore Don eschews using condoms it’s likely he has PAID for abortions.

          Trump’s crooked buddy, Elliot Broidy, purportedly had a sexual relationship with Playboy Playmate Shera Bechard, resulting in a pregnancy in late 2017. Bechard had an abortion. Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen negotiated to pay $1.6 million for Bechard’s silence. Sound familiar? Multiple critics speculated that Bechard aborted Trump’s baby and Broidy was covering for his bud. Broidy met with Trump two days before the first of 8 $200K payments to Bechard and just before Broidy needed Trump’s imprimatur to finalize a billion dollar deal with the U.A.E. The name used on the agreement with Bechard was “David Dennison”. Look it up.

          The Trump sycophants just say: “Boys will be boys!”

          • CarolAnn says:

            as elwood would say, you have proof? Then show it.

            You really are obsessed with other people’s sex lives to the point where any stupid assed rumor you buy into. Anything stated here about Harris came out of known facts. We’re not pulling hearsay out of the air like you are.

            Besides it really doesn’t matter trump the horror master is gonna beat the living crap out of her anyhow even women hate the woman. She’s gonna get slaughtered unless you guys cheat like mad again. The only way she can win this election is for you to steal it. All the news media is gonna be showing all kinds of phony numbers over the next two weeks then they’re gonna settle down and go away and guess what’s gonna happen? She’s gonna sink in the polls like a Titanic on April 15th. And then she’s gonna be behind for the entire rest of the campaign.

            Of course she’s gonna get a bump now let’s face it. The only thing that could beat trump right now is trump. If he gets nasty with the woman he’s gonna make himself look like a big bad guy better be holds back and just talks about all the crap that she did about all the misadventure she had as the vice president he can murder her on just facts on her performance alone because she was a lousy vice course she was under a lousy president so.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:


            I was responding to The Abortionist who typed:

            Her (VP Harris) one and only immutable characteristic is her ability to suck a dick like she’s trying to get her car keys out.

            That’s been a recurrent theme with the dimwits – that VP Harris performed oral sex to get where she is. It’s sexist and racist.

            My point is that Man-whore Trump has his own well-documented history to deal with, yet the dimwits seem to give him a pass.

            Do you really believe that Trump can restrain his nature his cruel and vile nature? Can Vance?

            Do you really believe anyone can steal a national election?

            If Trump loses will you abandon the United States and join the rebellion?

          • Jl says:

            Good one-“Trump’s crooked buddy….As opposed to Biden’s crooked son? Got it.
            “Speculated it was Trump’s..” Why use global warming weazel words like “speculate”?

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            According to court documents, Nickie Mali Lum Davis, 47, of Honolulu, Hawaii, admitted that between March 2017 and January 2018, she and her co-conspirators – Elliott Broidy, George Higginbotham, and Prakazrel “Pras” Michel – agreed to lobby the then-President of the United States, the Attorney General, and other high-level U.S. government officials to drop civil forfeiture proceedings and a criminal investigation into the embezzlement of billions of dollars from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), a strategic investment and development company wholly owned by the Government of Malaysia.

            “In exchange for millions of dollars, Elliott Broidy and his co-conspirators agreed to secretly do the bidding of a foreign government and a foreign national by lobbying senior U.S. government officials regarding a pending Department of Justice investigation and the extradition of a foreign national,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian C. Rabbitt of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division.

            On January 19, 2021 Broidy was granted a full pardon by President Donald J. Trump.

          • Elwood P. Dowd says:

            Will President Biden pardon his son after the election?

            Yes, yes he will.

            Will that stop a “President” Trump from going after them? No, no it won’t.

  3. Dana says:

    One of us actually looked up Mrs Emhoff’s positions in her 2019 presidential campaign:

    1 – Exceed the Paris Agreement climate goals and achieve a clean economy by 2045;
    2 – Investing $10 trillion in public and private funding to meet the initial 10-year mobilization necessary to stave off the worst climate impacts;
    3 – Modernize our transportation, energy, and water infrastructure;
    4 – Accelerate the spread of electric vehicles, solar panels, and wind turbines;
    5 – Make big investments in battery storage, climate-smart agriculture, advanced manufacturing, and the innovative technologies that will build our carbon-free future;
    6 – By 2030, we will run on 100 percent carbon-neutral electricity, all new buses, heavy-duty vehicles, and vehicle fleets will be zero-emission;
    7 – All new buildings will be carbon-neutral; and
    8 – Transition our public lands from producing the fossil fuels that represent 24 percent of national emissions to carbon sinks.

    In 2023, the United States was the world’s largest crude oil producer, as it had been for the previous five years, and has the world’s greatest proven recoverable oil reserves. In 2023, the US was by far the world’s largest natural gas producer, at 1,035,000,000,000 cubic feet, 76.4% more than #2 Russia’s 586.4 billion ft³, and over four times as much as third place Iran.

    The United States has been blessed with tremendous natural resources, including huge oil and natural gas resources. The US also has the world’s largest coal reserves, 250.3 billion tons, 56.1% more than second place Russia’s 160.3 billion tons. Mrs Emhoff and the Democrats would squander that great natural wealth by leaving it untapped, costing the American people wealth and jobs, and sending more of our remaining wealth overseas to buy things we currently produce ourselves.

    Mrs Emhoff would curtail our oil and natural gas production where she could, raising prices for consumers, and sending more of Americans’ hard-earned dollars to foreign countries to buy oil and natural gas, and, of course, cut the number of jobs in oil and natural gas production in the US.
    That is all pie-in-the-sky, and four years of economic reality ought to temper her proposals, but it tells us that Mrs Emhoff doesn’t care about what the American people actually want, as measured by our own economic choices. We vote every couple of years for political candidates, but we vote every single day of our lives with our economic choices. Those people buying gasoline-powered vehicles are voting against the Democrats’ plans to require zero-emission cars and trucks, at least for themselves.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Thanks! Those are many of the reasons I strongly support Vice-President Kamala Harris!!

      Even if one dismisses the scientific consensus that the Earth is warming rapidly from CO2 that we humans are adding to the atmosphere, current estimates for non-coal petroleum resources will supply our current consumption for about 50 years. Is it possible that the rate of consumption will actually increase?? Of course.

      Will we go back to burning coal for energy?

      Currently, Presidents of the United States are NOT dictators, so a President Harris would not be able to enact changes dramatic on her own.

      Commenter: The United States has been blessed with tremendous natural resources, including huge oil and natural gas resources.

      Many sources claim that Saudi Arabia and Venezuela have the largest recoverable oil reserves. Venezuela and Canada have the largest oil sands reserves. The US is lucky to have petroleum reserves, but OPEC+ nations have been blessed by Allah with reserves that dwarf those of the US.

      • Jl says:

        “Current estimates will supply about 50 years…”. Those are known reserves, not total reserves- obviously there’s all kinds of reserves that haven’t been found or have been found but there’s drilling moratoriums.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Correct. The estimates do not include unknown or imaginary reserves, that may yet be discovered!! They do also not include reserves on Mars or from asteroids.

          In addition, the “oil sands” are not included in reserves.

  4. Professor Hale says:

    Biden should have resigned and let Harris run as the incumbent. Probably saving it up for when she needs another bump in the polls.

    Or saving it up for whoever “Plan C” is. Democrats seem remarkably flexible in selecting their candidates at the last possible minute, regardless of laws to the contrary.

  5. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    J.D. VANCE: “One of the things I’ve beat up on the left about is that so many of their leader, their next generation leaders, you know, the AOCs, the Cory Bookers, the Kamala Harrises, they don’t have kids. And so there’s this weird way where they want to take our kids and brainwash them so that their ideas continue to exist in the next generation.

    If you want to brainwash children, have your own kids to brainwash. Leave your hands off of mine.”

    What a fugging putz. He’s working overtime to unite the women of the United States against him and Mumbles.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Rimjob (aka SMF) now seems to know the attitudes of the women of the United States.
      Stop watching The View, dumbass.

  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    JD VANCE: I really think that a core part of what’s wrong with journalism in America is that you have a group of people who are dealing with their own, like, psychotic breaks. They’re — I mean, if you think of the craziest journalists in American life, they’re all in their late thirties or early forties. They have all reached this point where I think they recognize that their lives are miserable and unhappy, but they all feel like they’ve reached the point of no return.

    Sexist, racist, elitist and ageist!! Worst man in America. And he wears eyeliner. Will Mumbles drop him?

    You SHOULD be nervous.

  7. Jl says:

    “Kamala Harris secures liberal white women vote by always being drunk and intolerable..”

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