Hezbollah Attacks Children In Israel, Kills 12

I wonder if Cackles will support Israel now that she’s the Democrat nominee?

What will she say to protect Hezbollah? Or, is that Hxzbollah, because the Islamist supporters do not like to write the names?

Hezbollah rocket of Iranian production kills 12 children in Majdal Shams, dozens wounded

Following a direct hit in the area of Majdal Shams, a large Druze town, on Saturday evening, twelve were killed, among them children and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 20. At least 19 were wounded to varying degrees, including six seriously injured, three moderately, and 10 lightly injured, including those suffering from anxiety attacks.

They were transported to hospitals by Magen David Adom teams and IDF helicopters, MDA said in a statement. Following the direct hit in Majdal Shams, about 100 doses and blood components were provided to hospitals, MDA stated. MDA has asked the public to donate blood during the week.

The rocket hit a soccer field near a playground.

IDF Spokesperson R-adm. Daniel Hagari said early Sunday that the rocket which was fired at Majdal Shams was a Falaq 1 rocket of Iranian production whose warhead carries over 50 kilos of explosives. Hagari stated such a rocket is only in the hands of Hezbollah, adding the terror group had “carried out the launch from the Chebaa area in Lebanon.”

Hagari also named the Hezbollah commander who guided the fire as “Ali Muhammad Yihye.”

And the Biden admin is concerned that Israel might strike back (Yihye best be writing a will)

(NY Post) The Biden administration is extremely worried Hezbollah’s rocket attack on Golan Heights Saturday that killed at least 12 and wounded dozens of others could “trigger” a full-scale war between Israel and the Iran-backed terror group, according to a report.

US officials are fretting that without a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas terrorists over the ongoing fighting in Gaza, a war between the Jewish state and Iran-backed Hezbollah is becoming more likely — which will fuel the regional crisis and drag the United States even further into the ongoing conflict, Axios reported.

“What happened today could be the trigger we have been worried about and tried to avoid for 10 months,” one American official told the outlet.

Well, they’re not worried officially, as there has been no actual statement. Perhaps if the Biden regime had been more forceful in defending our allies in Israel against radical, terrorist Islam Hezbollah wouldn’t have gotten frisky. It’s not like it and Hamas aren’t on the US State Department list of terrorist organizations or something. But, then, it seems that the Biden admin has been working hard to get big wars going.

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16 Responses to “Hezbollah Attacks Children In Israel, Kills 12”

  1. Dana says:

    Some of the Twitter #AntiSemites are gleeful until it turned out that the dead were all Druze, Muslim children living in the Golan Heights.

    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Curiously, even Mr Teach and nearly all war-mongering news outlets neglected to explain who the Druze are.

      The Druze are an insular Arabic-speaking ethno-religious minority who originated in Egypt roughly 1,000 years ago as an offshoot of Islam. Its members keep secret the tenets of their faith, which bars converts and frowns upon marrying outside the religion.

      The Druze faith was influenced by the Quran and Christianity and Judaism, but also Greek philosophy and Eastern mysticism, according to the American Druze Foundation.

      Golan is a long-disputed border area (700 sq mi – about the area of Butte, Montana) between Israel and Syria, and a part of Syria annexed by Israel in 1981. It is about half Druze and half Jewish settlers with a total population of 40,000 or so.

      Regardless, many children and teens were killed and injured in the attack.

      Following a direct hit in the area of Majdal Shams, a large Druze town, on Saturday evening, twelve were killed, among them children and teenagers between the ages of 10 and 20. At least 19 were wounded to varying degrees, including six seriously injured

      Daniel Hagari, the Israeli military spokesman, said the rocket that was an Iranian model — a Falaq-1 — that carried a 50-kilogram (110 lb) warhead. He said further that only Hezbollah possessed those rockets in Lebanon.

      • Dana says:

        The distinguished Mr Dowd wrote:

        Golan is a long-disputed border area (700 sq mi – about the area of Butte, Montana) between Israel and Syria, and a part of Syria annexed by Israel in 1981.

        The Golan Heights are a militarily strategic area conquered in 1967 by Israel. As King Henry II explained to French King Phillip II in The Lion in Winter the Vexin, a territory which was the dowry of Princess Alix, was his because it had his troops all over it. Israel has its troops all over the Golan Heights, and it will remain Israel’s until someone forcibly kicks them out.

  2. wildman says:

    druze are not moslem.

  3. drowningpuppies says:

    So Kamala wants to protect terrorist organizations.

    Good to know. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Here’s cameltoe harris’s newest campaign ad. You know the non black Nazi kocksucker that Adolf elwood endorses?


    • Elwood P. Dowd says:

      Both anti-Semitism and Islamophobia are wrong. AmeriCons practice both religiously.

      While day-drinking in Columbia Missouri Saturday at an outdoor bar, we were caught in the middle of a pro-Palestine march! Some 20 or so keffiyeh-wearing, sign carrying, loud-speaker using marchers passed by smiling, chanting and flashing old-fashioned hippy peace signs! There was a mix of young and ancient protesters. No police, no name-calling, no hatred. In the middle of red Missouri!!

      Vice President Harris would want the violence to end.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        So Rimjob (aka SMF) admits to being a drunk admirer of anti-Israel pro-Hamas supporters.

        Good to know. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        No police, no name-calling, no hatred. In the middle of red Missouri!!

        You do realize that generally it is not the red areas that need police and do the name calling and do the hatred or are you blind to that also?

        Also not the red areas that burned down buildings shoot the police in the streets said cop cars on fire attack shop owners steal from businesses spray paint buildings tear down statues and burn flags. It’s the Nazis on your team that do all that stuff. And will continue until we eliminate them. That’s why getting you guys out of the country is an imperative. Unless we wanna devolve into Cuba.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          The Abortionist types: It’s the Nazis on your team that do all that stuff. And will continue until we eliminate them. That’s why getting you guys out of the country is an imperative.

          How do you, The Trumper, and the MAGAfascist Party (The MFs) intend to get American libs out of the country? Murder? Deportation? Re-education camps?

          Actually, Columbia is the college town of the Mizzou Tigers so is a little less MAGAty than most of red MO.

          Your lie that you rightists are less violent doesn’t square with reality. You are correct that liberal DC did see extensive violence against the United States Jan 6 2020.

  4. drowningpuppies says:

    As a senator, Vice President Kamala Harris pushed for Congress to restrict the Department of Homeland Security’s capacity to hold and detain illegal immigrants caught crossing into the United States.

    Fortunately she was told to go fuck herself. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  5. Jl says:

    “Biden administration worried Israel might strick back…” What a clown..

  6. Professor Hale says:

    Once again, the Harris administration is focusing like a laser beam on those things that are most important to Americans everywhere. How is she not already president of the USA? I blame Biden for holding her back and underutilizing her obvious talents. Biden should step down immediately and let the sock puppeteer’s hand slip into Ms Harris. The foreign press believes that Biden is either dead or has been confined to his quarters by those who really run America (whoever that might be). It’s being called a soft coup. The foreign nations are really concerned for what they see happening in America. They are not constrained by what they read in the American Pro-Democratic party press so they have a better understanding of what is happening here. They also believe that America is too important to all of them to be left in the hands of morons or shadow governments. Most foreign nations do not want America to be destroyed from within.

  7. Elwood P. Dowd says:


    The Israeli military says it carried out a series of strikes across Lebanon after blaming Hezbollah for Saturday’s deadly attack in the occupied Golan Heights, as its Ministry of Foreign Affairs said the Lebanese group had crossed a “red line”, raising fears of regional escalation.

    The Israeli military said on Sunday its jets bombed weapons depots and infrastructure belonging to Hezbollah in Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon, in Shabriha and Burj al-Shemali near the southern city of Tyre, and the villages of Kfar Kila, Rab el-Thalathine, Khiam and Tayr Harfa.

    Hezbollah has “categorically denied” responsibility for the attack. There have been unconfirmed claims that a failed Israeli interceptor missile may have caused the incident.

  8. Jl says:

    Of course, unless there was some malfunction, an interceptor missile wouldn’t be fired unless there was something to intercept, namely a Hezbollah missile fired at Israel

  9. James Lewis says:

    Time to quit talking and start being sure we vote these people out.

    “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” – Karl Popper

Pirate's Cove