If you listen Democrats will tell you exactly what they want to do
Elizabeth Warren: ‘Supreme Court is on the ballot’
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said President Joe Biden will remind Americans that “the Supreme Court is on the ballot” in November with a Supreme Court reform proposal Biden will be releasing Monday.
“I think what Joe Biden will do over the next six months is he’s going to keep drawing that to the attention of the American people and reminding them when they vote in November, the Supreme Court is on the ballot,” Warren (D-Mass.) said Sunday in an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
“And that is a good reason to vote for Kamala Harris, to vote for Democrats in both the Senate and the House.”
Biden is expected to unveil a proposal for Supreme Court reforms, such as term limits for justices and an enforceable code of ethics. Biden is also expected to push for limiting immunity for presidents through a constitutional amendment, after the Supreme Court recently ruled that former President Donald Trump has some immunity from prosecution.
The only way there can be term limits is with a constitutional amendment. Said code of ethics may be illegal, as it is highly questionable as to whether Congress has this power over the Supreme Court. Sure, they can impeach, but, code of ethics? As written by people who have their own serious ethics issues, starting with insider trading? Laughable. Joe should remember that if the limiting immunity thing passes they could then come after him
“We have a Supreme Court that has basically jumped the guardrails and is out there giving power to the president saying that the president can commit any act that the president wants, saying that Congress cannot authorize agencies to act,” Warren said. “So we’ve got a Supreme Court that is actively undermining our democracy.”
Which is a compete misunderstanding of the ruling. The POTUS has the same immunity that members of Congress do. But, Fauxahantos is upset that the Court keeps limiting the power of the Executive Branch, demanding that Congress do their job. Further, what’s not being said in this piece is that Democrats want to pack the court. I’ve written here, I’ve said it in other comments, said it on Twitter, said it in real life, just like some other, this election is huge, because they really do want to pack the Court so they can obliterate the Constitution.
Trump and his team best be on their A+ game and make sure people get out to vote for him.

Wouldn’t it be cool if Donald Trump won, the Republicans took complete control of Congress, and they undertook Democratic proposals to expand the Supreme Court to 13, one Justice for each Court of Appeals district, and President Trump got to fill all of the vacancies?
The only way to win is to change the rules? Sounds like she wants to start a “hot” civil war. Liz Warren is one of the stupidest politicians on the political stage today.
The end point of all this is that every single American citizen, regardless of legal expertise, is a member of the Supreme Court and we get to vote on every single case brought before us. Which will be complete anarchy.
Would the Democrats like it if the next time Republicans are in control, they reduce the size of the SCOTUS by tossing off the liberal justices? And how would that be any different from what the Democrats now propose?
The next time Lizzie makes an intelligent statement will be her first.
I will not be holding my breath.
Teach: Joe should remember that if the limiting immunity thing passes they could then come after him
And that’s as it should be, right? Why should U.S. Presidents have immunity for actual criminal behavior?
Teach (re Congress): they can impeach, but, code of ethics?
Should Justices be deciding cases on persons who have given the Justice money or properties?
Should Justices be required to REPORT gifts, favors and relationships with individuals, organizations or companies with business before the Court?
In fact, it’s up to the individual Justice to decide if they are compromised.
Because the fascist Democrat party — and I am using that word correctly — will simply redefine what’s “criminal” in order to perpetuate the banana republic.
Don’t elect people with so little regard for the Constitution (i.e., Democrats) and we won’t have that problem.
Donald Trump is a criminal.
Redefining what’s criminal. Just as I said. The most investigated man in history and all you assholes wind up with is a bullshit bookkeeping charge. Fuck you.
They made up crimes for Trump and they covered up crimes for Biden.
It doesn’t get any simpler than that.
The same question could be asked of Congress. We know for a fact that hundreds of Congress people are taking gifts from companies an individuals for whom they are giving benefits.
The answer to both of these questions should be “no”. Neither justices nor Congress people nor any other elected official should be required to report gifts favors and relationships with individuals. They should be prohibited from having them to begin with and in the case of relationships with individuals if they have a relationship of any kind with any relation with any individual they should be prohibited from participating in any rules regulations or decisions regarding that person or his interests period. They shouldn’t have to report it they shouldn’t be able to do it. This recusing yourself nonsense is for the birds. Look at the judge that just presided over the trump case in New York. Man was totally corrupt and his daughter was accepting money writing about the proceedings and yet nobody seemed to think of think about it. Well I did. And if I was on trial I would have been screaming bloody murder.
Fair enough point. Prohibit Congress and Courts from accepting gifts and favors. We would need a mechanism to investigate and enforce the laws.
How would you enforce this? Currently, members of Congress can be expelled by the members. Both House and Senate rules prohibit gifts over $100. They are disallowed from using campaign funds for personal use.
Court members must be impeached and convicted to be removed.
Teach: Elizabeth Warren Says Supreme Court Is On The Ballot
The Court is always on the ballot. Then-president Trump completely revised the Court.
Six of the current nine were appointed by Republican presidents, three by the incompetent Trump.
Rarely does Congress exert their power on these appointments. A pair of Nixon appointees (“segregationists Carswell & Haynsworth) were rejected. Reagan appointed the outspoken reactionary Robert Bork (he supported poll taxes, literacy tests, mandated school prayer, opposed the Civil Rights Act, opposed any “right to privacy” supported Nixon’s “Saturday Night Massacre” and Executive Supremacy) but he was rejected by the Senate (losing 42-58, including 6 Repubs voting against him). President Obama nominated Merrick Garland but Mitch (The Bitch) McConnell would not allow hearings. Trump nominated Gorsuch who was approved by the slim majority Republican Senate.
Any Dem Senate majority must block any and all GOP nominees from now on.
Rimjob: Then-president Trump completely revised the Court.
How’s that, dipshit?
President Trump’s nominations were confirmed by the Senate as set forth in the Constitution.
Got a problem with the Constitution?
Try harder not to be such a dumbass.
Pissant: How’s that
Try to keep up, dipshit. Ex-president Mumbles said he would overturn Roe v Wade. Remember that, dumbass?
Roe v Wade had been the law for 50 years, until the reactionaries that Mumbles appointed and Bitch McConnell approved, you dumbass, dipshit fascist.
Try harder not to be such a dumbass, dipshit.
But you said Trump “completely revised” the court.
The question was how?
Roe was just the beginning. White, Christian Nationalism aka Dominionism, is the objective.
Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO): “Some will say now that I am calling America a Christian nation. So I am. And some will say that I am advocating Christian Nationalism. And so I do.”
Pro-life is actually pro-Christian Nationalism.
This has been plotted for decades. Republicans pulled together billionaires, conservative Christians, invented the right-wing media, conservative Christian colleges, right-wing Think Tanks,
The election of Barack Obama was a speed bump causing the TeaBagger Whitelash. Moderate Republicanism was destroyed!!
Aristocracy, plutocracy, oligarchy!! The end of Democracy.
God protected Donald Trump to use him to turn America into the Christian Nation it was meant to be!!
So Rimjob, you day drinkin’ again?
Don’t you get it. As long as the court supports liberal causes, then it is ok, but the minute it upholds the Constitution then it is evil. Notice he goes on about Roe being the law for 50 years. But slavery was the law for 80 years upheld by the court until the Constitution was changed, illegally.
Segregation was law for even longer, you dumbass, dipshit fascist.
The SC can reverse previous courts’ decisions, idiot puppy. The age of a law is immaterial.
President Trump’s nominations were confirmed by the Senate as set forth in the Constitution.
Got a problem with the Constitution?
Try to keep up, dipshit.
Mumbles is the senile old crook currently in the White House, you shit stain.
“Trump said he would overturn Roe-Wade, which had been law for 50 years”. And for those 50 years no one found that “right” in the Constitution, so the decision was returned to the people and their elected representatives as per the Constitution.
“Reactionary” definition: “a person or set of views opposing political or social liberalization or reform”. What’s missing, of course, is any proof that those political views are what’s “supposed” to be or are Constitutional. Hence, the labeling
Finally, you sidled into the truth. What you really want is a one party state like all communists and Nazis like yourself want. So far it’s OK for Democrats to stack the court, make PC in Puerto Rico voting states with their own senators and such, eliminate the filibuster but only when it’s to their advantage. But now you wanna start screwing with the powers of the state are having them all for strictly Democrat no republican appointee can ever get in anywhere.
I can always tell when I hear somebody from the party of democracy begins to speak or type. You’re all friggin Nazis you always have been.
No. I want our Republican Party to return to Americanism. The GOP is captive to the billionaires and the Religious Right, with the intent of creating a Caucasian, conservative, Christian country.
The Council for National Policy (CNP) is an umbrella organization and networking group for far right Christian Nationalist and Republican activists in the United States.
“The leftist demons are targeting Christians and Christianity! They want to take your defensive weapons! They want to replace moral, white Christians with atheists, Muslims, Jews, negroes, Indians, Mexicans, Hispanics!!”
Since the Deep State/Democrats took it upon themselves to set a new precedent that Assassination is now socially acceptable; even to the point that it should be encouraged and celebrated; every American citizen is now free from that moral restraint; and may now engage in the use of that remedy themselves. We should always use all tools at our disposal (especially those created and provided by the left) to protect and maintain our legitimate society.
Sounds just like Jeff when he is being sarcastic.
In real life, men who live by a moral code do not adjust their codes to comply with people who have immoral codes. No man should lower himself to mimic the behaviors that are morally repugnant to himself. Instead, work harder to live by your moral code faithfully and without error.
If you believed yesterday that murder was immoral, why would you change your mind just because the atheist, the communist, or the Satanist tells you it is Okay now? You are not one of them. Their morality is not your morality.
Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA): “We should be Christian Nationalists”.
We should be Americans.
from our First Amendment to the Constitution:
Yes, Trump must be defeated. But that is not the end. The machinery that used Trump must be defeated as well.
The majority rejects christian nationalism, white supremacy and authoritarianism. They just need to vote.
So Rimjob you are day drinkin’ again. Hic,
Let’s take all these in turn.
“Christian Nationalism” is just a nonsense phrase dreamed up to make idiots like you chase after shiny objects. Marxists do that shit all the time.
“white supremacy” is another hobgoblin of tiny minds. The white majority is too full of induced self-loathing to defend its own interests. On one hand you should be very afraid if they suddenly decided to, because everyone who threw open the border would be quite justifiably hanged or boiled in oil. But you should hope for that because the country will be much more unified, peaceful, and less divided than now.
“Authoritarianism” is just fucking childish projection. The party that screwed up the gasoline can, makes companies build cars no one wants, tells its deranged supporters to get in the faces of normal people calling anyone else “authoritarian” is laughably ridiculous.
As usual, you’re just a mouthy, ignorant dipshit.
I have little tolerance for those people who enjoy all the fruits of living in a White Christian nation, while demonizing White Christian Nationalism. There is a reason why Black people want to live in White neighborhoods and got laws passed to stop White homeowners from preventing it. There is a reason why Moslems LOVE moving to the USA from Islamic countries instead of living among people who are like themselves. There is a reason people from all over the planet want to come here despite all our supposed racism, Christianity, and “whiteness”. No one is trying to escape from America. There is even a reason why militant atheists (is there any other kind?) prefer Christian tradesmen to fix their cars, build their homes, and be their doctors and lawyers.
Exactly where and when did Marjorie Taylor green state that we should be Christian nationalists?
I don’t know any Republicans or anything else like that better pro Christian nationalism. None whatsoever. Yet the Democrat party, the party closely aligned with communism and naziism, and Elwood himself are constantly talking about Christian nationalism. Not one single republican has run on a platform of Christian nationalism. You’re creating this out of nothing to strike fear in the hearts of people who for one reason or another would be a great afraid of Christian nationalism.
You need to be more afraid of Muslims taking over America than Christians dude.
There you go again repeating the constitution to us especially the 1st amendment which we all know by heart. There is nobody here in the Republican Party that has called for the establishment of any religion let alone Christianity. Name one. You can’t I rest my case. And if there ever happened to be one they would be a pariah.
Trump must be elected but that is not all the machinery that tried to kill him must be disbanded. The enemies of the United states the United states constitution must be liquidated or they’re going to liquidate us. The threat is real. Listen to the way Adolf ellwood and his henchman talk. Look at what they do burning killing pillaging assassinating. They do not function the way people in a Republic though. They also keep using the term democracy because they think having a majority makes them right it does not.
I don’t know where Adolf Elwood comes up with this nonsense but he has created a dangerous mindset in himself or else someone else probably the current Nazi Democrat party has put that in his brain. People like this need to be outta here pronto. We can’t have this kind of hate being propagated. All he does is generate hate against Christians against whites against straits and against Americans. That’s all his comments ever do.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on X (twitter)
I am being attacked by the godless left because I said I’m a proud Christian Nationalist. These evil people are even calling me a Nazi because I proudly love my country and my God. The left has shown us exactly who they are. They hate America, they hate God, and they hate us.
Sen Josh Hawley (R-MO): “And some will say now that I am calling America a Christian nation. And so I am. And some will say I am advocating Christian nationalism. And so I do. Is there any other kind worth having?”
Q22: Would you favor or oppose the United States officially declaring the United States to be a Christian nation?
1. Favor Rep:61% Dem:17% Ind:36% Total:38%
2. Oppose Rep:39% Dem:83% Ind:64% Total:62%
In the same survey Republican voters thought in the last 5 years discrimination had only significantly increased against white Americans (71%) and Christians (59%).
Would the commenters here support declaring the US a Christian nation?
Rimjob would you just STFU about Christians already?
Try that shit with the Muslims, you coward.
It really is stupid but then again you are one stupid mother fucker.
As you so often do — and is so common with you idiots on the left — you’re just using booga-booga words without defining them or describing why they’re a problem. Oh no! …a “reactionary!” a “Christian Nationalist!” Oh no!!
Nobody needs to “officially declare” what is true and what has built the USA.
keep setting up those straw men for you to knock down, though, sport. Workin’ out real well for ya.
Your Republican leaders keep talking about being Christian Nationalists.
Many of them, like Trump, are XINOs, Xtians In Name Only, because their base is mostly conservative white Christians who feel that America is becoming a haven for heathens, communists, LGBTQs, and can only be cured by God.
Booga booga booga!
Pure racist bullshit…
Professor Hate DOES courageously admit that he prefers a White Christian Ethnostate! Mr Dana doesn’t go quite that far but does bemoan that non-white, non-christian, non-male Americans were eventually allowed to vote.
Muslims move to the US because we are a nation with economic opportunities and personal and religious freedom. Mr Hate also admits that White homeowners don’t want Black families contaminating their neighborhoods, but he may only be speaking for himself. We’re still the “melting pot” but conservative, christian, caucasians feel their unearned caucasian privilege is under threat.
Mr Hate gets something else wrong. Atheists and agnostics AVOID tradespeople who advertise their christianity. Most criminals profess to be christians. Avoid work vans with the sign of the fish. Many of my friends and relatives are Protestants and Catholics, yet they are decent, honest, generous and kind – so it IS possible.
Prison chaplains surveyed say about two-thirds of the inmates at their facilities are Christians – 51% Protestant and 15% Catholic.
“The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Bwaha! So what? Are the other third Muslims?

Say what you mean, mean what you say, dipshit.
That sounds like a BS survey to me. It’s also meaningless since just because someone professes to be Christian does not make him Christian. You should know that.
Why? Bigoted? Or just embarrassed? Perhaps full of hate for God and Jesus? Would they avoid a Christian fireman coming into their home to save them in a fire? Or a Christian policeman stopping them from being robbed at gunpoint by an atheist? The only religion I know of who aspires to and encourages murdering their enemies is Islam therefore there’s no reason to avoid doing business with anyone because of their religion unless they’re they’re Muslims. So the sign of the Crescent is the sign you should avoid not the fish.
You misunderstand. I do not trust people who feel they must advertise their “christian” beliefs in hopes of increasing their customers.
There is zero evidence that purported christians are more honest than others.
I support businesses that are well respected for their business reputation, not whether they are christians. I assume that most people I deal with are christians and I really don’t care. But I object to using religion as an advertising crutch.
Your vile contempt for all things Christian is completely understood at this site.
Kindly fuck off, you dishonest weasel.