Green Wackos Thwarted At Paris Olympics

Looks like the authorities in France and Paris were in no mood to put up with the shenanigans by the climate cultists (via Watts Up With That?)

Climate protest in Paris foiled on first day of Olympics

French police on July 27 blocked climate activists from holding a demonstration in central Paris on the first official day of the Olympic Games.

Protesters from Extinction Rebellion (XR), once notorious for shutting down bridges over the Thames River in London, had planned to occupy the Pont des Arts bridge over the Seine, which had hosted the Games’ opening ceremony only hours earlier.

On July 27 morning, police officers “arrested 45 people belonging to a radical ecology group who were about to carry out a demonstration,” Paris prosecutors told AFP. (snip)

The stint on the bridge, which organisers previously said would be “more visible than disruptive”, was called off after police arrested XR activists before the protest even began, the group said in a statement.

“The French government has deployed great resources to block our special Olympic action,” Extinction Rebellion France said in a statement on X. “Our democracy burns, and we are watching the flame of Paris 2024.”

They were stopped from certainly causing a whole bunch of trouble for all the athletes and attendees for the Olympics. Do they ever stop and think on whether their protests bring people to their side? Might they be driving away people who are concerned with climate doom?

Activists are calling for more participative democracy and the creation of a citizen assembly to design a new climate-focused Constitution for France, which finds itself in a political impasse following elections earlier in July.

It’s not much of a “democracy” belief if they want to blow it all up because they aren’t getting their way, is it? Last time I checked people went and voted in the elections.

“We need a new model for society, which has to be fair and democratically accepted. We want to put citizens back at the heart of the political project that we want to see,” said Mr Sandro, an XR activist who did not want to give his full name.

And what kind of model is it? Why do they so rarely say what they want? They aren’t getting their way, so they want everything changed.

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