The Earth has seen a whopping 1.6F increase in global temperatures since 1850, and it is all your fault
Heat is testing the limits of human survivability. Here’s how it kills
(story of someone running in the heat and dying)
The tragedy is sadly far from unique; extreme heat is turning ordinary activities deadly.
People have died taking a stroll in the midday sun, on a family hike in a national park, at an outdoor Taylor Swift concert, and even sweltering in their homes without air conditioning. During this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in June, around 1,300 people perished as temperatures pushed above 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Mecca.
Heat is the deadliest type of extreme weather, and the human-caused climate crisis is making heat waves more severe and prolonged. Add humidity into the mix, and conditions in some places are approaching the limits of human survivability — the point at which our bodies simply cannot adapt.
No, cold is the deadliest
Globally, cold deaths are 9 times higher than heat-related ones. In no region is this ratio less than 3, and in many, it’s over 10 times higher. Cold is more deadly than heat, even in the hottest parts of the world.
Anyhow, back to the CNN piece, which is more of a press release from the climate cult than any sort of news article
“We’ve essentially weaponized summer,” said Matthew Huber, a climate professor at Purdue University.
Our bodies can get used to the heat to some extent, but it takes time, and even then, sometimes heat is simply too extreme to adapt to. (snip)
Purdue University’s Huber and a team of scientists projected that billions of people will be exposed to this dangerous threshold as global warming accelerates. With every half a degree the world heats up, scorching, sticky heat “just expands outward in these hot, deadly blobs,” Huber said.
Except, it’s not accelerating, and it really is nothing unusual for a Holocene warm period. Of course, in previous ones the few wackos just blamed Bad Weather on witchcraft and the gods.
Heat already kills an estimated 489,000 people each year, according to the World Health Organization, but the real toll could be higher because heat-related deaths are so hard to track.
The real toll could be way less. They can’t give you actual numbers, they just say a death is related, much like someone who died from a motorcycle crash but tested positive for COVID, so, they say it was COVID.
Instead, heat is a creeping threat, a steady hum in the background. Its worst damage is not to property but to our bodies, Venkat said. And it is an “invisible, silent killer.”

Were you seriously expecting the news media, the US government, or Democratic party political activists to tell you the truth about anything? At this point, it is well established that they are lying about everything, including the weather. It has been a very long time since any of them has told the truth about anything. Newspapers should all carry the label, “for entertainment purposes only” on the front page.
The 2°F increase is the mean, but some areas are warming faster than others. The “mean” is the same as average, so the temperature increases all around the Earth are added together and that total is divided by the number of measurement sites. See? The Arctic is warming more rapidly than the Antarctic.
Teach repeats, without evidence: Except, it’s not accelerating, and it really is nothing unusual for a Holocene warm period.
Since the early 80s the rate of warming has increased. “Rate” refers to the change in temperature over time, change in °F divided by the time frame of the measurement, i.e., °F per decade. The current rate of warming is 0.34 ± 0.07 °F/decade (GISTEMPv4).
Chicken Little Karen Man
“Purdue University’s Huber and a team of scientists projected that billions of people”
“Heat already kills an estimated 489,000 people each year, …….but the real toll could be higher because heat-related deaths are so hard to track.”
Woulda coulda
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
The heat does not kill an estimated 489,000 people each year, lack of air conditioning does. If the greenies would quit screwing around we could make A/C available to more people and few would die.
Air conditioning saves lives and the radical left wants to stop it.
I didn’t address you or the mortality estimates, so your bizarre comment is irrelevant.
I DID attempt to advise Teach on what the increase in the global mean surface temperature entails.
Some areas are warming faster than others.
Your comment was in support of the highly stupid article. Mine was just to show you, and anyone who reads my comment, that the author is playing Chicken Little Man with no facts.
Outside in hot weather? Drink plenty of fluids, keep your head covered. Rest frequently, in a shade if possible.
I didn’t take a position on the article, but rather pointed out the error of Teach’s interpretation – that a 2°F increase in the average (mean) surface temperature suggests it was a uniform increase. It’s not. Some areas get much warmer, some areas actually cool!!
Some areas do not reach a higher temperature but maintain the temperature over a longer period of time. Some stay warmer at night than before.
Your advice for outside in hot weather is sound, but doesn’t repair Teach’s misinterpretation.
“We’ve essentially weaponized summer,” huh? Tell that to SSG Pico, who has survived two deployments, deployments which included summer, in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia.
Now that the human population has been tainted by various types of COVID vaccines, it will be impossible going forward to accurately “estimate” how many deaths are from heat and how many are from other causes. Most of the people who die from heat have other health related issues like obesity and old age. The same groups coincidentally dying from COVID, or from COVID vaccines, depending on which alternate universe you live in.
Not to worry. No matter how difficult it is to achieve accurate and precise estimates, paid researchers are up to the task of pulling numbers from thin air to support whatever hypothesis their benefactors need.
The human population has been “tainted” with dozens of vaccines, thousands of non-natural chemicals via water, food and air, and millions of bits of incorporated viral DNA! Anyone believing that Covid vaccines are killing millions is living in an alternate universe.
No doubt some dishonest researchers “cook” their data to please their benefactors, but science is largely a self-correcting enterprise.
Death as an endpoint is very reliable.
You should know. That’s what you did at Galera.
Fortunately the FDA called you on it.
Tell us more. Are you accusing Galeria of a crime? Of fraud?
My comment addressed Galera Therapeutics (ya know YOUR company) not “Galeria”, you fucking nitwit.
When your company claims benefits of a so-called cancer therapy drug that cannot be proven fraud would be the appropriate term.
And yes fraud is a crime.
Are you accusing the officers there of committing fraud?
Why not use their names?
Don’t be so defensive. You were involved in a financial venture. To all purpose it appears to have failed. Your large holders are going to desire their money. And will come after those involved in the enterprise. Remember how you laughed at Trump being convicted for simply paying his lawyer bill, well the law does similar things for financial dealings. No one is a using you of any wrong doing, or the officers of you company. Just I have seen a number of similar concerns go to court so investors can recover.
Help us out here, we’re trying to learn. As many as 40% of potential cancer drugs have their New Drug Application (NDA) rejected or denied by the US FDA.
Are all denials evidence of fraud?
They let Beardsley go earlier this month.
In far-left, heavily vaccinated California, immunologists are now saying that COVID is spreading faster, though few are actually hospitalized. “Almost everyone has it,” said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, an infectious diseases expert at UCSF.
If “Almost everyone has it,” how can anyone say that the vaccines are actually vaccines?
It’s strange that the same folk ranting about overpopulation are getting their panties in a wad over some mythical increase in the death rate tenuously blamed on the equally tenuous global warming. Seems like they should applaud it as Mother Gaia responding to human foolishness. :-)