Harris Tries To “Punch Back” At Trump Over Border Czar Crack

Nice try, Politico covering for Cackles, but, we were all here to witness what happened at the US border during the Biden-Harris regime

Harris punches back over ‘border czar’ attacks

Kamala Harris is punching back at Donald Trump’s “border czar” attacks.

Harris, speaking at a campaign rally here on Tuesday, drew on her background as California state attorney general to contrast herself against the former president as he makes immigration a centerpiece of his campaign. She highlighted the pressure the former president put on his GOP Senate allies earlier this year to kill any border legislation that wasn’t “perfect,” after a bipartisan group of senators had crafted a compromise bill.

“He tanked the bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win an election, which goes to show Donald Trump does not care about border security. He only cares about himself,” Harris said, promising to bring the bipartisan border bill back and sign it into law if elected president.

One problem with politics today is that it’s all about the quick soundbite, and most Credentialed Media outlets will not explain the details of bills like that horrible border bill, which did almost nothing to actually secure the border. It was smoke and mirrors, and ended up codifying high levels of illegals, continues allowing asylum fraud, continues allowing mass catch and release, and so much more. But, Politico doesn’t want to explain all this, since they’re in the tank for Cackles.

The vice president’s comments follow the Tuesday release of a new ad from Trump’s campaign running across several key battleground states focused on Harris’s record on immigration. Republicans have zeroed in on Harris’s charge of addressing the root causes of migration in Central America to broadly cast her as solely responsible for the nation’s border security over the last three years.

“This is America’s border czar — and she’s failed us,” one of the new ads says.

She’s not the root cause, that would be Biden and his handlers, but, she was a party to everything that happened. Anyone killed by an illegal who entered while she was VP and was released without being vetted is blood on her hands.

I hope, though, that team Trump spends more time hitting her on the economy. That is the number one driver for voters.

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35 Responses to “Harris Tries To “Punch Back” At Trump Over Border Czar Crack”

  1. Professor Hale says:

    Democrats already know this is over. Harris is just there to turn out the lights at the end of the show. The real worry for Democratic party is that their support for Biden with his obvious corruption and mental incapacity is going to drag them down for several election cycles, like it took Republicans decades to recover from Nixon. Dems are just hoping Harris brings in enough cash to pay the staff this time around.

  2. Professor Hale says:

    Looks like Harris’ campaign slogan should be “I didn’t do anything and I am proud of my record”.

  3. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Wasn’t it now candidate Trump who ordered his disciples in the House NOT to even allow consideration of Senator James Lankford’s (R-OK) border bill? There is absolutely no doubt that Trump killed the bill to help his electoral chances.

    Citizen Trump further harmed the United States of America to further his power. This will be one of Vice-President Harris’s attack points. And the whole felon thing. After a week’s campaign VP Harris has pulled ahead in national polls and has pulled even in citizen Trump’s battleground states. The US Vice President is yet to select her VP pick (Gov Shapiro, Sen Kelly, Sen Peters, others?).

    Citizen Trump is attacking the Vice President over her laugh, her sex life, his border mistake, her stepkids, that she is anti-Semitic… weak sauce so far.

    “Americans are not opposed to legal and orderly immigration, but they are tired of the chaos and abuse at our border.” – Senator Lankford

    “The border security bill will put a huge number of new enforcement tools in the hands of a future administration and push the current Administration to finally stop the illegal flow. The bill provides funding to build the wall, increase technology at the border, and add more detention beds, more agents, and more deportation flights. The border security bill ends the abuse of parole on our southwest border that has waived in over a million people. It dramatically changes our ambiguous asylum laws by conducting fast screenings at a higher standard of evidence, limited appeals, and fast deportation.”

    Senator Lankford is a rare find in the current Republican Party – an honorable far-rightist!

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      There is absolutely no doubt that Trump killed the bill to help his electoral chances.

      Ahh, but as you always cry at us: IS THERE PROOF????

      Your suspicions are those of a member of a party supporting a Marxist whore who is doomed to fail. We need proof as you always opine.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Why do you think Fascist Man-Whore Trump ordered his troops to kill the bill?

        Why do you refer to Vice President Harris as a cock-sucking whore but give Man-Whore Trump a complete pass? Do you think forcing yourself on women is OK? Of course you do.

    • Jl says:

      Total BS. The fake border bill was designed to fail. It contained nearly 4 billion in funding for NGOs that are directing illegals into and throughout the country.
      Biden created the border crisis through his Jan. 2021 Executive Orders.
      He could have solved it instantly at any time

    • Brother John says:

      Get the fuck out of here, you lying asshole. Had Trump’s policies been left in place no “border bill” would have been necessary.

      You’re either incredibly stupid to fall for this bullshit political theater or you’re just a chronically dishonest sack of partisan shit. Either way, your act got tiresome a long, long time ago.

  4. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    She got it just right:

    “He tanked the bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win an election, which goes to show Donald Trump does not care about border security. He only cares about himself.”

    • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

      Quoting another leftist radical commie’s opinion does not make it fact. You are entitled to your opinion but when all your opinions are based in radical leftist propaganda and blatant lies they hold no water and become very unpersuasive. So if persuasion is your goal try not repeating DNC and CNN talking points and tell us why you actually believe these things. I hear CNN and MSNBC talking heads during the day you needn’t repeat them for me.

      • Elwood P. Dowd says:

        Vice President Harris doesn’t expect to persuade avowed MAGAts like you, but voters in PA, MI, WI, MN, AZ, NV, VA, NC etc. You are part of the MAGAt cult.

        “He tanked the bipartisan deal because he thought it would help him win an election, which goes to show Donald Trump does not care about border security. He only cares about himself.”

        If that whore Trump cared about border security he would have supported Senator Lankford’s (R-OK) bill. That’s evidence.

  5. drowningpuppies says:

    Ready and Willing


  6. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Is Senator J.D. Vance a left-wing plant to derail the Trump “campaign”?

    Said J.D. regarding the 2016 election… “Race definitely played a role in the 2016 election. I think race will always play a role in our country, It’s just sort of a constant fact of American life. And definitely some people who voted for Trump were racists, and they voted for him for racist reasons”.

    We all know that most caucasian Americans carry some racist tendencies (this includes us liberal dems too!). We also know that openly racist caucasian Americans accrue largely to the Republican party. The Republican Party is overwhelmingly white Evangelical, white Catholic and Mormon compared to the Democratic Party. Black Protestants, Jewish, Muslim, and “no” religion align with the Dems.

    This is not accidental. The GOP intentionally made themselves the pro-caucasian, pro-christian, conservative, anti-abortion party some 60 years ago.

  7. drowningpuppies says:

    Kamala as BlunderWoman!

  8. drowningpuppies says:

    The new meme JD Vance is weird!

    Bwaha! Lolgf https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

  9. drowningpuppies says:

    Punching back.
    This Is Winning!

  10. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Do you think it’s a miracle that the whore Trump’s ear (“Dr” Jackson said it was a 2 inch wound!) is totally healed now? It’s likely he wasn’t hit at all by a bullet but was hurt by a bullet whizzing close by or a fragment.

    His giant ear tampon during the convention was part of the act.

    Crooks sprayed 8 shots in the general direction.

    • Dana says:

      Kook shoots at President Trump, Mr Trump is pulled down by Secret Service agents, has blood on his ear and his face, and we have some of our friends on the left trying to somehow, some way, make it appear that he wasn’t actually shot, but was somehow lightly wounded another way, as though that would matter one bit.

      • drowningpuppies says:

        Rimjob’s disappointed the assassin wasn’t successful aganst Trump and has no sympathy whatsoever for Corey Comperatore or the other two who were wounded.
        They were Trump supporters so fuck them, right Rimjob?

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          Crazy Crooks was also a Republican who hated Jews and immigrants.

          I doubt he intended to kill Trump but wouldn’t mind if he did. He was a nut shooting into the crowd.

  11. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    In Missouri all the state office Republican candidates mention Trump, shoot stuff with either a flamethrower (Eigel for Gov), AR-15 (Rehder) or a rocket launcher (Scharf), promise to deport “illegals” who are killing Missourians with fentanyl.

    The U.S. Sentencing Commission recently released an annual report on incidents related to fentanyl trafficking. In fiscal year (FY) 2022, 19,851 drug trafficking offenses were reported to the Commission. Of these, 2,362 (about 12 percent) were fentanyl-trafficking cases. This represents a steady increase since FY 2018, when there were only 422 reported offenders – an increase of about 460 percent in four years. The report shows that most fentanyl trafficking offenders in FY 2022 were U.S. citizens (88 percent). The vast majority were men (82 percent), with an average age of 35 years. A large proportion (40 percent) had little or no prior criminal history.

    In 2021, 86 percent of fentanyl trafficking convictions were for U.S. citizens. The Cato Institute also notes how just 0.02 percent of people (279 out of 1.8 million migrants) encountered by the Border Patrol for crossing unlawfully possessed fentanyl.

    • Jl says:

      In regards to the liberal media after Trump was shot: “Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh falls down after loud popping noises..”

  12. Elwood P. Dowd says:

    Man-Whore Trump said today that Vice President Harris just recently turned “black”. What a buffoon. The Vice President’s father, Donald Harris, a Stanford Professor, was Black and her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, a Professor at Berkely Nat Laboratory, was from India.

    The Vice President graduated from Howard University, a historically black college/university (HBCU) in Washington DC, in 1986, about the time the married Donald Trump (Ivana) was sniffing around Marla Maples. Harris was also a member of a black sorority. So it seems she’s been black for at least 40 years.

    Trump and BJ Vance are rapidly talking themselves out of an easy victory!!

    • Jl says:

      What? Trump has the audience dying in Chicago….”I’ve known Kamala a long time…..show was always of Indian heritage…I didn’t know she was Black until a couple of years ago when she happened to turn Black….” Gee, it’s called humor…

      • Professor Hale says:

        Not just humor. Brilliance. Harris is running on a “I’m not an old white man” platform and telling black voters they should vote for her because she is one of them. Trump is just reminding black voters that Harris is not one of them. And he is doing it in a room full of black “journalists”. They will certainly be triggered into carrying those remarks into the Black community. Blacks who hate Trump aren’t going to hate him more. Blacks who like Trump are going to agree with him and spread the message as if it is their own.

        This is Harris’s only card to play and Trump is taking it away from her. What else does she have to run on? Trump is an old white man? 2 weeks ago, their candidate was older and whiter and that was just fine. They expect all their voters to just forget that their candidate was Joe Biden and they were all in for him?

        Further, Trump gets extra points for showing courage by intentionally going to a known hostile environment and talking to his critics face to face. Harris still hasn’t even done a press conference, which she can do any time she wants to and expect fawning reception by the media.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      Kamala chickened out of the National Association of Black Journalists meeting in Chicago today.

      Trump honored his invitation and showed up and answered all questions.

      Imagine that.

    • ruralcounsel says:

      Her father was Jamaican. With a dose of Irish slave-owner in the mix.
      Harris went to Howard because she was planning on playing the race card in her DEI career path, and thought it would help paper over her distinct deficiency of “blackness” in her background.

      So she turned “black” when she went to Howard. Maybe not so recent, but before that there was no “black experience” in her upbringing.

      • Professor Hale says:

        I keep hearing that her father was Jamaican. That is a nationality, not an ethnicity or race. The news media goes out of their way to avoid saying her dad was white. Then they go out of their way to claim her mom was “Asian”, to glom her into Chinese, Korean, Japanese demographics when the word “Hindu” or even “Indian” would be more descriptive. Indian in this case is both a nationality and an ethnicity and race.

        Funny thing is, to Republican/conservatives/Trump supporters, Harris’s demographics are totally irrelevant. Only Democrats care about such things. DEI is a Democrat creation because EEO was running out of steam (and Supreme court kept striking it down). Democrats are offended that republicans are calling Harris a DEI hire, but DEI is their own policy creation that they supported. Obama and Biden both bragged about how diverse and inclusive their administrations were and Biden specifically said he was looking for a black woman to be VP. Trump is running against the Democratic party’s disastrous policies that the Biden administration has dumped on America and that a Harris administration would continue. Even her history of sleeping her way to the top is unimportant by comparison.

        Accuracy and precision are racism.

        • Elwood P. Dowd says:

          LOL. The MAGAts are now arguing that Vice President Harris is not black enough to be black.

          It’s always something with a MAGAt!!

          Her father, Donald J. Harris, was born in Brown’s Town, St. Ann Parish, Jamaica, the son of Oscar Joseph Harris and Beryl Christie Harris who were Afro-Jamaicans. Donald Harris earned his Ph.D. in economics from UC Berkeley.

          Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was born in Madras, Madras Province, British India (present-day Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India) to P. V. Gopalan, a civil servant, and Rajam, her mother. Shyamala Gopalan earned her Ph.D.in endocrinology from UC Berkeley.

          Harris and Gopalan met at Berkeley at a Afro-American Association meeting.

          How much African blood does it take to be “black”? Was Obama black? Alicia Keyes? Lena Horne?

          In the 1900s it was considered that ANY African ancestry make one black (the “one drop” rule).

          The father of the Vice President of the United States of America was black, her mother was Indian. Harris has always proudly acknowledged both her black and Indian heritages.

          There could have been some European caucasian mixed in with her Afro-Jamaican side.

    • drowningpuppies says:

      The MSM, along with Rimjob (aka SMF), were claiming that he was a right-wing registered Republican within an hour or two of the shooting.
      Hmmm. https://www.thepiratescove.us/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif

      • Professor Hale says:

        And democratic party activists here continue to promote the lie that Crooks was a Republican. What should have been even more obvious that Crooks’ social media or voter registration is that he hated Trump enough to risk his own life to kill Trump at a public event. Just like all the other loyal Democratic party activists.

      • L.G.Brandon!, L.G.Brandon! says:

        I have never seen them bring out anybody’s political affiliation with any of these shootings let alone assassinations. Suddenly within the day they were telling that this kid was a republican. I knew immediately that was BS.

        Whenever the left pulls anything like that we should know immediately to pull an Adolf Elwood and the man see the voter registration as “proof”. Which still doesn’t prove because Democrats can pull 400,000 voter registrations and the coinciding ballots out of their butts between 2:00 and 4:00 in the morning on election day pulling out a 20 year old unknown kid from a tiny town in PA at the spur of the moment there’s no big deal.

        • Professor Hale says:

          Professional disinformers in the media have tried to connect all mass shootings in the past 20 years to right wing fanaticism, but then it turns out they were all leftists and a high percentage of LGBTQ activists. That’s when you see their social media getting scrubbed and officials covering for them. Police make statements like, “releasing that information would create unreasonable impressions in the community”.

  13. ruralcounsel says:

    The “bipartisan deal” was a sham and made things worse, not better.
    No one who is concerned about the border should have supported it. So fuck off, Kamala.

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